Navigation And Locomotion

A Navigation And Locomotion Behavior (BeNavNadLoco) uses a set of Motion Clips and dynamically blends them together to reach the current target position of the entity (given by a Go To Behavior) while avoiding other Entities. Contrary to the Locomotion Behavior, this behavior does not work together with the Navigation Behavior, as it replaces both the navigation AND the locomotion.
See the algorithm part for a more detailed explanation on how this behavior works.


  • Behavior Editor / Behavior Library: 
  • Golaem Menu: Crowd Behaviors / Behaviors / CrowdBe NavAndLoco Node
  • MEL command: glmCrowdBeNavAndLocoCmd;

Best Practices

As the NavAndLoco Behavior may blend any pair of Motion Clip in its set, it is recommended to only use Motion Clips with the same style. For instance, if there is one motion with arms up and another with arms down, the character will constantly move arms up and down as a side effect of the locomotion, which is usually not expected.

In such a case, two different NavAndLoco Behaviors (one for arms up, the other one for arms down) should be created, and the switch between the two made when desired by using a trigger.

Best practices for the creation of the motion set are described here.


A NavAndLocoBehavior defines the following specific attributes. For common attributes see Behavior Common Attributes.

Motion Attributes

Locomotions Files (.gmo file)

Motions Clips to use in the NavAndLoco System.

You can specify a replay speed ratio for each Motion Clip. It is recommended to use replay ratio near 1 (between 0.3 and 1.2 seems reasonable values: slowing down motions is more likely to be perceived as real than speeding them up).

Each animation can use a different Motion Mapping by setting the Mapping index in the Mapping column. Mapping index refers to the number written in the Motion Mapping File[n] label (see below).

Use the "Add New Motion Clip" button and the trash icon to add or remove motions.
Use the ">" button to select the related Motion Clip node and access to its attributes.
Use the  icon to mirror the relative animation ( to load the original animation, to load the mirrored animations,  to load both original and mirrored animation). It is recommended when you don't have both the turn-left and turn-right motions. In this case, use the mode to load both original and mirrored motion at the same time.
For mirror animation to work properly, the mirror must be correctly configured on the skeleton mapping, as explained on this page.
Use the  icon to enable / disable a Motion Clip without removing it from the behavior.

You can add Motion Clips (and their related motion files) directly by double-clicking on the behavior in the Behavior Editor and by selecting one or several motion files in the dialog.

Notice that the provided Motion Clips need to define a root translation and/or delta orientation (used to compute the original velocity of the motion). See the Motion Tab of the Character Maker or the Motion Clip attributes to see how to ensure Motions are correct and edit them.
Motion Mapping Mode / Motion Mapping File

This attribute allows a choice of four motion mapping modes :

  • Automatic: In this mode, Golaem Crowd will try to build a Motion Mapping automatically. This will work in most cases but you may have to build a Motion Mapping File if the motion is not replayed as desired (see here)
  • Identity: In this mode, each channel will replay the same channel index. Use this mode when playing an animation built from the same skeleton as the entity's skeleton
  • Motion Mapping File (default mode): In this mode, a valid Motion Mapping File (.gmm) should be provided. To learn how to create your Motion Mapping File, see here. Use the "Add New Mapping File" button and the trash icon to add or remove Motion Mapping Files. One Motion Mapping File can be used by multiple motions (see Locomotion Files above)
  • EntityType Motion Mapping File: In this mode, a valid Motion Mapping File (.gmm) should be provided in the corresponding EntityType Node. To learn how to create your Motion Mapping File, see here

Starting / Stopping Duration Attributes

The Starting / Stopping Duration value determines the time (in seconds) during which the animation goes from inactive to fully active (or vice versa). This time can be used to transition smoothly between two behaviors. When transiting from one Motion/Locomotion behavior to another, it is the average time between the Stopping Duration of the stopping behavior and the Starting Duration of the starting behavior which is used as transition time.

Starting / Stopping Duration Mode

This attribute allows a choice of two modes :

  • Random: Randomly set the Starting / Stopping Duration value between the specified "Starting / Stopping Duration Min" and "Starting / Stopping Duration Max" bounds (this attribute is influenced by the random seed of the Crowd Manager)
  • Per-Particle Attribute: Use the "Starting / Stopping Duration Name" attribute to get the name of the float per-particle field of the relative particle system, containing the Start Percent value.

The Starting / Stopping Duration value is in seconds.

Starting / Stopping Duration Min See Random option of the Starting / Stopping Duration Mode above
Available only when the Starting / Stopping Duration Mode is set to "Random"
Starting / Stopping Duration Max See Random option of the Starting / Stopping Duration Mode above
Available only when the Starting / Stopping Duration Mode is set to "Random"
Starting / Stopping Durationpp Name Name of the float per-particle field of the relative particle system, containing the Starting / Stopping Duration Mode value which will be used (for more explanation about how to use ppAttributes, see ppAttributes Handling)
Starting / Stopping Duration value is set to 0 if the ppAttribute name is empty or invalid
Available only when the Starting / Stopping Duration Mode is set to "Per-Particle Attribute"
When fine-tuning the transition between two consecutive Motion or Locomotion behaviors, it's advised to use the Animation Transitions, which will automatically fill the starting/stopping durations of the behavior.

Body Mask Attributes

By default, a motion is played on the entire body (as specified in the Motion Mapping File). But the Motion Mapping File configuration can be filtered by the body mask to replay the animation only on specified channels.

Body Mask Attributes of a Motion Behavior

Pelvis If this box is checked, the pelvis part of the motion will be played. The pelvis part includes the global position and orientation of the animation. If not checked, the animation will be played "in place" 
Spines If this box is checked, the spines parts of the animation will be played on the entity
Limb Channels

List of the limbs channels to play on the entity. Use the  button to open a window with the name of all the available Limbs for the Character Files loaded in the scene. Those names can also be found in the Motion Mapping Panel of the Character Maker.
Star ( * ) wildcard is authorized at the beginning or/and end of names (i.e. left*, *arm, etc.).
Separate the channel names by comma ( , ), leading and trailing spaces will be ignored.
Use the * wild card to use all limbs.
Names are NOT case sensitive (compared as lowercase).

Effector Channels List of the effectors ​channels to play on the entity. Use the  button to open a window with the name of all the available Effectors for the Character Files loaded in the scene. Those names can also be found in the Motion Mapping Panel of the Character Maker.
Star ( * ) wildcard is authorized at the beginning or/and end of names (i.e. left*, *arm, etc.).
Separate the channel names by comma ( , ), leading and trailing spaces will be ignored.
Use the * wild card to use all effectors.
If an effector channel is selected, the corresponding limb channel is automatically added also.
Names are NOT case sensitive (compared as lowercase).
Blind Data Groups

List of Blind Data Nodes or Blend Shape Groups to play on the character. Use the  button to open a window with the name of all the available Blind Data Nodes and Blend Shape Groups for the Character Files loaded in the scene. Those names can also be found in the Skeleton Mapping panel of the Character Maker
Star ( * ) wildcard is authorized at the beginning or/and end of names (i.e. mouth*, *eye, etc.).
Separate the Group names by comma ( , ), leading and trailing spaces will be ignored.
Use the * wild card to use all Groups.
Names are NOT case sensitive (compared as lowercase).

Blind Data List of Blind Data or Blend Shape to play on the character. Use the  button to open a window with the name of all the available Blind Data and Blend Shape for the Character Files loaded in the scene. Those names can also be found in the Skeleton Mapping panel of the Character Maker.

Star ( * ) wildcard is authorized at the beginning or/and end of names (i.e. mouth*, *eye, etc.).
Separate the Blind Data / Blend Shape names by comma ( , ), leading and trailing spaces will be ignored.
Use the * wild card to use all Blind Data / Blend Shape.
Names are NOT case sensitive (compared as lowercase).

Start Percent Attributes

The Start Percent value determines the percentage of the first motion at which the Locomotion is started. For instance, use value 0 to start at the beginning of the motion, or use value 0.5 to start at the middle of the motion ...

Start Percent Mode This attribute allows a choice of two Start Percent modes :

Start Percent mode of a Locomotion Behavior
  • Random: Randomly set the Start Percent value between the specified "Speed Ratio Random Min" and "Speed Ratio Random Max" bounds (this attribute is influenced by the random seed of the Crowd Manager)
  • Per-Particle Attribute: Use the "Start Percentpp Name" attribute to get the name of the float per-particle field of the relative particle system, containing the Start Percent value
Start Percent  Random Min See Random option of the Start Percent Mode above
Available only when the Start Percent Mode is set to "Random"
Start Percent  Random Max See Random option of the Start Percent Mode above
Available only when the Start Percent Mode is set to "Random"
Start Percentpp Name

Name of the float per-particle field of the relative particle system, containing the Start Percent value which will be used on the Motion (for more explanation about how to use ppAttributes, see ppAttributes Handling)
Start Percent value is set to 0 if the ppAttribute name is empty or invalid
Available only when the Start Percent Mode is set to "Per-Particle Attribute"

Priority/Weight Attributes

If several Motion or Locomotion behaviors are played at the same time on the same part of the body, only the behaviors with the highest priority will be played. If several behaviors share the same priority, they will be blended together according to their weight normalized value (for instance, if two Motion behaviors share the same priority with a weight value of 1, they will be blended each at 50%). 

See the Body Mask attribute to know how to apply a behavior on specific parts of the body

Priority/Weight Attributes of a Locomotion Behavior

Priority to affect to Locomotion Behavior

Weight Mode This attribute allows a choice of two Weight modes :

Weight mode of a Locomotion Behavior
  • Random: Randomly set the Weight value between the specified "Weight Random Min" and "Weight Random Max" bounds (this attribute is influenced by the random seed of the Crowd Manager)
  • Per-Particle Attribute: Use the "Weightpp Name" attribute to get the name of the float per-particle field of the relative particle system, containing the Weight value
Weight  Random Min See Random option of the Weight Mode above
Available only when the Weight Mode is set to "Random"
Weight  Random Max See Random option of the Weight Mode above
Available only when the Weight Mode is set to "Random"
Weightpp Name Name of the float per-particle field of the relative particle system, containing the Weight value which will be used on the Motion (for more explanation about how to use ppAttributes, see ppAttributes Handling)
Weight value is set to 0.5 if the ppAttribute name is empty or invalid
Available only when the Weight Mode is set to "Per-Particle Attribute"


This layout shows the Sensors that are used within the navigation behavior. 

Navigation Behavior Sensors attributes

Use Default Sensors

When checked, the navigation behavior uses default sensors. The default sensors are:

  • The default entities sensor: a cylinder sensor with a radius of 25 times the entity detection width and twice the entity detection height (see Entity Type Perception Attributes
  • The default obstacles sensor: a cylinder sensor with a radius of 8 times the entity detection width and twice the entity detection height (see Entity Type Perception Attributes

Default sensors: interior - default obstacles sensor, exterior - default entities sensor

Sensors list When Use Default Sensors is disabled, this control shows all the sensors that the navigation behavior uses (mapped to the CrowdBeNavigation node). Use the "+" and "-" buttons to add or remove sensors among the Sensor Locators in the scene. Without any mapped sensors, the navigation behavior will not be able to avoid entities or obstacles.

Navigation And Locomotion Attributes

Target Provider

Locomotion Behavior Control Modes
Availabel taret providers

  • Goto Behavior (default): the target is provided by a Go To Behavior that needs to run in parallel with the Nav And Loco Behavior
  • Golaem Attribute: the target is provided by a Golaem Attribute
Target Attribute Name

When the target provider is a Golaem Attribute, here is the name of the Golaem Attribute that will be used as a target position

Navigation Speed Mode

This attribute allows to choose how the navigation speed of each crowd entity is set:

  • Random: the navigation speed is set randomly between the values Navigation Speed Min and Navigation Speed Max. The navigation speed is influenced by the random seed of the Crowd Manager.
  • Per-Particle Attribute: the navigation speed is read from the per particle float attribute given by Navigation Speedpp Name.

The Navigation Speed value is in Crowd units.

Navigation Speed Min See the Random option of the Navigation Speed Mode described above. Available only when the Navigation Speed Mode is set to Random.
Navigation Speed Max

See the Random option of the Navigation Speed Mode described above. Available only when the Navigation Speed Mode is set to Random.

Navigation Speedpp Name Name of the float per-particle attribute containing the Navigation Speed value to use. For more explanations about how to use ppAttributes, see ppAttributes Handling
The Navigation Speed is set to 1 if the pp attribute name is empty or invalid. Available only when the Navigation Speed Mode is set to Per-Particle Attribute.
Dynamic Speed/Acceleration When enabled, the Navigation Speed and Acceleration will be reread and changed dynamically while the behavior is running.
Max Linear Acceleration Determines the max change of linear velocity when new velocities are computed. Higher value will allow a better reactivity but with the risk of glitches in the animation (unit: meters/second²).
Max Angular Acceleration Cap the acceleration that can be produced by the blending to avoid too abrupt changes in chosen animations. In case the Delaunay triangulation, produced by locomotion database, has some very flat triangles, this may help having some fluid blending. Note that the preferred solution would be to have a coherent locomotion animation set that does not produce flat triangles.
Boldness Mode

The boldness attribute of an entity controls how much an entity takes his neighbors into account in the navigation algorithm. The greater the boldness the less the entity will try to avoid its neighbors, simulating a "bold" behavior. 

This attribute allows to choose how the boldness of each crowd entity is set:

  • Random: the boldness is set randomly between the values Boldness Min and Boldness Max. The boldness is influenced by the random seed of the Crowd Manager.
  • Per-Particle Attribute: the boldness is read from the per particle float attribute given by Boldnesspp Name.

The Boldness value is between 0 and 1.

Boldness Min See the Random option of the Boldness Mode described above. Available only when the Boldness Mode is set to Random.
Boldness Max See the Random option of the Boldness Mode described above. Available only when the Boldness Mode is set to Random.
Boldnesspp Name Name of the float per-particle attribute containing the Boldness value to use. For more explanations about how to use ppAttributes, see ppAttributes Handling
The Boldness is set to 0.5 if the pp attribute name is empty or invalid. Available only when the Boldness Mode is set to Per-Particle Attribute.

Min Extrapolation Time, Max Extrapolation Time

Time interval in which the entity predicts other entities/obstacles trajectories to calculate the path to avoid it. A low value of 1 sec for min and max, means the entity predicts the position of others 1 sec ahead.

The actual extrapolation time is computed as a weighted average between the two parameters, using the boldness as weight (i.e.  Extrapolation Time = Boldness * Min Extrapolation Time + (1 - Boldness) * Max Extrapolation Time ).
Update Period Frequency at which new trajectories are extrapolated and evaluated (in frames)
Obstacles Penalty

The multiplier used to combine the distance to obstacles penalty with other penalties

More details in the  Trajectory selection part of the algorithm.

Entities Penalty

The multiplier used to combine the distance to entities penalty with other penalties

More details in the  Trajectory selection part of the algorithm.

Trajectory Penalty

The multiplier used to combine the distance to desired trajectory penalty with other penalties

More details in the  Trajectory selection part of the algorithm.

Comfort Speed Penalty

The multiplier used to combine the difference to the comfort speed penalty with other penalties

More details in the  Trajectory selection part of the algorithm.

Enable Time Warping

If checked, the motion will be blended with time warping on limbs. Time warping is a technique that allows to locally change the speed ratio of a motion to ensure better synchronization with other motions.
Enabling time warping gives better results in most of the cases, but may produce some glitches in the motion sometimes.

Create Neutral Animation If Needed If checked, an empty animation will be added in the Motion Clips set to ensure there is a motion for null linear and angular velocities.

Trajectory Sampling Attributes

Note that the impact of each of theses parameters is better explained in the  Trajectory selection part of the algorithm.

Use Dual Command Extrapolation

If checked, two commands will be used for each extrapolated trajectory.

This option allows entities to better anticipate hard turns or angular changes, but at an heavy computation cost.
Trajectory Points Count

Number of points in the trajectory extrapolation.
The higher it is, the more precise the extrapolated trajectory is but the more costly it is

Hyperbolic Angular Distribution An hyperbolic angular distribution gives more evenly sampled trajectories
Sampling Side Offset Angular offset added to the angular speed distribution. A value of means as much trajectories extrapolated on left and right, while a non-null values means more trajectories extrapolated on one side than the other, and therefore more chances to avoid obstacles from this side rather than the other.
Linear Speeds Count Number of different linear speeds to use for extrapolating trajectories
Angular Speeds Count Number of different angular speeds to use for extrapolating trajectories
Dual Linear Speeds Count Number of different linear speeds to use for the second command when dual command extrapolation is used
Dual Angular Speeds Count Number of different angular speeds to use for the second command when dual command extrapolation is used

Advanced Attributes

Interpolate Between Frames

If checked, the motions will interpolate postures between frames of the animation.

This usually gives better results, but if your motions have a framerate superior or equal to the Maya framerate, this option can be unchecked for performances purposes.

IK plane roll from animation This option should be checked when some specific animation produce a bad knee/elbow position on characters
Motions Sync mode

This option specify how the animations in the locomotion set are synchronized together:

  • Sync on support cycles (default): animations will be synchronized on the middle of the support phases of each leg of the character (ie: animations will be accelerated/decelerated so that the middle fo each support phases of each animation occurs at the same time)
  • Sync on animation cycles: animations will be synchronized on the first frame of the animation (ie: animations will be accelerated/decelerated so that the first frame of each animation occurs at the same time)
    This option should only be used for animations that have similar support sequences timings (in percent of the animation)
Match Trajectory Orientation Check this option to try to match the orientation towards the target while selecting trajectories.
Traj. Penalty Angular Weight

Weight ratio between angular and linear distance when computing the trajectory penalty:

  • 0 means angular distance and linear distance have the same weight ;
  • A positive value gives more weight to the angular distance (+1 means 1.1 times (10%) more weight for Angular distance than Linear distance) ;
  • A negative value gives more weight to the linear distance (-5 means 1.5 times (50%) more weight for Linear distance than Angular distance).

Note that linear distance and angular distance have different units: meter for linear distance and degrees for angular distance. Look at the  Trajectory selection part of the algorithm for a more detailed explanation.

Traj. Penalty Futur Weight

Weight ratio between points at the beginning and at the end of the trajectory when computing the trajectory penalty:

  • 0 means every point in the trajectory has the same weight;
  • a positive value means points at the end of the trajectory have more weight than points at the beginning of the trajectory ;
  • a negative value means points at the beginning of the trajectory have more weight than points at the end of the trajectory.

Look Trajectory selection part of the algorithm at the for a more detailed explanation.

Visual Feedback Attributes

Defines the Locomotion Behavior Visual Feedback displayed in the Crowd Visual Feedback. For common Visual Feedback attributes see Behavior Common Attributes.

Notice that these attributes can also be configured in the Crowd Visual Feedback

Visual Feedback Attributes of a Nav And Loco Behavior
Locomotion Model

Show the locomotion model relative to the set of motions added to the Locomotion Behavior inside the Crowd Visual Feedback.

Locomotion Model in the Crowd Visual Feedback
The size of each dot is related to the Motion Clip current weight in the locomotion model.
A tooltip with the detail of the relative Motion Clip is available upon each intersections.

Show motions and their current weight inside the Crowd Visual Feedback according to the Motions mode:

  • None: Nothing is shown.
  • Current: Show only motions currently used, i.e. motions with a non null weight.
  • All: Show all motions of the Locomotion Model.
Sampled Trajectories

Display all trajectories that are computed from the current position/velocity and with the given set of motion and sample count.

  • None: display none of the trajectories
  • Candidates Only: only display trajectories that are not in collision with obstacle, and thus valid candidates
  • Dismissed Only: only display trajectories that are in collision with obstacles, and thus invalid candidates
  • All: display all trajectories wether in collision or not. Candidates trajectories are displayed colored while dismissed trajectories are displayed greyed.

Depending on the animation set, a one-dimension locomotion database might be detected as a two-dimension one, inducing some wrong blending between the motions at the extremity of the database. If such a thing occurs, the way to fix it is to increase the Delaunay Database Epsilon parameter located in the extra attributes of the Locomotion Behavior.


The Navigation and Locomotion Behavior works by predicting trajectories with different blending weights and computing penalties for each trajectory (depending on their distance to obstacles/entities, to their speed compared to the desired speed, the fact that it goes toward the target or not, ...). The behavior then simply select the trajectory that has the less penalty, and uses the blending weights it corresponds to drive the animation.

This process is repeated every few frames.

The complete  algorithm consist in 3 main steps:

  • Trajectory sampling: a trajectory sampler computes a given number of possibles trajectories with the locomotion database;

  • Collision checks: a first selection occurs by dismissing trajectories that are in collision with the environment or the expected trajectory of other entities;

  • Trajectory selection: a penalty is computed for each remaining trajectory, and the linear/angular velocities for the trajectory with less penalty is chosen.

Step 1: Trajectory Sampling.

The trajectory sampling uses the Locomotion Database that is constructed by extracting the linear and angular velocities of each animation and adding them into a two-dimensional parametric space (one dimension being the linear velocity, the other dimension being the angular velocity), as represented in the following figure:

Abstract representation of the two-dimensional parametric space containing the Motion Clips

In this figure, connected dot represents a different Motion Clip with its linear velocity on ordinate (vertical axis) and its angular velocity on abscissa (horizontal axis). The dots are connected together to form triangles, and any linear/angular velocity inside these triangles can be reached by blending the 3 motions forming the triangle with different weights.

This parametric space is sampled with a given number of samples in linear velocity and angular velocity, and a trajectory is predicted for each sample.

For instance, when setting the parameters to 10 linear speeds count and 15 angular speeds count:

The parametric space will be sampled this way (each sample is represented by a colored dot):

Sampling of 10 linear and 15 angular speeds

Note that using an odd number for the count of angular speeds allows to have samples at null angular speed and evenly distributed on both sides.

But as some samples are out of any triangles formed by the animation velocities, they are filtered:

Sampling of 10 linear and 15 angular speeds, filtered to keep only valid samples

For each sample, a trajectory using the corresponding linear and angular velocities is computed:

Trajectory prediction for each sample in the parametric space.

Note that the color of each trajectory is the same than it's corresponding sample in the parametric space. The color is computed this way:

  • red on the left side
  • green on the right side
  • blue for higher linear velocities

Color of the trajectories according to their linear and angular speed, as seen in the parametric space (up) and on the trajectory prediction (bottom).

Hyperbolic Distribution

Using evenly distributed angular speed samples do not result in evenly distributed trajectories (sides are more populated than the center). Using an hyperbolic distribution for angular speed allows more evenly distributed trajectories:

Even distribution of angular speed result in unevenly distributed trajectories (left) while an hyperbolic distribution of angular speed result in more evenly distributed trajectories (right)

Sampling Side Offset

The sampling side offset value will be used to offset every angular sample. This will produce more samples on one side or the other, so might should allow to set an avoidance side preference.




Negative side offset (right) No side offset Positive side offset (left)

Dual Command

The dual command option allows to compute trajectories that use one sample of speeds values for their first half, and another for the second half. It help taking into account hard turns or hard stops.

Example of dual command enabled (right) versus not disabled (left) with the same number of samples (2 linear and 5 angular)

But using the dual command option comes at a cost: it multiply the number of trajectories that need to be computed. For instance, if the Linear Speeds count is set to 10, and angular speed count to 15, it produces 10x15=150 different first half of trajectories to compute. If dual command is enabled, it produce 10x15=150 different second half trajectories for each first half, so 150x150=22500 different trajectories.

If each trajectory is 10 points, it's 225000 points to compute.

For a simulation of just 100 entities, that would already be up to 22 500 000 different points to compute every few frames.

It's far too much, that's why there are dedicated parameters for the second sampling (Dual Linear Speeds Count and Dual Angular Speeds Count)

Dual command parameters


Trajectories predicted for the default count of linear/angular samples without (left) and with (right) dual command (without: less than 150 trajectories, with: up to 900 trajectories)

Step 2: Collision Checks

Collision checks simply get the list of perceived entities and obstacles (obtained from the sensors and perception) and check wether it collides with the predicted trajectories or not.

For each predicted trajectory

Capsules are build along it

And collisions with entities or obstacles is computed

If there is collision, the trajectory is dismissed

Any trajectory that collides with an entity or an obstacle is dismissed for the next part of the algorithm.

Example of the trajectories that were available before (left) and those left after (right) the collision checks


Step 3: Trajectory Selection.

Once trajectories are sampled, and colliding ones are filtered out, all other trajectories remain available, and a choice has to be done. The selection rely on penalties: different penalties will be computed for each trajectory, based on several criteria, and the trajectory with the lowest penalty will then be selected.

The different criteria are:

  • the distance to the desired trajectory
  • the distance to the comfort speed
  • the distance to entities
  • the distance to obstacles

For each of these criteria, a penalty between 0 and 1 is computed, and the final penalty is assembled by using the penalty weights given in parameter:

Penalty assemblage weights parameters

The final penalty is:

Penalty = Obstacles Penalty Parameter * Distance To Obstacle Penalty
+ Entities Penalty Parameter * Distance To Entities Penalty
+ Trajectory Penalty Parameter * Distance To Trajectory Penalty
+ Comfort Speed Penalty Parameter * Distance To Comfort Speed Penalty


Distance to Trajectory Penalty

The distance to trajectory is the distance between the desired trajectory and the predicted trajectory for a given set of parameters. The distance is computed for each point of the trajectory, and summed together to obtain the full distance penalty.

Desired Trajectory.

The desired trajectory is defined has the trajectory that point toward the current target at the comfort speed.

Linear Distance

The linear distance is the sum of Euclidean distance between each point of the desired trajectory and the equivalent point on the predicted trajectory.

Angular Distance

The angular distance is the sum of the angular difference between each point of the desired trajectory and the equivalent point on the predicted trajectory.

This computation is optional. If not used, any pelvis orientation will have the same chance of being selected, while when used, it will allow to prefer pelvis orientations that points toward the target rather than other orientations.

Future Weight

This changes the relative weight of distance computation for each point in the trajectory.

Distance to Comfort Speed Penalty

The distance to comfort speed penalty represents how the difference between the comfort speed and the predicted trajectory's speed.

Distance to Entities Penalty

The distance to entity penalty is computed such that it is 0 when the distance with any other entity is further away than the entity's personal space, and 1 when the entity touch another one.

Distance to Obstacles Penalty

The distance to obstacle penalty is computed in a similar way: it is 0 when the distance with any obstacle is further away than the entity's personal space, and 1 when the entity touch the obstacle.