Monday, October 29, 2018 - 15:11

Here is our yearly selection of the best student projects using Golaem!

By the way, did you know that Golaem is free for universities & students? 
You can grab a free & unlimited Personal Learning Edition (PLE) package here.

First let's start with a flashback from last year. Hybrids was nominated and won an incredible amount of awards in festivals, the latest being Best in Show Award SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival, which makes them automatically included in the long list for the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film.


by Yohan Thireau from MOPA

When marine wildlife has to adapt to the pollution surrounding it, the rules of survival change... Yohan did a great jobs animating hundreds of  cap-topped crabs climbing on a fish with Golaem.

GoT Battle of bastards remake

by Jose Luis Gonzalez from FX|Animation

Jose made a remake of this iconic battle from Game Of Thrones season 7. We were amazed that he was able to recreate a shot like this all by himself!

Thor Remake

by Pere Sendra from FX|Animation

Pere made a remake of the Bridge Attack in Thor Ragnarok. It does not feature so many characters, but it involves close interaction to create the pile of characters.

City of Thousands Temples

by Marcell FüzesStellan Joerdens and David Waldhaus from PIXLVISN

Golaem was used to populate this beautiful City of Thousands Temples with birds and humans. You can read more about is making on

Lego Armies

by Marcell Füzes and David Waldhaus from PIXLVISN

Marcell and David were inspired by the Lego Zombie Horde by Nixolas and decided to create their own Lego movie with Golaem.

Zombie Invasion

by François Bamas and Félicien Peltier from ISART

After a few days of Golaem training at ISART, François and Félicien created a short movie including zombies and explosions with a nicely integrated soundtrack. François is currently working as a Golaem artist for Solidanim.


Thursday, July 12, 2018 - 17:37

Attending Siggraph? Discover how Golaem can populate your scenes very fast, whether with crowd simulations, or using Golaem Layout Tool. Get excited about Golaem new features:  nodal Layout Tool, Unreal Engine integration and much more!

Check out the agenda, and join us!


Meet with the Golaem Team on our booth and get a live demo of the latest features in Golaem.

Tuesday 14th - Thursday 16th
Siggraph Exhibition floor, booth #725

Golaem User Group

Get together with Golaem users and people interested in crowds while enjoying a few drinks.

Monday 13th 6 - 9pm
Ask your favorite Golaem guy for an invitation

VanCG Meetup

Get an overview of Golaem through its usage in the industry and live demo.

Thursday, 9th  6pm
The Network Hub - 3rd floor - 422 Richards St
Register here


Monday, June 25, 2018 - 14:32

Here is the ultimate video series for creating stadium shots with Golaem! It shows the most up-to-date & convenient way of creating stadiums with Golaem, including the latest novelties like our new reference workflow.

The following subjects are covered by the videos:

  • Stadium Tutorial 1 - Converting Characters
  • Stadium Tutorial 2 - Converting Animations
  • Stadium Tutorial 3 - Simple Mexican Wave Simulation
  • Stadium Tutorial 4 - Placing characters in stadium
  • Stadium Tutorial 5 - Layouting Characters
  • Stadium Tutorial 6 - Adding some flags
You can find these videos and additional tutorials (text-form) on our stadium tutorials section:

Click on the playlist button in the top-left corner of the video to display the playlist and be able to skip to a particular video

Wednesday, May 16, 2018 - 16:02

Our friends from Digital Production ( recently published an issue including a comprehensive overview of available Crowd Simulation software, and obviously Golaem was in the selection!

Actually, the Golaem part even include 2 articles, as on top of a test by Digital Production the issue includes an interview with Nixolas (, the well known magician who created the hilarious Pokemon, Star Wars, Lego... videos using Golaem.

Our favorite parts of the interview:

"I remember having to quote on a job that required a stadium shot, and after installing Golaem and using their extremely helpful resource of tutorials and knowledge-base, I was able to put together a test that I could ship to the client in under a couple of hours. The rest of the work really involved custom models, rendering, and scene setups depending on the shot at hand. I was able to jump from a couple of weeks of work and in-house  development to around a day or two, depending on the assets needed. Since Golaem comes with an amazing character pack – 9 times out of 10 you have everything you need to get started on a basic industry standard job."
"One amazing feature that was introduced recently was Golaem’s Simulation Cache Library. With this feature, you’re able to create simulated crowd assets that are organized for you in this little window. Say you have to populate a city street and you have access to animations of people walking, leaning against the walls, smoking a cigarette, having conversations with each other, selling something on the street. [...] With Golaem’s Simulation Cache Library, I could create asset scenes where each scene would hold one behavior needed, like people walking down the sidewalk in a straight line, passing each other, another would be a few variations of people conversing with each other, etc. You can bake these out and add them to your Simulation Cache Library. Now I can go to the 5 or 10 shots needed to populate the streets, and literally drag and drop each of these behaviors. It will create a crowd proxy and you’re ready to go. Coupled with the Cache Layout Tool that I mentioned earlier, you can create a completely complicated crowd scene in minutes once your library is set up."
Read Nixolas' interview (in english) Read Golaem test by Digital Production (in german)


Tuesday, September 5, 2017 - 15:54

At Golaem, we love helping students to deliver great projects. Here is our selection from the 2016/2017 projects.

By the way, did you know that Golaem is free for universities & students?

You can grab a free & unlimited Personal Learning Edition (PLE) package here.

This year again, several students got noticed thanks to their Golaem project and were able to get a crowd related job in renowned studio. Why not you or your students?!


by Yohan Thireau from MOPA

When marine wildlife has to adapt to the pollution surrounding it, the rules of survival change... Yohan did a great jobs animating hundreds of  cap-topped crabs climbing on a fish with Golaem.


by Paul Gaulier and Julie Mansuy from ISART

After a few days of training, Julie and Paul came up with this LEGO fan film project. We were quite surprised by the level of quality they achieved in a short time.

Zombie Project

by Alexander Turk and ​Jason Toussies from ISART

After a few days of Golaem training at ISART, Alexandre and Jason simulated Mixamo zombies with Golaem rendered in Unreal. We recently had several requests about using Unreal to render Golaem crowds, they just did it!

Golaem Battle

by Jordi Camps Illa from FX School

Before working on the Army of the Dead for Game of Thrones at El Ranchito, Jordi was trained at FX School Barcelona by the talented Oscar Marquez. Here is his student crowd project

Demo Reel

by Joe Ponsford from University of Portsmouth

Joe is the perfect combo, a mocap + crowd TD. As a wise man said "a nice crowd starts with good motions" and Joe demonstrates it in his epic battle project

The Beast Of Brecon

by Ben Brown & Madeleine Orchard from University of South Wales

A couple of adventurers go on the search for the mythical 'Beast of Brecon'! Madeleine & Ben created a dinosaur model/rig and animated a horde of it with Golaem.

Droids on Kashyyk

by Christian Sovis from SAE Institute

Christian used Golaem to create an army of wookies defending their island against droids.

