
The glmCheckLicense returns the current Licensing status
various glmCheckLicense [-release] [-full] [-lite] [-personal] [-savedWithPLE]


Long name (short name) Argument types Properties Description
-release (-rls)     Release the current Maya session license. Once released, a license can not be fetched within the same Maya session
-full (-f)     Returns true if the Maya session used a full license
-lite (-li)     Returns true if the Maya session used a lite license
-personal (-ple)     Returns true if the Maya session used a personal learning edition license
-savedWithPLE (-spl) string   Returns true if the current scene or specified file (either .gscl, .gscs or .gda) has been saved using a personal learning edition license

Return Value

This command return either:

A string of the form isLicenseValid;licenseMessage. if no flags are set. In this case, the different return values are:

  • 1;Golaem Crowd 8 permanent license found
  • 1;Golaem Crowd 8 license found, expires in XX days
  • 0;No commercial license found (Requested version not supported (-6))
  • 0;No commercial license found (No license for product (-1))

A boolean if flags -full/-lite are set.

MEL Examples

string $result = `glmCheckLicense`;
// Result: 1;Golaem Crowd 7 permanent license found //

int $result = `glmCheckLicense -full`;
// Result: 0//

// has the current scene been saved using a PLE License
int $result = `glmCheckLicense -spl ""`;
// Result: 0//

Python Examples

import maya.cmds as cmds
// Result: 1;Golaem Crowd 7 permanent license found //

// Result: True//

# has the current scene been saved using a PLE License
// Result: False//