Golaem 5.0.3 (2016/03/03)
Important Notice
Physics World Ground adaptation is now defined in the Physicalize Behavior instead of the Terrain Locator. Scenes using this feature will need to be manually updated.
New Features
Time Offset and Time Warp layers in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
Scale range layer in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
Change Rendering Type layer in the Character Palette
Trigger nodes can now have multiple outputs
"Show in Hypershade" context menu for Shading Group, Shader Asset and Shader Attribute nodes in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
Improved the "I'm Feeling Lucky" tool of the Character Palette to shuffle assets according to the Character File rules
Rendering Types view now shows the full node hierarchy in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
New option on the Script Behavior to display or not the executed command
Draw Terrain option in the Simulation Cache Proxy node
PPAttributes are now read when the behavior starts in the SyncMotion Behavior
Switch attribute when different Characters are selected in the Character Palette
Save button in the Simulation Cache Layout saves every all Simulation Cache Proxies history
Physics World Ground Adaptation is now defined in the GroundAdapt Behavior (instead of the Terrain Locator)
Selecting a Shader Attribute in the Character Maker select the relative UserData node in the Shading Graph
Bug Fixes
Fixed rendering not working when multiple render proxies in the same scene
Fixed flickering when stopping a MasterSlave Behavior (multi-thread related)
Fixed 3D orientation update in the MasterSlave Behavior
Fixed tab selection when dragging a trigger in a Trigger Container
Fixed Motion Clips not added properly in a Locomotion Behavior (hash collision related)
Fixed a crash when the root of a Trigger is not contained in the TriggerContainer
Fixed a crash when a Character File is invalid in the Simulation Cache Proxy
Fixed a crash when the Character Files list of a Render Proxy node is not up to date
Fixed a crash when loading shaders with cyclic texture file graph in the Render Previz display mode
Fixed a crash when rendering multiple Rendering Types using same Character File
Fixed a crash when selecting an item in the Assets Outline of the Character Maker
Fixed a crash when minimizing nodes in AutoLayout mode in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
Fixed a crash when removing a particle system
Fixed a crash when importing transforms with identical names in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
Fixed a crash when using CTRL+SHIFT+D with no translation in history in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
Fixed non-consistent Bone editions between edition and rendering in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
Fixed bad orientation when rotating around multiple axis in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
Fixed geometry import sometimes linking the same node twice in the Character Maker
Fixed Asset Properties and Asset Outliner show/hide status in the Character Maker
Fixed Motion Mapping display disappearing in the Character Maker
Fixed a memory leak with shader attributes in the Mental Ray Render Plugin
Fixed Mental Ray Proxy creation added to the Display Layer
Fixed CrowdField Entity information display
Fixed Simulation Percent update in the CrowdField
Fixed the Trigger list filter of the Trigger Editor
Fixed hidden node selection in the Character MakerRender Proxies are now created in a Reference Display Layer called golaemLayer
Skeleton and Geometry tabs are vertical in the Character Maker (in Character Mode)
Geometry nodes (except Asset Groups) are collapsed by default when opening a gcha file in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
Asset Nodes becomes Asset Outliner and Node Properties becomes Asset Properties in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
Refactored Simulation Cache Layout Tool Interface
Tabs of the Trigger Editor are now at the bottom of the Behavior Editor
Stopping color of tracked Behaviors is blue in the Behavior Editor
Trigger Container & Behavior Editor icons updated
CTRL+SHIFT+D replaced with SHIFT+D in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
- Flags for the Renderman / 3Delight / Guerilla Render Plugins
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.10.01, 3.00.01 & 3.05.04
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
Renderman Studio 20.X
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4b31
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Renderman Studio 19.0