Snap To

Result of a SnapTo layout node

The SnapTo node allows to snap the affected Entities to a Population Tool. Entities positions / orientations are fed with Population Tool slots positions / orientations, moving / updating the Population Tool will update Entities positions / orientations.

Notice that, if the amount of slots available in the Population Tool is smaller than the amount of selected Entities. Remaining Entities will stay at there initial positions. If the amount of slots is bigger than the amount of selected Entities, Entities will be automatically duplicated.

Add node

SnapTo node in the Layout Graph Edition panel

Unlike other operator layout nodes, the SnapTo node also changes the currently affected entities to the duplicated entities. This allows to easily add transformation nodes on the duplicated entities without knowing their new IDs.

Node parameters

Parameters are accessible by double-clicking on the node in the Layout Graph Edition panel:

SnapTo node parameters

Name Name of the node
Active Whether the node is active or not
Snap To Target
  • Manual Entry: will snap entities on the position/orientations slots given in the SnapToPos and SnapToOri parameters
  • Name of the Population Tool to scatter selected Entities on: will automatically refresh all the SnapToPos and SnapToOri parameters to scatter entities on the pop tool slots
Group By Defines how many selected Entities will be attached to each Population Tool slot. If it is set to more than one, the slot will be at the barycenter of the assigned Entities relative positions
Entity Type Defines on which slots the selected Entities will be snapped on
Keep Source Entities
  • 0 to use the source entities and move it on the slot(s)
  • 1 to keep the source entities at their current place, and only duplicate new entities on the slot(s)
Reference Frame Index

Reference frame at which the entities should be at the snapToPos/snapToOri transform

Performance might be affected depending on this value. Check the Layout Editor Performances page for more information.

Snap To Pos List of positions on which scattering entities. Will be automatically refreshed if the SnapToTarget is a poptool from the scene
Snap To Ori List of orientations on which scattering entities. Will be automatically refreshed if the SnapToTarget is a poptool from the scene