USD Files (.usda)
USD .usda files created from the Render Proxy defines the attributes stored by a GolaemCache node within USD. Here's how those information are stored in the .usda file for the following example:
And the corresponding .usda file:
#usda 1.0
def "renderProxyShape1" (
GolaemUSD_Params = {
token glmCrowdFields = "crowdField1"
token glmCacheName = "locomotion"
token glmCacheDir = "N:/locomotion/cache"
token glmCharacterFiles = "N:/assets/CasualMan.gcha"
bool glmEnableLayout = 1
token glmLayoutFiles = "N:/locomotion/layout.gscl"
token glmTerrainFile = ""
int glmGeometryTag = 0
int glmDisplayMode = 2
float glmRenderPercent = 100
token glmDirmap = ""
token glmMaterialPath = "/Root/"
int glmMaterialAssignMode = 2
token glmAttributeNamespace = "primvars"
payload = @./locomotion.renderProxyShape1.glmusd@
def Scope "Materials"
# material references