Golaem Crowd 3.5.1 (2015/01/09)
Important Notice
Due to the refactoring of render proxies, render proxies created with previous version of Golaem Crowd should be deleted and re-created.
New Features
- VRay proxy now supports VRay 3.0
- Camera frustum based rendering now works with Mental Ray and V-Ray as well
- PaintTool now supports UDIM meshes
- SyncMotion Behavior now also works with curves
Camera frustum parameters can now be displayed in the Maya viewport
CrowdField with different start frames can now be exported and rendered separately
Simulation Caches, FBX & Alembic files of different CrowdField can be exported in different directories
Alembic export also exports Shader User Attributes (and Surface Shader names)
New ground adaptation mode (orient the pelvis orientation of the character on the surface before adapting the legs) in the AdaptGround behavior
Removed some limitations on the roll bone edition (the list of bones to apply roll on is now the full bone chain) in the Character Maker
Visual Feedback window allows to set the selected Entity (from its id)
Locomotion database in not influenced anymore by the Entity size
Bug Fixes
Fixed roll bone definition in the Character Maker
Fixed Alembic export naming when exporting several frames
Fixed a crash with Alembic export when exporting a mesh with no UVs
Fixed a crash when batch exporting simulation and renderer scene files at the same time
Fixed a crash when opening the visualFeedback in an empty scene
Fixed a crash in undo/redo the PaintTool
Fixed display refresh of the SyncMotion Behavior
Fixed default motion blur value of the Renderman Studio Proxy
Fixed the saved position of the VisualFeedback and the MotionClipPreview when docked
Fixed EntityTypeAttributes not handled correctly with groups
- Frustrum based parameters have been renamed with Frustum
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
- V-Ray For Maya 3.0
- Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
- 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.57
- Renderman Studio 18.0
Katana 1.X (Arnold only)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
- Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
- V-Ray For Maya 2.4