Add Remove Mesh Assets

Original, and result of an AddRemoveMeshAssets layout node, setting no short (remove) and forced pant (add) on everybody

The AddRemoveMeshAssets node can force, or prevent, entities to have specific Mesh Assets.

Add node

AddRemoveMeshAssets node in the Layout Graph Edition panel

Node parameters

Parameters are accessible by double-clicking on the node in the Layout Graph Edition panel:

Note that the node edition has some limitations : it needs to be in the active layout graph branch (i.e. prior to root node and active), and have valid entities in previous selector, to display the proper mesh names instead of indices in the list and helper. It is mandatory for edition, as the UI will only allow to add '0' indices if not plugged (because the node does not know the number of available meshes in that case). Entities in the previous selector must all share the same character file, or the mesh assets would have different names depending on the character file used, which generally makes no sense.

AddRemoveMeshAssets node parameters

Name Name of the node
Active Whether the node is active or not
MeshIndicestoAdd All the mesh asset indices in this list will be added the the asset list of the impacted entities. Add/Remove will call an helper displaying all available mesh assets
MeshIndicesToRemove All the mesh asset indices in this list will be added the the asset list of the impacted entities. Add/Remove will call an helper displaying all available mesh assets
Activation This allows to activate and deactivate this node with some keyframes.
A keyframe value of 1 indicates that this layout node will be active for this frame and the following ones, a keyframe of 0 indicates that this layout will be inactive for this frame and the following ones.

When there are lots of assets in the scene, it may become difficult to find the asset your are looking for by clicking on the + button directly. In this case you can click on the Add/Remove button to open a dialog with a search filter

Add/remove mesh assets UI