Crowd Archiver

The Crowd Archiver handles Maya "Archive Scene" feature for scenes including Golaem Crowd nodes and assets. This node is in charge of saving all Golaem Crowd files when a user clicks on menu item File > Archive Scene. It can be found in the Crowd Manager Attribute Editor view, as a depending node tab.
Some export options can generate a great amount of data which is not suitable for transfers over internet, thus FBX and Alembic export are disabled by default.


The Crowd Archiver node is automatically created at same time than the Crowd Manager.
  • MEL command: createCrowdArchiverNode();
Use the command above to add it to scenes created with versions of Golaem Crowd below to 4.0.5.


Simulation Files Attributes

Simulation Files Attributes

Characters (.gcha) Archives Character Files used in the Entity Types
Characters Geometry Archived Character Geometry Files listed in Character Files (.gcg and .fbx)
Motions (.gmo) Archives Motion Files used in the Motion, Locomotion & SyncMotion behaviors
Motion Mappings (.gmm) Archives Motion Files used in the Motion, Locomotion & SyncMotion behaviors
Physics World (.xml) Archives the physics environment files used in Physics Locators
Terrains (.gse) Archives the terrain files, used in Terrain Locators

Simulation Export Files Attributes

Simulation Caches Archive all simulation cache files generated by the Simulation Exporter (.gscs and .gscf) (default to false, for file size reasons).
Simulation Layout Archive all Layout files generated by the Simulation Cache Layout Tool (.gscl) (default to false, for file size reasons)

Simulation Bake Files Attributes

Baked Simulation Caches Archive Simulation Cache Files exported by the Simulation Baker (default to false, for file size reasons).
FBX Export (.fbx) Archive FBX files exported by the Simulation Baker(default to false, for file size reasons).
Alembic (.alembic) Archive Alembic files exported by the Simulation Baker(default to false, for file size reasons).
Arnold (.ass)

Archive Arnold renderer .ass files generated by the Simulation Baker

VRay (.vrscene) Archive VRay renderer .vrscene files generated by the Simulation Baker
Renderman (.rib)

Archive Renderman .rib files generated by the Simulation Baker