Import Crowd Shaders
The Import Crowd Shaders Tool allows to load shaders from a Maya scene. The shaders are loaded without any namespaces.
The Import Crowd Shaders Tool is executed every time a new Character File is loaded in a Entity Type node but it is also possible to call it implicitely:
- Golaem Shelf:
- Golaem Shelf Contextual Menu:
/ right click / Import Crowd Shaders
- Crowd Render Menu: Import Crowd Shaders
- MEL command: glmCheckAndImportShaders;
Tool Settings
If shaders listed in the Character Maker are missing in the scene, the following dialog will pop-up:
If no shaders listed in the Character Maker are missing in the scene, the following dialog will pop-up:
Aswering "Yes" will display a file dialog to load a Maya scene containing the required shaders. It is also possible to use the Check Render Settings Tool to see which shaders are missing in the scene.
Once loaded the corresponding geometry will be assigned to a Maya group called glmShaders