Packages Download

Where can I download the newest package of Golaem Crowd

You can always find the latest packages here:

Which Golaem package should I install?

CPU or Cuda 

  • The CPU package is the lightest. It allows full training and use of the model, but it only uses the CPU version of Pytorch. Is is fitted for first tests if bandwidth is critical, but won't achieve good training speed results.
  • The CUDA version embeds the CUDA version of Pytorch and TensorRT. It achieves the best result, but the packages may be as big as a few GB.

OS Version

Just pick the version fitting your needs. Linux packages are built with centOS 7, they are tested also with AlmaLinux 8. Other distributions may be compatible but they are not tested.

Python Version

If using Maya 2022, a special attention should be made about the Python version of the installed Golaem Package. This version can be configured to run either with Python 2 or Python 3. One can check which version of Python it is running by using the following Python command:

# example when running the command with Maya 2022 Python 2
import sys
2.7.11 (default, Jul 1 2016, 02:08:48)