Golaem Crowd 4.3.1 (2015/12/1)
Important Notice
Notice that rotation axis order in the SetBone behavior has changed between Golaem Crowd 4.3 and 4.3.1
Use MEL function golaemCrowd43To431() to update your scene from Golaem Crowd 4.3 to 4.3.1
New Features
- New Physics Channels
New Ground information Channels
SetBone Behavior allows to set the orientation of the Root Bone
SetBone Behavior allows to set the position of the Root Bone
Expressions in the SetBone Behavior can now be enabled/disabled
UVPin & SetBone Behaviors can now be evaluated before or after Physics behaviors
Bug Fixes
Fixed footprint recomputation in the simulation
Fixed a crash when replacing particle systems with the Population Tool if a set Entity Type is no longer in the scene
Fixed a crash when exporting CrowdField with namespaces
Fixed a crash when parsing the default material in VRay Distributed Rendering
Fixed a crash when fetching texture in a cyclic shading graph (cgfx shader) in Render Previz
Fixed a crash when the "Same nucleus solver than clothes" option in the Cloth Locator
Fixed a crash when rendering with Mental Ray
Fixed a crash when mapping/unmapping effectors in the Character Maker
Fixed the sphere Population Tool orientation noise
Fixed Arnold .ass exporter
Fixed Flock Behavior random number generation
Fixed Render Checker Tool when checking Character Files with empty shader attributes
Fixed squash'n'stretch support of the pelvis in the Motion & Locomotion Behaviors
Fixed rotation axis in the SetBone Behavior
- More verbose error messages when loading the Geometry File in Render Previz or render
In glm_crowd_io.h, log messages from the fbx classes are supported
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.10.01, 3.00.01
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.20.XX
Renderman Studio 20.X
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Renderman Studio 19.0