Golaem 6 (2017/05/02)
New Features
New ChannelOperator Behavior to build your own fuzzy logic mechanism
New Perception system to perceive obstacles and entities
New Traffic Simulation Behaviors
New Emit Behavior
New Kill Behavior
New Accumulator Trigger
New Trajectory Edit layers in the Layout Tool (smoothing, avoidance, vector field...)
Component based edition of slot of the PopulationTool
Render Previz display mode now supports up to 16 shadowing lights (spot, omni, ambient, point or directional)
Render Previz display mode can now be extended via its .GLSL shader
PopulationTool can now be used as an emitter
Added grouping options in the SnapTo Layer of the Layout Tool
Added an option to copy physics properties from a Character File to another in the Character Maker
Added support of Render Stats within the Redshift Render Proxy
Added a MotionID PPAttribute control to the Motion and the SyncMotion Behaviors
Improved interaction between Navigation and Locomotion Behaviors
Improved undo / redo in the Layout Tool
rgbPP PPAttribute is now used as the diffuse color of the displayed Entities
Arnold opaque attribute can now be set per mesh in the Character Maker
GLMCROWD_UNIT environment variable can now be used to set the Crowd Unit within the Manager Node and the NavMesh Tool
Starting duration allows to spread the transform change on time or animation's translation in the SyncMotion Behavior
Syncing a SyncMotion Behavior on another now shares the transform information
Syncing a SyncMotion Behavior on another now makes one owning the animation time information
Max Raycast Distance attribute in the Polygon Zone Trigger
Wind attribute can now be keyframed in the ApexCloth Behavior
Simulation Cache export can be interrupted from the PreCallback (if an error status is returned)
Bug Fixes
Fixed a reproducibility issue when having multiple CrowdFields within Viewport 2.0
Fixed ground adaptation for tunnels, bridges and trenches in the Layout Tool
Fixed a crash when rendering a cache with BlindData and Blendshapes
Fixed a crash when using the Time Offset layer in the Layout Tool
Fixed a crash when using the ApexCloth Behavior with multiple CrowdFields
Fixed a crash when using Goto Behavior with GroupEntityTypes
Fixed a crash when loading a Layout file containing non existing Entity Types references
Fixed a crash when batch exporting motion files using the glmExportMotion command
Fixed a crash when exporting a simulation with an External Entity Locator
Fixed a crash when sharing a SetBone Behavior amongst several EntityTypes
Fixed a crash when syncing a SyncMotion Behavior on a Motion Behavior
Fixed a crash when some nodes where not related to the pelvis node in the Character Maker
Fixed Animation Transition match score and display with cropped Motion Clips
Fixed stopping duration computation in the Flock Behavior
Fixed blending computation in the Steering Behavior
Fixed Apex colliders orientation when created
Fixed invalid placement of slots on a NavMesh within the PopulationTool Locator
Fixed sourcing of Python modules within Maya 2017
Fixed the creation of the SimulationCacheProxy when using the Simulation Baker
Fixed rendering when using the Renderman Render Proxy with Render.exe
Fixed the ObjectId pass within the Redshift Render Proxy
Fixed a bug that disabled ApexCloth simulation on a mesh
Fixed sync duration not taken into account in the SyncMotion Behavior
Fixed a bug allowing multiple connections between two nodes in the Character Maker
Fixed a ghost window appearing in the Character Maker in Maya 2017
Fixed the Connect tool in the Swiss Knife Tool
Most Golaem nodes now get sorted in groups in the Outliner
Most Golaem nodes now get colored in the Outliner
Maya2016 styled flat icons in the Golaem Shelf
Icons in the Golaem Menus
Target icon is back again in the Golaem Shelf
PopulationTools now have a color within the viewport
Consistent units within the plugin (NavMesh Tool and Visual Feedback)
Refactored attributes within the Flock Behavior
Removed Kill Painting mode
Removed Layout Name and Layout Dir from the Simulation Cache Proxy and the Render Proxy
Renamed filters in the Collision Trigger
- Added a glmParticleHandleConnections function to handle connections when a particle system is generated via the PopulationTool
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.4.0 & 1.3.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.40.XX & 3.30.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
Renderman Studio 21.0 & 21.1
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
Redshift 2.0.77-80
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4.4
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)