Alf Lovvold powers Mixamo zombies with Golaem Crowd

Alf Lovvold is a 3D Generalist, cofounder of Gimpville studio. He used Golaem Crowd to animate hordes of Mixamo zombies for his personal project "Dawn of the planet of the zombies and the giant killing plants..."

The result is an incredibly appealing teaser. Knowing that Alf did all this by himself with few external help speaks volumes about his talent.

To create the angry zombie crowd (who doesn't love an angry zombie crowd?), Alf used Mixamo Zombies models and animations. He then imported them into Goleam Crowd (see our Character Conversion Tutorial and Converting Mixamo Motions Tutorial), created his simulations and then exported them to FBX in order to be rendered by RedShift3D

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