Golaem Crowd 3.0.14 (2013/12/17)
Important Notice
Notice that scene compatibility has been broken between Golaem Crowd 3.0.13 and 3.0.14.
Use MEL function golaemCrowd3013To3014() included in glmUpdateScene.mel (in the Golaem Samples Package) to update your scene from Golaem Crowd 3.0.13 and 3.0.14
New Features
Motion Clip nodes to edit motion files within a simulation (framerate, translation, rotation)
Motion Locator node to play a motion file on a Maya character and validate assets conversion
Displacement is now supported in the VRay Proxy
Added obstacles management in the Flock Locator
glmExportMotion MEL/Python command to export and modify a Motion from the CharacterMaker, a motion file and a skeleton
glmExportMotionMapping MEL/Python command to export a Motion Mapping file
HSL shader for 3Delight
Character Maker: interface to crop motions
Character Maker: remove ids from the UI and replace it with channel names
Character Maker: reads joint limits information from Maya and apply them to the physics configuration
Character Maker: displays joint limits of selected joints in the viewport
Add an automatic Speed Ratio mode in the Motion Behavior
3Delight Proxy does not require RIB export anymore
VRay Proxy now has an ObjectID attribute (for ObjectID pass)
Behavior Editor now remembers open tabs
Behavior Editor has a special display when errors or warnings pop
Steer Behavior has now a special display
Parallel Operator can now exits when a specific Behavior has ended
Added a shortcut in the Entity Type to open its character file in the Character Maker
Added a shortcut in the Entity Type to open its Behavior Container
Added a shortcut in Behaviors to open their Behavior Container
Parallel Operator Exit is no longer influenced by disabled behaviors
Character Maker: now the ground height is not shown when editing an animation
Emit button of the Population Tool has been refactored for more clarity
Surface Shape now uses character posture for frustrum culling
Random Trigger is now a percentage
Changed Arnold shader category
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash related to the the Render Previz mode when reopening or creating a new scene
Fixed a crash when cleaning the Behavior Editor EntityTypes
Fixed Kill list tool with all renderers
Fixed several behaviors to take the crowdUnit into account
Fixed surface shader calls in the 3Delight proxy
Fixed Arnold batch render
Fixed a display bug in the PopulationTool when created at (0,0,0)
Fixed a display bug when loading a scene with EntityType Attributes
Fixed a display bug when minimizing and maximizing BehaviorEditor, CharacterMaker and NavMeshCreator
Fixed Geometry Behavior start random min and max values - they are now taken into account
Fixed RenderID pass in the VRay Proxy