Golaem 5.2 (2016/06/23)
Important Notice
IMPORTANT: Notice that Simulation Cache Proxy and Render proxy have been unified between Golaem Crowd 5.1.1 and 5.2
Use MEL function golaemCrowd511To52() to update your scene from Golaem Crowd 5.1.1 to 5.2
IMPORTANT: To be able to render a simulation, Golaem must be set in Cache Replay Mode
See the changes details in the New Render Workflow tutorial
See the changes details in the New Render Workflow tutorial
New Features
New unified Crowd Render Proxy (automatically created when a Simulation Cache Proxy node is created)
New Apex Cloth Behavior
Simulation Cache Library Tool
Automatic mesh instancing mechanism with Arnold & Renderman
Behaviors can now have multiple outputs / stopping triggers
Batch Export Button in the Simulation Exporter
New Export Geometry In One File Fbx Mode in the Simulation Exporter
Faster duplicate layer in the Simulation Cache Layout
Improvement of the OutPlug Attribute in the Simulation Cache Proxy Node
Automatic Cloth Asset system in the ApexCloth Behavior
Control on noise / random in the Ramp Node
Starting / stopping duration in the ApexCloth Behavior
Starting / stopping speed in the PerchOn Behavior
Visual Feedback for the SetBone Behavior
PerchOn status Channels
Geometry Behavior Channels
Shader Attributes range is now read from Maya shading graph in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
Added Spine mirror mapping in the Character File
Limit number of similar log traces (default to 5)
Default Golaem color (orange) can be changed in the Crowd Manager Node
Clear button in the Painted Zone and Vector Field Locators
New locomotion database threshold for dimension computation in the Locomotion Behavior
Locomotion database dimension information in the Locomotion Behavior Visual Feedback
Bug Fixes
Fixed attribute coloration in Maya 2015 and 2016 when attributes are connected (now appears yellow)
Fixed ApexCloth Behavior scaling bug
Fixed Alembic / FBX geometry export with erased entities
Fixed cloth shading in the Render Previz display mode
Fixed SetBone Behavior when the played motion has squash'n'stretch
Fixed a crash with PPAttribute in the Expression Trigger
Fixed a crash when executing triggers in multithread
Fixed a crash when rendering displacement with V-Ray
Fixed a crash when starting a Physicalize behavior
Fixed a crash when editing Ragdoll Maya Meshes scale with a negative value in the Character Maker
Fixed a crash when setting up a wrong id of Ramp in an Expression
Fixed a crash when rendering multiple Render Proxies with V-Ray
Fixed a crash when changing the Physics Mode of an Entity when in collision with other Entities
Fixed Simulation Cache Library item creation
Fixed stopping PerchOn Behavior delay
Fixed GLMCROWD_NO_LICENSE environment variable
Fixed connections between the Population Tool and their particle systems
Fixed boldness and time to turn around in the Navigation Behavior
Fixed entities detection when a Navigation Behavior is stopped and restarted
Fixed bad rotations with multiple axis in the Simulation Cache Layout
Fixed Entity Duplication in the Simulation Cache Layout
Fixed Duplicated Entities Kill in the Simulation Cache Layout
Fixed animation mirroring
Fixed archive scene with Apex Cloth files
Fixed Render Previz jiterring when using scaled cameras
Fixed black screen when using maya selection with the Paint Tool
Fixed Apex Cloth simulation export when using several clothes on an Entity Type
Fixed Apex Cloth simulation export when using 'latch to neareset' in PhysX
Golaem is switched in Cache Replay Mode when a simulation is exported
Render only works if Golaem is set in Cache Replay Mode
Channel Helper in the SetBone Behavior
Added shelf icon for the Simulation Cache Library
Removed shelf icons for the Physics and the Flock Locator (accessible in the Crowd Menu instead)
Painted meshes are now checked before being painted
Removed light linking in the Entity Type and Simulation Cache Proxy Nodes (use scene lights and shadows instead)
Removed Share Triggers contextual menu in the Behavior Editor
- glmBatchCrowdSimulationExporter command to batch export a Golaem Simulation
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.30.XX, 3.10.01, 3.00.01 & 3.05.04
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
Renderman Studio 20.X
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4b31
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
- V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Renderman Studio 19.0