
Note that there are also lots of step by step text tutorials for classic use cases such as Populating a Stadium, Populating City, Creating Formations,... in the GOLAEM CROWD and GOLAEM LAYOUT sections or the section dedicated to your favorite software (see Golaem for Houdini, Katana, Unreal,...)

Build a rendering scene from caches
How to create a new scene based on one (or more) simulation cache(s).

Golaem Referencing Workflow
Reference Golaem scenes, behaviors and entities

Splitting a Simulation Cache
How to split an existing Simulation Cache in multiple parts

Render Layers
How to use Render Layers with Golaem

Driving Maya Objects
How to link Maya locators and geometry to Golaem Caches

Blind Data Attributes
Attach your own data to control custom shading, muscles...

FX Integration within USD & Houdini
How to use USD layering features to integrate FX on Golaem characters

Shading variations in USD / Solaris
How to perform procedural shading with USD in Solaris

How to setup environment variables & create your launcher
How to handle environment variables to setup your licenses or parameter Golaem, and create your own launcher to easily adapt your configuration