The glmCrowdSimulationExporter commands exports Golaem simulation CrowdField nodes as Simulation Cache files. This command is called by the Simulation Exporter.
glmCrowdSimulationExporter [-startFrame int] [-endFrame int] [-crowdFieldNode string] [-exportFromCache bool] [-exportAssetsAssoOnly bool] [-entityIds string]
[-scExpName string] [-scExpOutDir string] [-scExpAttrs string]
[-preExportCallback string] [-preExportCallbackLanguage int] [-postExportCallback string] [-postExportCallbackLanguage int]
[-exportScreenshots bool] [-screenshotsDir string] [-screenshotsPrefix string] [-screenshotsSuffix string] [-screenshotsFormat string]
[-exportBoneQuantization int]
If you need to call this command using Maya batch, please use the glmBatchCrowdSimulationExporter command.
Global Flags
These parameters are relative to the global Simulation Exporter parameters:
Long name (short name) | Argument types | Properties | Description |
-startFrame (-sF) | int | mandatory | start frame from which the simulation will be exported |
-endFrame (-eF) | int | mandatory | end frame to which the simulation will be exported |
-crowdFieldNode (-cfn) | string | mandatory, multi-use | name of the CrowdField nodes which will be exported |
-exportFromCache (-efc) | bool | if true, the export process uses Simulation Cache files which have been exported before | |
-exportAssetsAssoOnly (-eaa) | bool | if true, only the Association file (.gscs) is exported | |
-entityIds (-eid) | string | Entity Ids to export as a printer string (ex: "1001", "1001-5001", "1001, 2001, 5001" or "*") |
Simulation Cache Files Flags
These parameters are relative to the Simulation Cache files parameters of the Simulation Exporter:
Long name (short name) | Argument types | Properties | Description |
-scExpName (-sn) | string | mandatory | base name of the exported Simulation Cache files |
-scExpOutDir (-sod) | string | mandatory, multi-use | directories where the Simulation Cache files will be exported. It is possible to specify one directory per CrowdField (else all the files will be exported in the first specified directory) |
-scExpAttrs (-sea) | string | mandatory, multi-use | name of the ppAttributes which values will be exported in the Simulation Cache files |
Callback Flags
These parameters are relative to the Simulation Exporter Callback parameters of the Simulation Exporter:
Long name (short name) | Argument types | Properties | Description |
-preExportCallback (-prc) | string | MEL / Python function to call when the export starts | |
-preExportCallbackLanguage(-prl) | int | Language of the pre-export callback: 0 for MEL, 1 for Python | |
-postExportCallback(-poc) |
string | MEL / Python function to call when the export stops | |
-postExportCallbackLanguage(-pol) | int | Language of the post-export callback: 0 for MEL, 1 for Python |
Screenshots Flags
Long name (short name) | Argument types | Properties | Description |
-exportScreenshots (-ess) | bool | export viewport screenshots | |
-screenshotsDir (-sdr) | string | directory where the screenshots files will be written | |
-screenshotsPrefix (-spr) | string | screenshots file name prefix | |
-screenshotsSuffix (-ssf) | string | screenshots file name suffix (added after the frame number) | |
-screenshotsFormat (-sfr) | string | screenshots file format. Examples of valid formats include: "als", "bmp", "cin", "gif", "iff", "jpg", "png", "tga", "tif". Default is "png" |
For a given frame, the screenshot is exported to the file: [screenshotsDir]/[screenshotsPrefix][frameNumber][screenshotsSuffix].[screenshotsFormat]
Screenshots Flags
Long name (short name) | Argument types | Properties | Description |
-exportBoneQuantization (-ebq) | int | Cache compression mode (from 0 to 5 in the same order than described in the Crowd Manager node). |
Return Value
This command returns nothing
MEL Examples
// export Simulation Cache files only between frame 1 and 100
glmCrowdSimulationExporter -startFrame 1 -endFrame 100 -crowdFieldNode "crowdField1" -exportFromCache 0 -scExpAttrs "particleId" -entityIds "*" -scExpName "testScene" -scExpOutDir "N:/tests/export";
Python Examples
import maya.cmds as cmds
# export Simulation Cache files only between frame 1 and 100
cmds.glmCrowdSimulationExporter(startFrame=1, endFrame=100, crowdFieldNode=["crowdField1"], exportFromCache=False, scExpAttrs=["particleId"], entityIds="*", scExpName="testScene", -scExpOutDir "N:/tests/export")
To batch export a batch simulation, use the glmBatchCrowdSimulationExporter command