Golaem Crowd 4.0.3 (2015/04/15)
Important Notice
- Check the following page to see how to update your Arnold assets from Golaem Crowd v4.0.2 to v4.0.3
New Features
- RendermanStudio Render Proxy now supports Renderman 19.0 (on top of existing Renderman 18.0 support)
RendermanStudio Render Proxy now supports Subdivision Surfaces
Character Files now contains Shader Groups
Blendshapes values can be set from the SetBone Behavior
Blendshapes values can be read from the Attribute Behavior (new Channel)
- Constraint Behavior can now constraint position / orientation / scale of a constrained Maya object
V-Ray Render Proxy now has a Frame attribute (to offset Simulation Caches)
Alt key to duplicate a Behavior from the Behavior Outliner into the Workspace
"Save As Template" now works on single Behaviors
Alternative Operator displays an id for each condition in the Behavior Editor
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash at the CrowdField Start Frame when the simulation was not completely rewinded
Fixed a crash when resetting shaders on an Empty Mesh Asset in the Character Maker
Fixed a crash when editing the Physics Shapes in the Character Maker
Fixed a crash when deleting the Character Maker Locator node
Fixed a crash when using a not valid mel expression in the SetBone Behavior
Fixed Physics Properties reordering in the Character Maker
Fixed multi-Population Tool Locator emit
Fixed bad picking when using Impostors Display Mode
Fixed the edition of a motion delta orientation when exporting a Motion file in the Character Maker
Fixed the Character FBX Export (non-skinned bones were not exported in the .fbx file)
Fixed Batch Render when motion blur was enabled
Fixed Arnold Batch Render when a CrowdField was in the scene
Fixed Renderman Batch Render callback
Fixed "Save As Template" feature when Target Locators were connected to a Behavior
Fixed "Add New Entity Type Attribute" feature in the Behavior Editor
- Combo box instead of tabs for Character / Motion / Motion Mapping in the Character Maker
- "Relocate FBX" context menu on Geometry Asset in the Character Maker
- Arnold Render Proxy now uses Shader Groups to shade the Crowd Characters
- Alembic Export now exports Shader Groups as a User Attribute
- Creating a Cache Replay Proxy switches to Cache Replay Proxy Mode
New flags in glmExportMotionMapping in order to create and export automatically the .gmm file
glmSortParticleIds to sort particleIds of a particle system along x or z axis
Samples & Character Pack
- Added a medieval soldier asset
- Added a physics sample (collision with moving object, explosion, aspiration)
- Added a synchronized combat action sample
- Added sample scenes in the Character Pack
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.0
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Renderman Studio 19.0
Katana 1.X (Arnold only)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Renderman Studio 18.0