Golaem Crowd 4.1 (2015/06/15)
New Features
- Integration of Nvidia PhysX for physics simulation (physics simulation are now multithreaded!!)
- Support of V-Ray 3.0 for 3ds Max
- Support of V-Ray 3.0 for Maya 2016
New physics collision triggers with Entity Types, entity color and bone color
New Entity Channels (closestEntity, closestEntityOfType, entityXXXX) in the Attribute Behavior
New Behavior Channels (closestEntity, closestEntityOfType, distanceWithEntity) in the Attribute Behavior
Support of in-between Blendshapes
- AdaptPosition Behavior allows to add Character relative position offset
Link after the Alternative / Random Operator can now be enabled / disabled in the Behavior Editor
Mental Ray Proxy supports ObjectID pass for Mental Ray
Detach behavior can now also re-attach bones
Character Maker allows to export Character Files for previous Golaem Crowd versions
Added a warning when trying to import non-baked animations in the Character Maker
Added a warning when trying to import skeletons with Segment Scale Compensate option is activated
Bug Fixes
- Fixed computing motion blur for cloths
- Fixed a crash when renaming a Shader in the Character Maker
- Fixed a crash when painting meshes with a huge number of normals
- Fixed a crash when Entity Types materials had cyclic nodes
- Fixed motion import that set wrong Squash and Stretch values (shrunken bones at render time)
- Fixed roll bones orientation (was using the IK Normal Plane instead of the Bone orientation)
- Fixed FBX export for Maya 2016
- Fixed Cloth Locator scene reload
- Fixed Shader appearing twice in a Shading Group in the Character Maker
- Fixed Force and Steer Behaviors viewport 2.0 display
- Fixed [operand1 + <<operand2>>] operation in the Attribute Behavior
- Golaem Crowd switches back in Simulation Mode when the last Cache Proxy node is deleted
- Simulation Export is disabled when in Cache Proxy Mode
- Physicalize behavior can not set gravity anymore. Gravity can only be set in the Physics Locator
Character Pack & Samples
- The Golaem Crowd Character Pack is now available to everyone
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.0
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.0
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Renderman Studio 19.0
Katana 1.X & 2.X (Arnold only)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Renderman Studio 18.0