A SetFormation Behavior (crowdBeSetFormation) enables a group of Entities of the same Group Entity Type to keep a formation. Formations are defined using a population tool.

A Formation Behavior in the Behavior Editor
- Behavior Editor / Behavior Library:

- Golaem Menu: Crowd Behaviors / Behaviors / CrowdBeSetFormation Node
- MEL command: glmCrowdBeSetFormationCmd;
A Set Formation Behavior defines the following specific attributes. For common attributes see Behavior Common Attributes.
Formation Attributes

Match Formation PopTool
the formation is not moving, and must be placed exactly where slots are (no moving direction management). This is the right choice for crowd merging in a logo shape for example.
Moving Way
Controls which side of formation will face the moving direction. There are 3 modes :
- Toward World X Axis : formation "front" moving direction is world X Axis.
- Toward Poptool Transform X Axis : formation "front" moving direction is Population Tool locator X Axis
- Toward Mean orientation (default) : formation "front" moving direction is the mean orientation of Population Tool particles.
Slots Assignment Mode
The slots assignment mode offers different methods for different needs :
- Direct : slots will be assigned arbitrarily. This is suitable if you want to use a formation on a group done with the same Population Tool, else it will lead to an arbitrary assignment without specific rules.
- Sort By X : slots and entity positions are sorted by their X, then assigned "lesser X entity to lesser X slot", etc.
- Sort By Z : slots and entity positions are sorted by their Z, then assigned "lesser Z entity to lesser Z slot", etc.
- Bidding Algorithm (Fast) : compute the smallest mean error to allocate slots to entities. This should only be used for groups of less than 1000 entities for computation time reasons. Using it on bigger groups may lead to unresponsive Maya.
- Bidding Algorithm (Precise) : compute the smallest mean error to allocate slots to entities, and also favor the smallest standard deviation for entities displacement. This should only be used for groups of less than 500 entities for computation time reasons. Using it on bigger groups may lead to unresponsive Maya.