Crowd Settings

Golaem Crowd Settings dialog allows to handle several settings related to Golaem Crowd.


  • Crowd Menu: Settings
  • MEL command: glmCrowdSettingsCmd();


Open in a New Tab a Behavior Container Context Menu

Log Level

The log levels of each Golaem component embedded in the plugin (see Introduction) can be changed at any time. This can be useful for debug purposes when experiencing inconsistency behaviors in a simulation. To change the log level of a component, select it in the Golaem Component scroll list, select the wanted level and click on the Set Level button.
Change Golaem Path log level into Error
Notice that a low log level can be time consuming, especially when dealing with a large amount of entities.
By default, log messages are displayed in the Script Editor. They can also be flushed in a file (glmCrowd.log located at the specified directory) or in the Output Window. Finally be aware that logging in the Output Window is memory consuming as long as it cannot be cleared.

Golaem Crowd Behavior Editor

Change the Behavior Editor custom directory in which Custom Behaviors files are saved. This directory can be shared between several users.

Reset all Behavior Editor display settings, like Behavior Library and Behavior Outliner positions, with the "Reset Crowd Behavior Editor Display Settings".

Crash Report

Enable or disable the Crash Report and choose a save directory. The Crash Report (*.dmp) can then be sent along a support request.