
Golaem Crowd provides query variables to define the directories in which the different categories of files (Characters, Motions, Environments...) will be loaded / saved.This variables use Maya optionVar mechanism and are persistent between different invocations of Maya. These variables are stored as part of the preferences.

Available Variables

Simulation Files

browserLocationCharacters Default directory where the Character files are loaded / saved: Character files (.gcha), motion mapping files (.gmm), Character geometry file (.fbx or .gcg)
browserLocationMotions Default directory where the Motion files are loaded / saved: motion files (.gmo)
browserLocationEnvironments Default directory where the Environment files are loaded / saved: NavMesh files (.gse), PhysX environment files (.xml)
browserLocationShaders Default directory where the Character Shaders are loaded / saved: lookDev files (.ma)
browserLocationSimulationExport Default directory where the Simulation Export files are loaded / saved: Simulation Cache files (.gscf and .gscs) and Simulation Layout Files (.gscl)
browserLocationSimulationBake Default directory where the Simulation Bake files are loaded / saved: Geometry bake files (.abc or .fbx), Arnold scene files (.ass), V-Ray scene files (.vrscene), Renderman scene files (.rib)
browserLocationSimulationLibrary Default directory where the Simulation Library files are loaded / saved: Simulation Library Files (.gscb)
browserLocationGolaem Default directory where the other files (not listed above) are loaded / saved.

System Files

glmCrowdLogDirectory Default directory where the Crowd log file will be written: log file (.log)
glmCrowdCrashReportDirectory Default directory where the Crowd crash dump files will be written: dump files (.dmp)


glmGeometryTags Names to use for the list of Character Geometry Tags (a list of 10 names separated with ";"). Maya needs to be restarted when this optionVar is edited to be taken into account
glmCrowdCharacterFileUseRelativePaths Integer value. When set to 1 (default), file paths in the Golaem Character file are stored relative to the Golaem Character file path. These file paths include geometry files, fur files and cloth files.


Set a Variable

To set a variable, it is possible to use the Maya's optionVar command:

optionVar -stringValue "browserLocationCharacters" "C:/myProject/crowd/characters";

Get a Variable

To get a variable value, use the following command:

optionVar -q "browserLocationCharacters";

Get a Variable Name depending on its Extension

It is possible to get the name of a Variable depending on its extension:

getCrowdWorkspaceOptionVarFromExt "gmm";
// Result: browserLocationCharacters //