Environment Variables List

When installed through a classic installation, there is not extra environment variable to be set in order to run Golaem (except golaem_LICENSE when a license is needed).

However, when deploying Golaem as a Maya module, or on the Render Farm, you may need to set some environment variables.

Notice that some of these variables may already be defined by system or custom scripts. It is then recommended not to replace the existing value, but append the Golaem related value to the existing value, using the appropriate separator (a ";" separator on Windows or a ":" separator on Linux).

Licence Variables


These variables are not needed if using the Golaem plugin for rendering only (see license setup) or when using the auto-generated evaluation license.

Contains the full path to the Golaem license file to use ( (or license server information using the port@hostname format).

Any of these variables can be used (only one is needed), but it maybe more convenient to use the golaem_LICENSE variable to avoid issues with other software using RLM.

GLMCROWD_BATCH_ENABLE  Set this variable to 1 if you want to enable a computer to perform batch simulation export. The default value is 0 which prevents any computer to use a license while used in batch (so that Maya does not trigger simulation during rendering). The command glmBatchCrowdSimulationExporter set this variable temporary when called.
GLMCROWD_FULL_LICENSE Set this variable to 1 if you want to force a computer to only use a FULL license and not a Lite License else if it fails. If not found, it will fall back to a PLE License fetch. See License Types for more details
GLMCROWD_LITE_LICENSE Set this variable to 1 if you want to force a computer to use a Lite license instead of a FULL license (typically on a lighting artist computer who needs only to visualize/edit simulation cache, or on a computer used only to batch export the simulation). If not found, it will fall back to a PLE License fetch. See License Types for more details
GLMCROWD_NO_LICENSE  Set this variable to 1 if you want to skip the fetch of a Golaem license on a computer (such as a render node for example).
GLMCROWD_NO_PLE Set this variable to 1 if you want to skip the fetch of a Golaem PLE license on a computer. See License Types for more details

Maya Module Variable

When using advanced deployment, it may be needed to set this variable for Maya to find and load the Golaem module. See Advanced Installation


Contains the path to the directory where the glmCrowd.mod file is located (e.g. the Golaem installation directory when using standard installation C:\Golaem\GolaemCrowd-8.X-Maya202X).

Third Party Variables

These variables are mandatory for Golaem to work correctly and their values should be checked in case a problem arise. However, they should never need to be set manually, as they are set by the Golaem Maya Module file.

They are here for your reference when investigating a problem, for people wanting to control them in their own scripts or render with stand-alone versions of their renderer.

Generic Variables

The following variables are mandatory in order to successfully load the Golaem plugin and are required to render with any of the rendering engine listed below:

(Windows only)

Contains the path to the directory where the dependant binaries required by Golaem plugin are located (e.g. the bin/ folder in Golaem installation directory when using standard installation).

(Linux only)

Contains the path to the directory where the dependant libraries required by Golaem plugin are located (e.g. the lib/ folder in Golaem installation directory when using standard installation).

This variable may be required only on some specific Linux distributions.

Renderers Specific Variables

The following variables are mandatory only if using the related renderers:



Contains the paths to the directories where the Golaem plugin and Golaem shaders for Arnold are located (e.g. the procedurals/arnold/XX and the shaders/arnold/XX folder in Golaem installation directory when using standard installation).


Contains the path to the directory where the Golaem translator for Arnold is located (e.g. the extensions/arnold/XX folder in Golaem installation directory when using standard installation).


REDSHIFT_PROCEDURALSPATH Contains the path to the directory where the Golaem plugin for Redshift is located (e.g. the procedurals/redshift/XX folder in Golaem installation directory when using standard installation).
REDSHIFT_MAYAEXTENSIONSPATH Contains the path to the directory where the Golaem translator for Redshift is located (e.g. the procedurals/redshift/XX folder in Golaem installation directory when using standard installation).

Renderman Studio

RMS_SITE_PATH Contains the path to the directory where the Golaem plugin for Renderman is located (e.g. the procedurals/renderman/XX folder in Golaem installation directory when using standard installation).



Contains the path to the directory where the Golaem plugin for V-Ray (from Vray Next) is located  (e.g. the procedurals/vray/XX folder in Golaem installation directory when using standard installation).

Notice that the name of the variable itself is depending on the Maya version you are using. It is particularly important to keep the default value of this variable and only append the Golaem value, or V-Ray rendering will not work at all.

VRAY_FOR_MAYA_SHADERS Contains the path to the directory where the Golaem shaders for V-Ray are located (e.g. the shaders/vray/XX folder in Golaem installation directory when using standard installation).


(only for 3dsMax, adapt 3ds Max version)

Contains the path to the directory where the Golaem plugin for V-Ray is located  (e.g. the procedurals/vray/XX folder in Golaem installation directory when using standard installation).

Note that this variable is only needed when rendering with the 3ds Max + VRay plugin. See the tutorial for full workflow description.

It is particularly important to keep the default value of this variable and only append the Golaem value, or V-Ray rendering will not work at all.


(only for Vray standalone)

Contains the path to the directory where the Golaem plugin for V-Ray is located  (e.g. the procedurals/vray/XX folder in Golaem installation directory when using standard installation).

Note that this variable is only needed when rendering with the Vray command line.

It is particularly important to keep the default value of this variable and only append the Golaem value, or V-Ray rendering will not work at all.

Golaem Variables

The following variables are here to help studios deploying Golaem more easily:


Value of the default Golaem Unit which will be used in any new Maya scene. 0 stands for millimeters, 1 for centimeters, 2 for decimeters, 3 for meters, 4 for inches, 5 for feet, 6 for inches.

GLMCROWD_CHARAMAKER_AUTOLAYOUT Set this variable to 0 if you want to disable the automatic layout a character files when they are opened with the Character Maker

Set this variable to 0 if you want to disable the automatic save of the Simulation Layout File (.gscl) by the Simulation Cache Layout Tool when the Maya scene is saved

GLMCROWD_TERRAINAUTOEXPORT_ENABLE Set this variable to 0 if you want to disable the automatic export of the terrain from the Simulation Exporter
GLMCROWD_DIRMAP_ENABLE Set this variable to 0 if you want to disable Golaem Dirmap system
GLMCROWD_CUSTOMBEHAVIOR_DIR Value of the default Custom Behaviors Directory available in the Crowd Settings
GLMCROWD_CUSTOMTRIGGER_DIR Value of the default Custom Triggers Directory available in the Crowd Settings