V-Ray User Color Shader
V-Ray provides its own shader to read and return vector user data: V-Ray User Color. This data can be used to feed other shaders in Maya that have a vector or color input. Refer to the Shader Attributes page to know how to store vector user data in a mesh.

Result of a Get User Data Vector Shader combined with a Surface Shader and different user data values.
To create a V-Ray User Color, the V-Ray (vrayformaya) plugin must be loaded.
- Hypershade: Maya / Utilities / V-Ray User Scalar
- MEL command: shadingNode -asUtility VRayUserColor;
User attribute name | Name of the vector user data attribute to read in the rendered mesh. The name of the user data should be the same than the one defined in the Shader Attributes of the Mesh. |
Default color | Default value to return if no matching user data was found in the Character File |
Shading Graph Integration
Their Shading Graph integration is similar to the Arnold shaders: GetUserData Vector