Golaem 8.1.3 (2022/05/09)
New Features
- Perception Shape can now be defined in the Character File
- Goto and Navigation Behaviors now use the Character Perception Shape (voxel based)
- New Bool Operation node in the ChOp Editor
- Added support of Unreal Engine 5.0
- Added support for UDIMs in GPU Render Previz Display mode
- Added support for Shader Attributes in the USDSkel bake
- Added support for mesh variation variants in the USDSkel bake
- Added threshold attribute in the Expression Trigger
- Added support for Ctrl + G shortcut to group Layers in the Layout Editor
- Added support for Ctrl + double click shortcut to move up groups in the Layout Editor
- Added support for V shortcut to Set As Root a Trigger in the Trigger Editor
- Frame attribute of the ChOp Accu node can be driven by the second input
- Threshold value for the bool operators of the Operation node can be driven by the third input
- Improved performances for the "Create parameters" button in the BlindData Layer node
- Improved display of Crossing Locators when set to Junction
- Improved Channel Helper window when using Golaem Attributes
- Remove Tip contextual menu can now be applied on the selected Effector nodes in the Character Maker
- Remap Ext / Remap Aux contextual menu can now be applied on the selected Effector nodes in the Character Maker
- IK Planes toggle can now be applied on the selected Effector nodes if holding Shift in the Character Maker
Bug fixes
- Fixed reopening of the Golaemisator
- Fixed display of fur on killed Entities
- Fixed killed Entities when using the Alembic or FBX bakers
- Fixed Layout Tool opening in the Golaem For Katana plugin
- Fixed Layout Tool opening in the Golaem For Houdini plugin
- Fixed GCG export with blendshapes having multiple materials
- Fixed GCG export with blendshapes having complex rig deformers
- Fixed External Entities perception when using a different Crowd Unit
- Fixed disabled input slots in the Chop Editor when reopening a scene
- Fixed mesh target Relative Closest assign mode in the Goto Behavior
- Fixed mesh target Relative Closest assign mode in the Steer Behavior
- Fixed warning messages when connecting curves to a Traffic Locator
- Fixed Population Tool slot orientation when populating on Traffic Locator curves
- Fixed a crash when using a wrong / empty Expression in the Goto Behavior
- Fixed a crash when using a wrong / empty Expression in the Steer Behavior
- Fixed a crash when using a wrong / empty Expression in the TrafficGoto Behavior
- Fixed a crash at simulation rewind when using Sensor filter operators
- Fixed a crash when exiting Maya in some specific cases
- Fixed Cylinders display when using the XRay viewport mode
- Fixed Physics Shapes display when using the XRay viewport mode
- Fixed Mesh Render Previz display not taking the Layout into account if not saved
- Fixed the "Pick From Selected Entity" button in the SetMeshAsset Layer of the Layout Tool
- Fixed PPAttributes values when emitting entities from multiple Population Tools simultaneously
- Fixed attributeValueType value when using the queryProperties flag on the glmCharacterMaker command
- Fixed memory leak in the Tracy profiler
- Removed support for Unreal Engine 4.26
- Modified the NCloth Behavior icon
- Added tooltips on icons in the Layout Editor
- Added tooltips on icons in the ChOp Editor
- Simulation Cache Proxies are now added to a glmCaches group
- Default Terrain Locator is created when using a Navigation Behavior
- Refactored Goto Behavior Attribute Editor
- Refactored Steer Behavior Attribute Editor
- Renamed Reference Position to Relative Position in Goto and Steer Behavior
- Removed the Enable attribute of the Cache Proxy Manager Node
- Removed Attribute Behavior from the Behavior Editor (use Chop Behavior instead)
- Removed PPAttribute Trigger from the Behavior Editor (use Expression Trigger instead)
- New addSkeletonOverride flag in the glmCharacterMaker command
- New addBlindDataOverride flag in the glmCharacterMaker command
- Added SkeletionOverride in the addGeoNode flag of the glmCharacterMaker command
- Added BlindDataOverride in the addGeoNode flag of the glmCharacterMaker command
- Added PhysicsOverride in the addGeoNode flag of the glmCharacterMaker command
Supported DCCs
- Autodesk Maya 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022
- Autodesk 3ds Max 2018, 2019, 2020
- Foundry Katana 3.X, 4.X
- Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.0
- SideFx Houdini 19.0.531, 18.5.672
Supported Rendering Engines
- Arnold - Mtoa 5.0.X / KtoA 4.0
- V-Ray - For Maya 5.0.22, 5.1, 5.2 / For 3ds Max 5.1
- Renderman - For Maya 24.X / For Katana 24.X
- Redshift - For Maya 3.0.46-57 / For Katana 3.0.46-57 / For 3ds Max 3.0.46-57
- USD - Standalone 0.19.11 and 0.20.02 / For Houdini 18.5 and 19 / For Katana 3.5
- 3Delight - For Katana 2.3.2 (through USD)
- Guerilla Render 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
- Arnold - Mtoa 4.2.X / KtoA 3.2.X
- V-Ray - For Maya 4.0X, 4.1X, 4.3X / For 3ds Max 4.30
- Renderman - For Maya 23.X / For Katana 23.X
- Redshift - For Maya 2.6.49, 2.6.5X / For Katana 2.6.55