glmMayaToSimulationCache [-fromRoot string] [-characterFile string] [-startFrame int] [-endFrame int] [-cacheDir string] [-cacheName string] [-crowdField string] [-exportNewCharacter bool double] [-exportTerrainMeshes string] [-autoSwitchProxy bool]
Long name (short name) | Argument types | Properties | Description |
-fromRoot (-ro) | string | multi-use |
List of the root joints to convert into Golaem cache If none is given, the command will take the currently selected joint nodes instead. If no skeleton node is selected either, the command will export every joints from the scene. |
-characterFile (-gch) | string | multi-use |
Full path of the input gcha character file. Several character files can be given by using the flag several times with different argument values. If no character file is given, the command may automatically build them, see the exportNewCharacter flag. Character files are assigned to the the joints in scene depending on the hierarchy and number of joints in the skeleton. If they differs, they can't be used. |
-startFrame (-sF) | double |
Frame at which starting to export cache. Will start from the first frame in the Maya timeline if flag is not set. |
-endFrame(-eF) | double |
Frame at which stopping to export cache. Will stop at the last frame in the Maya timeline if flag is not set. |
-cacheDir (-cd) |
string |
mandatory | Directory to export the cache |
-cacheName (-cn) | string | mandatory | Name of the exported cache |
-crowdField (-cf) | string | Name to give to the crowdfield in cache | |
-exportNewCharacter (-enc) | bool double |
bool argument: allow to automatically create .gcha to correspond to the Maya skeleton and geometry (default: true) double argument: 0 to automatically choose between .gcg or .fbx geometry files, 1 to force .gcg, 2 to force .fbx |
-exportTerrainMeshes (-etm) | string | multi-use | Name of the maya meshes which will be exported as a Terrain File. |
-autoSwitchProxy (-asp) | bool | true to automatically create a proxy that loads the cache into the scene after exporting it. (default: true) | |
-cacheQuantizationMode(-cqm) | int | Quantization mode to use:
Return Value
MEL Examples
glmMayaToSimulationCache -cacheDir "C:/export" -cacheName "myCache" -exportTerrainMeshes "pPlane1";
// Result: none if OK
Python Examples
import maya.cmds as cmds
cmds.glmMayaToSimulationCache(cacheDir="C:/export", cacheName="myCache", exportTerrainMeshes="pPlane1";
// Result: none if OK