Interpolated Motion Blending


The Interpolated Blend Mode performs blending as classically used in animation, e.g. it consists in performing an interpolation between several animations:

Interpolated Animations Input/Configuration
Main Blend Pass Output Animation

Interpolated Blend Mode

Waving T-Animation
Interpolated Blend Mode

Average Waving Animation

All behaviors in Interpolated Blend Mode are blended during the Main Blend Pass (see details below)


Interpolated Mode: Priorities and Weights

Priorities and weights can be configured to handle animation concurrency and control accurately the interpolated blend. For instance, considering the following configuration for the 2 interpolated animations in the previous example:

Priorities/Weights Configuration Main Blend Pass Output Animation
A-Stance priority is higher than Waving T-Animation priority
A-Stance priority is equal to Waving T-Animation priority
A-Stance weight is 0.75
Waving T-Animation weight is 0.25

75% of A-Stance
25% of Waving T-Animation
A-Stance priority is equal to Waving T-Animation priority
A-Stance weight is equal to Waving T-Animation weight

50% of A-Stance
50% of Waving T-Animation
A-Stance priority is equal to Waving T-Animation priority
A-Stance weight is 0.25
Waving T-Animation weight is 0.75

25% of A-Stance
75% of Waving T-Animation
A-Stance priority is lower than Waving T-Animation priority
Waving T-Animation