Golaem 6.4 (2018/11/13)
New Features
- New Golaem plugin for Unreal Engine which allows to preview and render Golaem Caches (beta)
- Added support of procedural fur in the Arnold, V-Ray, Renderman render plugins
- Added support of UVSets when using FBX / GCG Character Geometry File
- Added support of UVSets in the Arnold, V-Ray, Renderman render plugins
- Added support of UVSets in the FBX geometry bake
- Added Render Callback check in the Render Checker
- Added World direction to body direction option in the ChOp Converter
- Added Body direction to world direction option in the ChOp Converter
- Added Local bone transform in the SetBone Behavir
Bug fixes
- Fixed Roll Bones computation on Spine Limbs
- Fixed Roll Bones computation on Effector Limbs
- Fixed VP2 selection in Maya 2018 when having multiple Simulation Cache Proxies
- Fixed a crash when importing Mesh Asset node into a collapsed Group Node in the Character Maker
- Fixed a crash when using cloth simulation and emitters
- Fixed a crash when batch rendering with the Renderman render plugin
- Fixed destination terrain adaptation in the Renderman render plugin
- Fixed Plug Output connection to Maya objects
- Fixed constant force stopping in the Force Behavior
- Fixed Library export when exporting a Simulation Cache
- Fixed GLMCROWD_LAYOUTSAVE_ENABLE not taken into account when closing Maya
- Fixed smart selection in the Layout Tool
- The Export to vrscene attribute now exports ascii vrscene in the Crowd Render Proxy
- Styled flat icons in the Behavior Editor
Supported Rendering Engines
- Mtoa 3.0, 2.X
- V-Ray For Maya 3.6X
- V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
- Renderman Studio 21.5-7
- Mental Ray 3.13.X
- Redshift 2.5.64-71
- 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
- Guerilla Render 1.4.4
- Katana 2.5 and 2.6 from KtoA, 2.0.4 and RfK 21.6, 22.1
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
- Mtoa 3.1
- Renderman Studio 22.1
- Redshift 2.6.14-20