Populating Stadium with Golaem, the complete tutorial
Here is the ultimate video series for creating stadium shots with Golaem! It shows the most up-to-date & convenient way of creating stadiums with Golaem, including the latest novelties like our new reference workflow.
The following subjects are covered by the videos:
- Stadium Tutorial 1 - Converting Characters
- Stadium Tutorial 2 - Converting Animations
- Stadium Tutorial 3 - Simple Mexican Wave Simulation
- Stadium Tutorial 4 - Placing characters in stadium
- Stadium Tutorial 5 - Layouting Characters
- Stadium Tutorial 6 - Adding some flags
You can find these videos and additional tutorials (text-form) on our stadium tutorials section: http://stadium.mayacrowd.com
Click on the playlist button in the top-left corner of the video to display the playlist and be able to skip to a particular video