Golaem Crowd 3.0 (2013/12/04)
New Features
Golaem Crowd now supports any skeleton morphology!
Golaem Crowd animation engine now support roll bones
Character Maker: new nodal editor to convert skeletons in the Golaem Crowd file format
Character Maker: new tool to edit, cyclify and convert animation clips in the Golaem Crowd file format
New locomotion system (based on speed & orientation)
New feet adaptation system (with full adaptation to the ground)
Behavior Editor: Behaviors can now be disabled/enabled without removing them from the flow
Behavior Editor: Behavior feedback (visual feedback for misconfigured Behaviors)
Flock Behavior to simulate flocks of birds, fishes...
Steer Behavior to make flocking Entities steering/fleeing a target with weight management
New Population Tool Sphere shape to generate flocking Entities
Flock Locator to define the flocking Entities environment
Physicalize Behavior to activate/deactivate physics on the fly for each Entity
Dynamics Behavior (was Ragdoll Behavior) can now apply a constant force in addition to an impulse
Entity Surface Shape can display the real geometry diversity, skinning and shaders directly in the viewport
Entity Surface Shape can display PPAttributes
Entity Attribute Node to attach PPAttributes to EntityTypes
Attribute Behavior to easily control Entities PPAttributes
Crowd Render Proxy Tool shelf button to automatize Render Proxy creation
Population Tool can gather slots to create groups of Entities
Golaem Crowd now generates dump report when crashing
Golaem Crowd now supports Viewport 2.0
Entity Surface Shape can display Entity velocity, path and local target
Assets Manager can import .cam file to merge .cam files
Assets Manager can now handle assets namespaces
Maya integrated file system (relying on optionVar)
Simulation Tool supports incremental scene names
Simulation scale parameter in the Crowd Field
Check Render Settings panel now checks for missing shaders and wrong bounding boxes
Simulations now start at Maya first frame
- Golaem Crowd and Golaem Crowd Render plugins have been merged (still do not need any license when rendering)
Motion Behavior has been entirely refactored
Locomotion Behavior has been entirely refactored
AdaptGround Behavior has been entirely refactored
LookAt Behavior has been entirely refactored
IK Behavior has been entirely refactored
Entity properties (radius, scale, height) moved in the Entity Type
Assets Manager can import .cam file to merge .cam files
- Brand new documentation at http://help.mayacrowd.com
Renderer Compatibility
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
V-Ray For Maya 2.3
Mtoa 0.25.1 & Arnold 4.0.16
3Delight Studio Pro 10.0.50
Renderman Studio 4.0