Convert Mode |
How to convert the previous channel operator value. Note that the number of previous channel operators that are taken into account may differs depending on the Operator value.
Available values are:
- Vector X Component: takes a Vector3 previous channel operator, and returns the X component as a float
- Vector Y Component: takes a Vector3 previous channel operator, and returns the Y component as a float
- Vector Z Component: takes a Vector3 previous channel operator, and returns the Z component as a float
- XYZ Components to Vector: takes 3 float previous channel operators, and combine them in a Vector3
- World Angle To World Direction: takes an angle (float) in the world coordinate system and returns a Vector3 containing the direction it represents
- Body Angle to World Direction: takes an angle (float) relative to the entity body orientation and returns a Vector3 containing the direction it represents
- Move Angle to World Direction: takes an angle (float) relative to the entity moving direction and returns a Vector3 containing the direction it represents
- World Direction to World Angle: takes a Vector3 representing a world direction, and returns the angle it's pointing to (between -180 and 180 degrees)
- World Direction to Body Angle: takes a Vector3 representing a world direction, and returns its modulo angle (angle between -180 and 180 degrees) with the entity body orientation
- World Direction to Move Angle: takes a Vector3 representing a world direction, and returns its modulo angle (angle between -180 and 180 degrees) with the entity moving direction
- World Direction to Move Direction: takes a Vector3 representing a world direction, and returns a Vector3 in the Entity coordinate system
- Move Direction to World Direction: takes a Vector3 representing a direction in the Entity coordinate system and returns a Vector3 in the world direction
- World Direction to Body Direction: takes a Vector3 representing a world direction, and returns a Vector3 in the Entity coordinate system
- Body Direction to World Direction: takes a Vector3 representing a direction in the Entity coordinate system and returns a Vector3 in the world direction
 World Direction is a Vector3 representing a direction in world coordinates in the environment.
World Angle is the angle it forms with the world X axis, Body Angle the angle it forms with the entity front axis, and Move Angle the angle it forms with the entity moving direction (speed)