Simulation Cache Library File (.gscb)
Simulation Cache Library File (.gscb) is a JSON file which stores a library of previously exported Simulation Cache Files and their Layout Files as Library Items. Those items can then be drag and dropped in a scene. It can be generated using the Simulation Cache Library Tool or every time a Simulation Cache is exported using the Simulation Exporter.
And the corresponding .gscb file:
"items": [
"cacheDir": "N:/assets/GolaemCharacterPack-6.3.3/export/DEMO_cityLocomotion/cache",
"cacheName": "sampleTODELETE",
"characterFiles": "N:/assets/GolaemCharacterPack-6.3.3/golaem/characters/CasualMan_Light.gcha",
"crowdFields": [
"destTerrain": "",
"enableLayout": true,
"endFrame": 30,
"image": "somebinarydata",
"layoutFile": "N:/test/layout.gscl",
"nbEntities": 1,
"sourceTerrain": "",
"startFrame": 1,
"tags": [],
"type": "SimCacheLibItem"
... another item
"libFile": "N:/tests/nicolas/library/library.gscb",
"libFileDirty": false,
"type": "SimCacheLib"
The Python modules glm.simCacheLib and glm.simCacheUtils allows to create and manipulate Library Files.