
Module Installation

To simplify multi-file plugin distribution, Maya provides the ability to package them into modules.
The Golaem Crowd plugin module consists of a root directory which contains the following sub-directories:
glmCrowd.mod / glmCrowdRender.mod 
  • the module files to be referencedby Maya for loading the plugins
  • the pre-configured launch script. It can be used as-is or as an example for your own scripts
  • the script launching the glmLicenseTool, to be used to check if your license setup is valid
  • remove the software, as well as the symbolic links created in /usr/bin (need root privileges)
  • *.ico: the icons used for the Maya shelf
  • *.so: the plugins binary dependencies (depending on your distribution you may need to reference it in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable (see Farm Rendering Deployment, or edit the script)
  • *.so: the glmCrowd and glmCrowdRender plugins for Maya
procedurals/ ​This directory should be referenced in a specific renderer variable for procedural rendering to work correcly (see Farm Rendering Deployment, or edit the glmCrowdForMaya.bat)
  • *.so: the procedural rendering plugins for each supported renderer.
  • glmCrowdMentalRayPlugin.mi: the plugin header, to be loaded by Mental Ray
  • glmCrowdRendermanCompliantPlugin: the executable to be used for Renderman compliant renderers other than prMan and 3Delight
  • *.mel: the mel scripts used by the Golaem Crowd plugins
shaders/ If you are using Arnold or V-Ray, this directory should be referenced in a specific renderer variable for procedural rendering to work correcly (see Farm Rendering Deployment, or edit the glmCrowdForMaya.bat)
  • / glmCrowdArnoldShaders.mtd: the Arnold procedural shaders. 
  • glmCrowdVRayPlugin.txt: header for the V-Ray procedural shaders
CHANGELOG.txt the list of changes done at each version udpate
Individual users wishing to install the module by themselves or site administrators wishing to install a common copy of the module for multiple users should follow the following steps:

1/ Move or copy the module's entire directory tree to a directory which is accessible to all users, such as a network drive

2/ If needed, replace the fourth field of the module description file with the full path to the module's directory tree

3/ Place a copy of the modified module description file into a common directory which all users have in their MAYA_MODULE_PATH environment variables

4/ Have a look at Farm Rendering Deployment, or edit the glmCrowdForMaya.bat, for references about how to setup other environment variables

5/ If needed, set the full path to the Golaem license file to the RLM_LICENSE environment variable.



It is possible to avoid installing the package with root privileges.

In this case, it will be extracted only, and the files automatically created during installation will not be created ( and

The command to be used is (obviously 2.X and Maya201X should be completed using your Golaem Crowd version and Maya version): 

./ -- extract <absolute_path_to_extract_dir>

Notice that there is an empty space between the double dash -- and the extract keyword;

You should then follow the module installation procedure detailed above.


Quiet Mode for Deployment (Silent Installation)

In the following commands, you must replace "2.X" by the Golaem Crowd version you are installing and "201X" by the Maya version you are using (2012, 2013 or 2014), as well as "2011-04-01_120000_JohnDoe.lic" by the name of your license file.
The Golaem Crowd package provides a quiet mode (no interactive setup, no GUI window) that can be launched thanks to the following command:
./ [-- silent <golaem_license_path>|skip_license [<crowd_install_dir> [<maya_executable_path>]]] (This help can be displayed by running: ./ -- help)
To install a Golaem Crowd package using a Golaem license file path /opt/Golaem/2011-04-01_120000_JohnDoe.lic, run the following command in the folder containing the Golaem Crowd package:
./ -- silent /opt/Golaem/2011-04-01_120000_JohnDoe.lic /opt/Golaem /usr/autodesk/maya201X-x64/bin/maya201X
To install a Golaem Crowd package without providing a license (for instance if installing a Golaem Crowd Render package), run the following command in the folder containing the package:
./ -- silent skip_license /opt/Golaem /usr/autodesk/maya201X-x64/bin/maya201X
Notice that:
  • There is an empty space between the double dash -- and the silent keyword;
  • The command parameters must be set exactly in this order (first license path, then Autodesk Maya executable location and finally Golaem Crowd target location);
  • The Autodesk Maya executable location is optional: in this case, a default path is used (e.g. for instance /usr/autodesk/maya201X-x64/bin/maya201X , you need to replace X by your version number) and then the Golaem Crowd installation directory can also be skipped (then default installation directory is used, e.g. /opt/Golaem).