Population Tool Creator

The Population Tool is a locator node which provides an easy way to place particles in the scene. Each particle will be given a direction and an Entity Type. It also provides some parameters to specify the population (Entity radius, Entity Type weights in the population, distance, noise…).
The Population Tool locator can be mapped with a Terrain Locator. In this case, particles Y position will be defined according to this terrain.
Creating a Population Tool can be performed through the following options:
  • Crowd Shelf: 
  • Crowd Menu: Population Tool
  • MEL command: glmPopulationToolCmd;



The Population Tool Creator defines the following settings:
Settings of the population tool

Population Settings

The Population Tool Creator provides different types of shape.
  •  The center point shape creates particles around a point by clicking inside the viewport. This shape allow to modify rows and columns, it's useful for designing squads in a battle scene for example
  •  The box shape creates particles in a box by clicking and dragging inside the viewport
  •  The polygon shape creates particles in a polygon by clicking inside the viewport. This shape needs three points at least. Last point will be deleted by pressing the backspace key or combining mouse left click and ctrl key. The population tool locator will be finalized by pressing the enter key or mouse middle click
  •  The circle shape creates particles in a circle by clicking a center point and dragging the radius inside the viewport
  •  The triangle shape creates particles in an isosceles triangle by clicking and dragging inside the viewport.
To know how to configure a Population Tool Locator, see here

Populate in Selection

The Population Tool Creator provides two solutions to populate selected objects.
  •  It creates a center point shape placed on each selected objects or components;
Populate selection in vertex mode (LEFT) and face mode (RIGHT)
  •  It creates a polygon shape according to the selected mesh borders. This shape is automatically connected to the relative mesh, and matches the mesh geometry even after modifying it.
Polygon shape matches the bended mesh geometry

Entity Types

All Entity Types registered in the Crowd Manager are listed in this layout. Only selected Entity Types will be used for the particles generation.
To know how to add an Entity Type in the scene, see here.
Notice that Entity Types created after this step could be added during the Population Tool Locator configuration
Settings of the population tool with Entity Type