Golaem 5.1 (2016/04/27)
New Features
- Trajectory Edit and Snap To layers in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
- Grouping of layers in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
- Support of shadows casting (only Spot Light for now) in the viewport
Painted Entity Type is now saved in the Paint Tool texture
Support of animated FBX Terrain (transforms) in the Simulation Cache Proxy
Speed and Acceleration Per-Particle attributes can now be animated
Support of modulo (%) operator in Expressions
Simulation FBX Mode exports assets-repartition Entity meshes
New Heading / Attitude / Bank Channel
UVPin Behavior now uses mesh normals instead of smoothed vertex normals
Handle Motion Channels with SyncMotion Behaviors
Exported FBX files are now compatible with Maya 2014 and later (from Character Maker or Simulation Exporter)
PreEmit / PostEmit Callbacks preserve selection in the Population Tool Locator
Bug Fixes
Fixed transform computation applied to V-Ray Render Proxy
Fixed frame offset combined with motion blur in V-Ray
Fixed a bug which deletes simulation when skipping frames
Fixed Motion Locator posture computation
Fixed rotation axis in the SetBone Behavior
Fixed Expressions computation in the Set Bone Behavior
Fixed starting / stopping duration not taken into account in the Locomotion Behavior
Fixed Vector attribute generation when using V-Ray Vector Shader Attribute
Fixed Vector Field computation when using Random Target in a GoTo Behavior
Fixed refresh in the Physics Properties dialog in the Character Maker
Fixed Simulation Cache Replay timeline display when simulation starts before frame 1
Fixed Render Previz Display Mode using wrong camera with multiple Maya viewports
Fixed a crash at simulation initialization when multiple particle systems are connected to a CrowdField
Fixed a crash when computing mesh names in glmAssetMeshTools command
Fixed a crash when using Golaem Groups
Fixed a crash when using several simulations
Fixed a crash when creating a loop between triggers in the Trigger Editor
Fixed a crash when setting a next behavior in the If Operator
Fixed a crash when no UV is present on the mesh used in a Cloth Behavior
Fixed trigger node enabled / disabled coloring in the Trigger Editor
Fixed a refresh bug when selecting a node in the Node Outliner in the Character Maker
Fixed Simulation Cache Layout GUI (buttons, tooltips, refresh...)
Fixed "Show In Maya" option in the Character Maker interfering with Maya selection
Fixed conflict between the Hypershade and the Population Tool Locator AETemplate in Maya 2016
Fixed behavior unlink when using a Parallel, NoOrder or Loop operator
Fixed triggers not properly reset when re-entering behaviors or some operators
Fixed the Behavior Editor Visual Feedback refresh when unselecting an Entity
Fixed a refresh bug when resetting shaders in the Character Maker
Fixed CharacterController Behavior when using Flock Behaviors
Fixed the frame Rate in the Motion Preview Tool
Fixed minimize / maximize in the Behavior Editor
Fixed kill option in the Layout command
Tool bar can not be removed anymore from the BehaviorEditor
Added a button to open the Trigger Editor from the TriContainer
Added buttons to open the Trigger Editor for each triggers in the If Operator
- Merge of glmHistoryExport and glmSimulationCacheCmd into glmHistory Command
Character Pack
- Improved shaders, now native renderer shaders for all characters
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.1.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.10.01, 3.00.01 & 3.05.04
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
Renderman Studio 20.X
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4b31
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
Mtoa 1.0.X / Arnold Core 4.1.X
V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Renderman Studio 19.0