Golaem (2016/09/28)
Important Notice
From this release, Renderman 19 and V-Ray 2.4 are not supported anymore
New Features
New multithreaded Geometry File Format (.gcg) to store Character skinning! Up to 50x faster geometry generation at rendering time!
New Transition Editor to control precisely between two Animation Behaviors
Support of Redshift 2.0.52 Beta (shading variation is not supported yet)
Support of Mtoa 1.3
Support of Renderman Studio 21.0
Support of Maya 2017 (only Legacy Viewport for now)
New Simulation Cache Proxy Manager to handle Simulation Cache Proxy Nodes
Geometry assignment Channels
EntityType Node creator interactive menu
Added option to set a namespace on Mesh Assets or Shaders in the Character Maker
Automatic Character bounding box computation in the Character Maker
Asset Groups having only Asset Groups children are weighted by default in the Character Maker
New Locomotion mode (direct mode controlled by animation) in the Locomotion Behavior
Evaluation of the Random Trigger can now be constant
Better performances for the Texture trigger
New VRay displacement strategy (now reads attribute from the scene)
Bug Fixes
Fixed Ass Bake Export (wrong syntax)
Fixed FBX Bake Export with Point Cache when using ':' prefixed names
Fixed Bake frames when using a scene made before Golaem 5.2.2
Fixed huge memory leaks when rendering with Mental Ray
Fixed item creation in the Simulation Cache Library
Fixed referencing a Crowd Manager Node in a Cache Replay scene
Fixed World Servo Mode velocity computation in the Physicalize Behavior
Fixed MotionBehavior.currentFrame & currentRatio Channels (renamed as motionFrame and motionRatio)
Fixed support of multiple displacement attributes with the same name in the Character Maker
Fixed a crash when hiding particle systems
Fixed a crash when exporting Simulation Caches in a read-only folder
Fixed a crash at rendering time when using the SnapTo Layer in the Simulation Layout Tool
Fixed a crash when bake exporting some simulations
Fixed ground adaptation at rendering time when using a Time Offset / Time Warp layer in the Simulation Layout Tool
Fixed Set Mesh layer when dealing with cloth Mesh Assets in the Simulation Layout Tool
Fixed Simulation Cache Layout Tool refresh when creating a Simulation Cache Proxy in a blank scene
Fixed terrain assignment when baking a Simulation Cache Proxy
Fixed scaling of Arnold bounding boxes
Fixed ground adaptation set to Particle and no NavMesh
Fixed bone window list in the Simulation Cache Proxy
Fixed displacement keyword in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
Fixed multiple opening of the Simulation Cache Library
Fixed golaemCrowdCleanPre52 error when batch rendering
Geometry File exporter helper (gcg or fbx) in the Character Maker
Subdivision Type panel has been removed in the NavMesh Creator (not used anymore)
Added shelf icon for the Import Shaders Tool
Added a message in the status bar when saving a file succesfully in the Character Maker
Crop Motion / Edit Motion / Footprint panels can now be hidden in the Character Maker
Render instancing has been disabled for Mental Ray due to major leaks that cannot be handled yet
New automatic skeleton and geometry import flags in the glmCharacterMaker command
glmExportMotion now returns conversion quality values (mean position, orientation and scale errors)
Reorganization of the Python code as package
Reorganization of the Devkit
Devkit samples now come with their compiled version
Removed OptionVar for Simulation Layout Files (used the same one than Simulation Caches)
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.3.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.40.XX & 3.30.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
Renderman Studio 21.X
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
Redshift 2.0.52
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4b31
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
- Renderman Studio 20.0