

The functions getPPAttributeFloat and getPPAttributeVector allow to get the value of a float or a vector PPAtribute of a specific particle
float getPPAttributeFloat(string ppAttrName, string particleSystemName, int particleId)
float[] getPPAttributeVector(string ppAttrName, string particleSystemName, int particleId)

Return Value

The command returns the value of the PPAttribute (either a float or a float[] value)

Mel Example

getPPAttributeFloat("glmEntityType", "particleShape1", 1);
// Result: 1 //


The functions and allows to set the value of a float or a vector PPAtribute for a specific particle
setPPAttributeFloat(string ppAttrName, float ppAttrValue, string particleSystemName, int particleId)
setPPAttributeVector(string ppAttrName, float ppAttrValue[], string particleSystemName, int particleId)

Return Value

This command returns nothing.

Mel Example

setPPAttributeFloat("glmEntityType", 2, "particleShape1", 1);
float $position[] = << 1, 10, 1>>;
setPPAttributeVector("position", $position, "particleShape1", 1);