
The Physics Locator is a locator node which loads a Bullet Environment file in order to perform physics behaviors on Entities.

Creating a Physics Locator can be performed through the following options:
  • Crowd Shelf: 
  • Crowd Menu: Physics Locator
  • MEL command: glmPhysicsLocatorCmd;

Note that only one Physics Locator can be active at a given time. The active Physic Locator is referenced in the Crowd Manager



Physics World Attributes

Attributes of a physics locator

Bullet Environment File (.bullet file) Bullet Environment File to load and display. By default even if no file is loaded, the physic locator use a center plane
Gravity The gravity in the physics world

Display attributes

Wireframe Show or hide the wireframe of physical Entities
Bounding Boxes Show or hide bounding boxes of physical Entities
Transforms Show or hide transforms of physical Entities
Notice that the crowd entity elements of the "Display Attributes" of this locator will only be updated when a new frame is computed. If the simulation is paused, nothing will happen.