Golaem Crowd 2.3.1 (2013/03/18)
New Features
- Constraint Behavior to constrain a Maya Object to a CrowdEntity bone
Simulation can be exported and rendered if no skeleton file is loaded
Several GeoBehaviors can be played in a simulation (and triggered)
New Front axis parameter in CrowdBeGeometry (if not blended)
New Geometry speed parameter in CrowdBeGeometry to automatically adapt the replay to the particle velocity
File browser now uses workspace for files with the same extension
More parameters to control the CrowdBeAvoidance behavior
More parameters to control the CrowdBeLookAt behavior: max speed, head/neck/bust percent, start/stop duration
Bug fixes
- Fixed crash when adding particles to an existing particle system with the population tool
- Fixed CrowdBeGeometry interpolation of geometry frame values when moblur is enabled
- Refresh properly the Skinned Mesh interface for one bone/mesh
- Fixed character world position in not blended GeometryBehavior
- Fixed Motion Files removing in CrowdBeMotion when brackets in the file path
Information about the CrowdBeConstraint behavior
Information about the CrowdBeGeoemtry behavior
Information about rendering crowd with Kick (for Arnold)