
The glmAttributeInitialState command allows to set the initial state value of a Golaem Attribute:
int glmAttributeInitialState [-attributeName string] [-entityId int] [-reset] [-int int] [-float float] [-vector float float float]


Long name (short name) Argument types Properties Description
-attributeName (-an) string mandatory Name of the Golaem Attribute to set the initial state on
-entityId (-id) int mandatory, multi-use Ids of the entities to set the initial state on
-reset (-r)     If set, any override of the initial state will be resetted
-integer (-i) int multi-use Values of the initial states to set on the specified integer Golaem Attribute. Size of this array must match the size of the entityId flag array
-float (-f) double multi-use Values of the initial states to set on the specified float Golaem Attribute. Size of this array must match the size of the entityId flag array
-vector (-v) double double double multi-user Values of the initial states to set on the specified vector Golaem Attribute. Size of this array must match the size of the entityId flag array

Return Value

This command returns 1 if the initial states have been modified properly, else 0.

MEL Examples

glmAttributeInitialState -attributeName "myFloatAttr" -id 1001 -id 2001 -float 1.1 -float 2.2;
glmAttributeInitialState -attributeName "myIntAttr" -id 3001 -id 4001 -integer 3 -integer 4;
glmAttributeInitialState -attributeName "myVecAttr" -id 5001 -id 6001 -vector 5. 5. 5. -vector 6. 6. 6.;
glmAttributeInitialState -attributeName "myIntAttr" -reset;

Python Examples

import maya.cmds as cmds
cmds.glmAttributeInitialState(attributeName="myFloatAttr", id=[1001, 2001], float=[1.1, 2.2])
cmds.glmAttributeInitialState(attributeName="myIntAttr", id=[3001, 4001], integer=[3, 4])
cmds.glmAttributeInitialState(attributeName="myVecAttr", id=[5001, 6001], vector=[(5., 5., 5.), (6., 6., 6.)])
cmds.glmAttributeInitialState(attributeName="myIntAttr", reset=True)