Play Animation
Result of a PlayAnimation layout node
The PlayAnimation node allows to play an animation file on the affected Entities.
This node has some limitations : entities that uses a PlayAnimation can't be ground adapted the same way that other enties, and only the "Offset on Ground" and "Offset and Ori on Ground" are available.
Add node
- Drag the PlayAnimation node icon
from the Nodes Library panel and drop it in the Layout Graph Edition panel
- Hit the Tab key in the Layout Graph Edition panel and select the PlayAnimation option in the dropdown menu that appears
PlayAnimation node in the Layout Graph Edition panel
Node parameters
Parameters are accessible by clicking on the node in the Layout Graph Edition panel:
PlayAnimation node parameters
Name | Name of the node |
Active | Whether the node is active or not |
Animation File | Animation file to play. It can be any format supported by Golaem (gmo, fbx, usd, bvh) |
Skeleton Mapping File | Skeleton mapping file for the given animation, if necessary. |
Motion Mapping File | Motion mapping file to replay the given animation, if necessary. |
Reference Frame Index | Frame at which the entities will be at the same transforms than before applying the Play Animation node |
startFrame | Frame at which the Play Animation node start to modify the entity's posture |
startingDuration | Duration of the blending from the cache to the animation after the startFrame |
stopFrame | Frame at which the Play Animation node stops to modify the entity's posture |
stoppingDuration | Duration of the blending from the animation to the cache after the stopFrame |
loop | True to loop the animation, false to freeze at the last frame |
startPercentMin | Randomly set the Start Percent value between the specified "Start Percent Random Min" and "Start Percent Random Max" bounds |
startPercentMax | Randomly set the Start Percent value between the specified "Start Percent Random Min" and "Start Percent Random Max" bounds |
speedRatioMin | Randomly set the Speed Ratio value between the specified "Speed Ratio Random Min" and "Speed Ratio Random Max" bounds |
speedRatioMax | Randomly set the Speed Ratio value between the specified "Speed Ratio Random Min" and "Speed Ratio Random Max" bounds |
mirror | Mirror the animation. For mirror animation to work properly, the mirror must be correctly configured on the skeleton mapping, as explained on this page. |
useReferenceHeadingOnly | True to discard the bank and attitudes orientations of the entity at the reference frame, false to take the full 3d orientation into account |
groundAdaptGroundOffset | True to change the ground adaptation mode to the "Offset on Ground" mode |