Golaem Crowd 3.5 (2014/12/08)
Important Notice
Notice that glmEntityId computation has changed between Golaem Crowd 3.4.2 and 3.5.
It impacts Triggers relying on EntityIds and already existing Kill list values.
Use MEL function golaemCrowd342To35() to update your scene from Golaem Crowd 3.4.2 to 3.5.
New Features
- Support of Alembic export (Maya 2015 only)
- New SyncMotion behavior to handle fine interaction with other characters / environment
- New option to do Camera frustum based rendering (only works with Arnold for now)
- Added a Slot Editor in the Population Tool locator
- Added a FadeIn / Fade Out parameter to behaviors
CrowdFields can now be exported separately, even if the other CrowdFields are disabled
New Maya Scene Checker shelf icon
New Visual Feedback shelf icon
Delay Operator becomes Block Operator (has now a Trigger)
Physicalize and Force Behaviors allow to differentiate spines in a Character (allowing detaching a rider from a horse for example)
Added tooltip for the bone quality conversion in the CharacterMaker
Added the number of Entities attribute in the CrowdField
Selected CrowdFields display a bounding box of its connected Entities
Check Render Settings now check for the renderer version
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash in Render Previz display mode with Viewport 2.0
Fixed a crash when trying to load missing Fbx vertex caches
Fixed a leak of file descriptors with Fbx vertex caches
Fixed a crash when undoing the creation of a particle system from the PopulationTool locator
Fixed a crash when reopening a scene with a CrowdTargetLocator
Fixed Rendering Type assignment panel in the EntityType node
Fixed camera clipping planes computation when displaying Entities
Fixed bad GeometryId assignment when using Geometry Behavior and the Render Previz display mode
Fixed the Limb mapping tooltip display in the CharacterMaker
Fixed the Forward Kinematic Animation Compatibility giving sometimes a wrong result
Fixed conflict between the AdaptOrientation and the Force behavior
Fixed velocity computation in the AdaptPosition behavior
Fixed .ass, .mi, .rib export when exporting several CrowdField nodes
Fixed Mental Ray Render Stats
Fixed refresh button in the EntityTypeSurface node
Fixed a crash when loading Arnold during a simulation
Fixed roll bones parameters edition in CharacterMaker (leading to wrong computation)
Fixed offset between previz and rendering in GeometryBehavior when using 1-bone .gskm
New glmEntityId computation process (depending on the crowdFieldId): newEntityId = (entityId+1)*1000+crowdFieldId
Filter kill list Entities if their particle lifespan in set to 0
Autocreate 3Delight default render pass if required
Autocreate VraySettings node if required
Merged Maya Settings Checker & Crowd Settings Checker
Added warning messages when cropping frames of a MotionClip are not valid
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.57
Renderman Studio 18.0
Katana 1.X (Arnold only)