
Extraction produces several files to feed the training. Thoses files contain the per frame extraction of all configured RIG Inputs + all vertices with full deformation (mesh to replace) and with linear deformation only (reference mesh).

MEL command

The MEL command launched to begin the extraction is :

glmDeepExtract -ioConfFile /path/to/file.dio 

Note that the configuration file must already be configured with the correct extraction range

Files Produced

The extraction produces 5 binary files in the extraction subdirectory : [assetName]_X_Floats.dsb, [assetName]_X_Matrices.dsb, [assetName]_X_Joints.dsb, [assetName]_Y_Deformed.dsb, [assetName]_Y_Linears.dsb
They hold all the data required for model training.

Note that these extractions are INCREMENTAL unless the extraction is cleared by user.

The extraction and model must be cleared whenever the RIG or mesh configuration changes.



Parameters Details

Extraction Session Subdirectory self explaining name
Get From Time Range Get the range of extraction from the current maya scene, each frame in this range will be added to sample files.
Discard Identical Samples In Deep learning, an identical sample that repeats makes it more important. If the rest pose repeats a lot in a scene, it is a good thing to discard identical samples. Note that identical means : "all RIG input parameters  are strictly identical"
Clear Extraction Mandatory if rig inputs or meshes change, it can also be used to redo an extraction and training from scratch. A single back-up file of the extration files is produced (and will be overwritten by next call to clear extraction).
Extract Launch the extraction command to produce/increment the training input files.