
glmExportMotionMapping command provides a way to export a motion mapping like the Character Maker does automatically.

glmExportMotionMapping [-outputFile string] [-characterFile string] [-refAnimation string] [-replayRoot] [-replaySpine] [-channelCount int] [-nbGenericBones int] [-genericBoneIndices string] [-fatherSpineGenericBoneIndex int] [-animationReplayChannel int] [-effectorMappingCount int] [-effectorMappingIdx string] [-limbAuxiliaryReplayMode int] [-limbAuxiliaryAdditionalIkNormalOffset float] [-limbExtensionReplayMode int] [-limbExtensionAdditionalIkNormalOffset float] [-effectorAuxiliaryReplayMode int] [-effectorExtensionReplayMode int]  [-autoMapBlendShapeByName]  [-autoMapBlindDataById] [-blindDataGroupMapping int] [-blindDataMapping int]


Long name (short name) Argument types Properties Description
-outputFile (-of) string   defines the output file (*.gmm or *.xml)
-characterFile (-chf) string   for an automatic mapping, defines the character File containing the Golaem Skeleton
-refAnimation (-ref) string   for an automatic mapping, defines the reference Animation
-replayRoot (-rr)     specifies if the Motion will be played on the bone mapped to the Pelvis
-replaySpine (-rs)     specifies if the Motion will be played on the bone mapped to the Spine nodes
-channelCount (-cc) int   specifies the count of channel created
-nbGenericBones (-ngb) int multi-use for one channel, specifies the count of generic bones
-genericBoneIndices (-gbi) string multi-use for one channel, specifies the indices of generic bones
-fatherSpineGenericBoneIndex (-fsi) int multi-use for one channel, specifies the index of the father spine generic bone
-animationReplayChannel (-arc) int multi-use for one channel, specifies the animation replay channel
-effectorMappingCount (-emc) int multi-use for one channel, specifies the count of mapped effector
-effectorMappingIdx (-emi) string multi-use for one channel, specifies the indices of mapped effector
-limbAuxiliaryReplayMode (-lam) int multi-use for one channel, specifies the limb auxiliary replay mode (0: Absolute, 1: Relative)
-limbAuxiliaryAdditionalIkNormalOffset (-lao) float multi-use for one channel, specifies the additional IK offset applied on the limb auxiliary
-limbExtensionReplayMode (-lem) int multi-use for one channel, specifies the limb extension replay mode (0: Absolute, 1: Relative)
-limbExtensionAdditionalIkNormalOffset (-leo) float multi-use for one channel, specifies the additional IK offset applied on the limb extension
-effectorAuxiliaryReplayMode (-eam) int multi-use for one channel, specifies the effector auxiliary replay mode (0: Absolute, 1: Relative)
-effectorExtensionReplayMode (-eem) int multi-use for one channel, specifies the effector extension replay mode (0: Absolute, 1: Relative)
-autoMapBlindDataByName (-amn)     for an automatic mapping, auto map the Blind Data or Blend Shape by name
-autoMapBlindDataById (-ami)     for an automatic mapping, auto map the Blind Data or Blend Shape by id
-blindDataMapping (-bdm) int multi-use for a specific mapping, specifies the blend shape group mapping

MEL Examples

// export automatically a motion mapping based on a characterFile and a reference animation
glmExportMotionMapping -outputFile "myMapping.gmm" -characterFile "mySkeletonFile.gcha" -refAnimation "" -replayRoot -replaySpine -autoMapBlindDataByName;
// export a motion mapping with 2 channels
glmExportMotionMapping -outputFile "myMapping.gmm" -replayRoot -replaySpine -channelCount 2 -nbGenericBones 2 -genericBoneIndices "2;3;" -fatherSpineGenericBoneIndex 1 -animationReplayChannel 4 -effectorMappingCount 0 -effectorMappingIdx "" -limbAuxiliaryReplayMode 1 -limbAuxiliaryAdditionalIkNormalOffset 0 -limbExtensionReplayMode 0 -limbExtensionAdditionalIkNormalOffset 0 -effectorAuxiliaryReplayMode 1 -effectorExtensionReplayMode 0 -nbGenericBones 12 -genericBoneIndices "4;5;22;23;24;25;26;27;28;29;30;31;" -fatherSpineGenericBoneIndex 1 -animationReplayChannel 2 -effectorMappingCount 5 -effectorMappingIdx "1;2;4;3;0;" -limbAuxiliaryReplayMode 1 -limbAuxiliaryAdditionalIkNormalOffset 0 -limbExtensionReplayMode 0 -limbExtensionAdditionalIkNormalOffset 0 -effectorAuxiliaryReplayMode 1 -effectorExtensionReplayMode 0;

Python Examples

import maya.cmds as cmds
# export automatically a motion mapping based on a characterFile and a reference animation
cmds.glmExportMotionMapping(outputFile="myMapping.gmm", characterFile="mySkeletonFile.gcha", refAnimation="", replayRoot=True, replaySpine=True, autoMapBlindDataByName)