GOLAEM 6.2.3 (2018/2/5)
Support of Arnold 5 Render Stats
Golaem particles are now hidden at render time
Currently displayed Character File now appears in the Character Maker Locator Attributes
Support of floating point frames in Arnold, V-Ray For Maya, V-Ray For Max, Redshift, Mental Ray and 3Delight
Added an advanced export option for Character Geometry File (.gcg) in the Character Maker
Support of string Shader Attributes in the Renderman plugin
Support of HumanIk Joints in the Character Maker
Population Tool can now populate using ground normals
Improved Population Tool Paint display and viewport switching
Improved Path Follower performances
Behavior Triggers are renamed when a Behavior is renamed
New Frame Override attribute in the Golaem For Max plugin
Added Notes in the Channel Operator Editor
Added a landing speed attribute in the PerchOn Behavior
Node positions is conserved in the Channel Operator Editor
New attributes to orient the Entity in the AdaptGround Behavior
New attribute to compensate Pelvis Orientation in the AdaptGround Behavior
Bug Fixes
Fixed Trajectory Edit Layer reloading in Maya
Fixed Trajectory Layer when Maya start frame is not 0
Fixed sequencing of Flock Behaviors
Fixed transformGeometry Nodes not taken into account in the Character Geometry File (.gcg) export
Fixed Stopping Duration not taking into account Body Mask in the Physicalize Behavior
Fixed a performance issue in the Golaem Character File (.gcg) importer
Fixed a crash when initializing Sensors with more than four Navigation Behaviors
Fixed a crash when using a Navigation Behavior without a Perception Locator
Fixed a crash when using Golaem Attributes directly in an Expression
Fixed a crash when using the Master-Slave Behavior
Fixed a crash when using the Kill Behavior and the Visual Feedback
Fixed a crash when using the Kill Behavior and an Expression
Fixed a crash when rendering more than 10 Character Files
Fixed a crash when rewinding a simulation that uses the Automatic Apex Creation feature of the ApexCloth Behavior
Fixed a crash when having Layout Operations applied on Characters with Cloth in the Layout Tool
Fixed rigid meshes scaling in the Character Geometry File
Fixed reflections issues when using displacement in Redshift
Fixed Maya double attributes not visible in the Custom Operations of the Swiss Knife Tool
Fixed Animation Transition not created when connected through an Anchor Node
Fixed display of killed Entities in the Golaem For Max plugin
Fixed a display issue of the NavAndLoco Behavior in the Crowd Visual Feedback
Fixed sampling when skeleton root height was far different from 1 in the NavAndLoco Behavior
Fixed connection wrongly refreshed when slots were left empty in the Channel Operator Editor
Fixed auto-layout not correctly resizing the scene for some nodes in the Channel Operator Editor
Fixed ground adaptation on Physics Ground
Fixed error message about glmRefreshChOpEditor not loaded
Motion Orientation Offset has now only the heading orientation in the Character Maker and in the Motion Clip
Motion Orientation Ofsset attitude and bank parameters are replaced by a checkbox option in the Character Maker and in the Motion Clip
Added an option to display the trajectories in the Visual Feedback of the NavAndLoco Behavior
Improved error message when the bone count is different between the Character File and the Character Geometry File
Improved error message when the bones in the .apx file do not correspond to the bones in the Character File
Improved warning message when Expression is not valid (displays once only)
Improved attribute display in the Channel Operator Editor for the Multiplexer Node
glmCreateEntityGeometry now takes into account Geometry Behavior and Tag in NAMES_AND_SHADERS mode in glm_crowd_io.h
glmDestroyEntityGeometryMesh now takes an uint8_t crowdField index instead of GlmEntityBoundingBox as last parameter (use bbox->_crowdFieldIndex instead)
glmDestroyEntityGeometryMesh is now safe when using instancing in glm_crowd_io.h
glmDestroyEntityGeometry is now safe when using instancing in glm_crowd_io.h
New -bindPoseType flag in the glmExportCharacterGeometry command
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.4.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.6X, 3.5X & 3.40.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
Renderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4
Mental Ray 3.13.X
Redshift 2.5.34
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
Guerilla Render 1.4.4
- Katana 2.5 and 2.6 from KtoA, 2.0.4 and RfK 21.6
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
Mtoa 2.0 & 2.1
Redshift 2.0.91-93