Golaem Crowd 2.4.2 (2013/06/18)
New Features
- Character Maker(beta): Added a new "start offset" display attribute
- Character Maker(beta): No more "export start/end frame" parameters
- Revamped beRagdoll impulse Intensity parameters
- Arnold Proxy is created even when the detected MtoA version is incompatible (an error message is still shown)
- RMS Proxy: no more workspace attributes (the user can set the environment in the renderer options)
- Changed install folders (files are now installed in "plugins/renderPlugin/$MAYA_VERSION" instead of "plugins/renderPlugin")
- Properly set RPATH for Linux plug-ins
- User Manual is now generated with a dynamic table on content
Bug fixes
- Fixed a crash with nParticles generated with the popTool
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when saving the scene
- Fixed a crash between the CrowdField and nParticles system
- Fixed a crash with group entities
- Fixed negative impulse intensities with locator relative intensity
- Fixed a resizing bug when Qt Windows are minimized
- Fixed problem with non-smoothed normals
- Fixed the Character Maker(beta) motion export: the correct number of frames is now exported
- Fixed the Character Maker(beta) node creation issue when loading pymel
- Fixed the Character Maker(beta) motion cyclification process
- Fixed the Unlock button of the CrowdManagerNode (when several nodes in the scene)