Release Notes
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Golaem Crowd 2.5.1 (2013/07/23)
VRScene files do not need to be exported anymore to render with VRay in Maya (WARNING: existing proxies must be re-created)
Added support for MaterialID and MultiMatte passes in the VRayPlugin
Added visibility parameters in the VRayPlugin (primary, casts shadows, visible in reflections, visible in refractions)
Added a Low pass filter for adapting orientation in the BeLocomotion
Bug fixes
Fixed material search for the VRayPlugin (works with any suffix, not just @material)
Fixed bug in Python command of VrayProxy when vrscene path contained '\' characters (replaced with '/')
Fixed Orientation Low Pass Filter Param in BeNavigation (was previously ignored)
Fixed missing normals when no skinning in CrowdIO
Fixed initial orientation in Group Entity Type (now the average orientation of its members)
Fixed a crash that could occur when computing the velocity pass in the VRayPlugin
Fixed a multithreading related random crash when accessing materials in the VRayPlugin
Fixed rendering when motion blur is requested with only one sample in the VRayPlugin
Golaem Crowd 2.5 (2013/07/10)
Now supports Maya2014
Added Locator mode in the AdaptOrientation behavior
Surface Shape node now supports animated rigid meshes
Bug fixes
Fixed constraint behavior with 3d orientation
Fixed particle generation in navMesh obstacles
Fixed stop mode of LookAt behavior
Fixed skeleton root node name matching (character didn't load when root node contained FBX special characters: FBXASC***)
Arnold Proxy is created even when the detected MtoA version is incompatible (a warning message is still shown)
Changed install folders for rendering plugins (files are now installed in "procedurals/" instead of "plugins/renderPlugin/$MAYA_VERSION")
Golaem Crowd 2.4.2 (2013/06/18)
New Features
- Character Maker(beta): Added a new "start offset" display attribute
- Character Maker(beta): No more "export start/end frame" parameters
- Revamped beRagdoll impulse Intensity parameters
- Arnold Proxy is created even when the detected MtoA version is incompatible (an error message is still shown)
- RMS Proxy: no more workspace attributes (the user can set the environment in the renderer options)
- Changed install folders (files are now installed in "plugins/renderPlugin/$MAYA_VERSION" instead of "plugins/renderPlugin")
- Properly set RPATH for Linux plug-ins
- User Manual is now generated with a dynamic table on content
Bug fixes
- Fixed a crash with nParticles generated with the popTool
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when saving the scene
- Fixed a crash between the CrowdField and nParticles system
- Fixed a crash with group entities
- Fixed negative impulse intensities with locator relative intensity
- Fixed a resizing bug when Qt Windows are minimized
- Fixed problem with non-smoothed normals
- Fixed the Character Maker(beta) motion export: the correct number of frames is now exported
- Fixed the Character Maker(beta) node creation issue when loading pymel
- Fixed the Character Maker(beta) motion cyclification process
- Fixed the Unlock button of the CrowdManagerNode (when several nodes in the scene)
Golaem Crowd 2.4.1 (2013/05/21)
New Features
- Procedural shaders for 3Delight (Switch & GetUserData)
- Speed ratio of Motion & Geometry behaviors is now dynamic.
- Arnold procedural now works with mtoa0.23.1
- User data now works with 3Delight
- Automatic cast of vector PPattr in double PPattr in PPattr trigger (useful for triggers based on speed magnitude...)
- Positions and sizes of Golaem Crowd windows are saved in the windowPref file
- Add null ground in Physics Locator
- Add getPPAttr functions in UserScripts.mel
- Asset Manager: when all weights of a group are set to 0 no asset in the group is chosen
Bug fixes
- Fixed a wrong display of the population tool
- Fixed default ground in Physics Locator
- Fixed setPPAttributeVector Mel function in UserScripts.mel
- Fixed Goto behavior random target picker
Golaem Crowd 2.4 (2013/04/29)
New Features
- Synchronous/Asynchronous parrallel operator mode (to be able to choose if a parrallel operator should ends before all included behaviors ends)
Crowd tool windows are maximized when called through their shelf button (if previously minimized)
Add unlock button to the CrowdManagerNode (to be able to delete it easily if needed)
Razor tool to cut controlflows in the Behavior Editor (Alt+LeftClick)
Lock scale for the GotoTargetLocator
Bug fixes
Fixed 3Delight Proxy rib file path completion
Fixed crash when a Behavior container was added in contained operator
Fixed crash when batch-rendering frames with missing simulation cache with Arnold
Fixed main container changing when an entityType was selected at Behavior container creation
Color bug fix for fixed pipeline opengl
Golaem Crowd 2.3.2 (2013/04/11)
New Features
- BehaviorTime trigger which can stop a behavior when it has been played XX frames and/or seconds
CrowdBeAdaptOrientation: Take 3d orientation into account (and bank) for spiders, birds...
CrowdBeConstraint: Can add keyframes to constrained objects
Remove limitation that required more than one bone morphology
Surface shape can render baked animation geometry
Surface shape skinned mesh take 3d orientation into account
Ctrl+s in the Simulation Tool is taken into account
CrowdBeNavigation: Parameter to control the max number of perceived entities
CrowdBeGeometry: Add -x & -z front axis to the GeoBehavior
More parameters to control the CrowdBeLookAt behavior: max speed, head/neck/bust percent, start/stop duration
Change in the timeToTurnAround mechanism (locomotion, navigation, adaptOrientation)
Bug fixes
Fixed critical crash with Skinned Mesh display of Surface shape
Fixed crash when the first renderingTypeId is not 0
Fixed null lifespan particle simulation
Fixed error message when a behavior has an invalid motion and was out of the flow
Fixed Crowd menu position and appearance in Maya
Fixed import custom behaviors
Golaem Crowd 2.3.1 (2013/03/18)
New Features
- Constraint Behavior to constrain a Maya Object to a CrowdEntity bone
Simulation can be exported and rendered if no skeleton file is loaded
Several GeoBehaviors can be played in a simulation (and triggered)
New Front axis parameter in CrowdBeGeometry (if not blended)
New Geometry speed parameter in CrowdBeGeometry to automatically adapt the replay to the particle velocity
File browser now uses workspace for files with the same extension
More parameters to control the CrowdBeAvoidance behavior
More parameters to control the CrowdBeLookAt behavior: max speed, head/neck/bust percent, start/stop duration
Bug fixes
- Fixed crash when adding particles to an existing particle system with the population tool
- Fixed CrowdBeGeometry interpolation of geometry frame values when moblur is enabled
- Refresh properly the Skinned Mesh interface for one bone/mesh
- Fixed character world position in not blended GeometryBehavior
- Fixed Motion Files removing in CrowdBeMotion when brackets in the file path
Information about the CrowdBeConstraint behavior
Information about the CrowdBeGeoemtry behavior
Information about rendering crowd with Kick (for Arnold)
Golaem Crowd 2.3 (2013/03/04)
New Features
- Geometry Behavior (assign a baked FBX file to a crowd entity)
- New Skeleton Motion Converter in beta version: CharacterMaker
- 3Delight Proxy for Maya Rendering
- Kill list tools for rendering
- RenderingTypePP in the EntityType (in order to promote a particle as a different renderingType)
- "Check Render Settings" and “Check Batch Render Settings” button in the CrowdRender Menu in order to prevent/check non-renderable scenes
- Add a CrowdRenderManager node mechanism to force CrowdRender load in renderable scenes (for Batch Render)
- Remove OpenGL Assert / Decrease error messages at load for Maya batch mode
- If simulation cache does not exist, render is not cancelled (frames 1 & 2)
- Arnold procedural now works with mtoa0.22
- Error & critical Arnold logs do not stop the render anymore
- Remove defer standin (required fake bbox) at Arnold proxy creation (WARNING: existing Arnold proxies must be re-created)
- CrowdProxyVray is now a locator
- Unified plugin names for Linux and Windows (remove lib** prefix when needed)
- Add Animation Mask and Animation Priority control in the Locomotion Behavior
- Custom random number generator do not interfere with Crowd random number generator
- Surface Shape color variation now uses entity ID for random number generation
- Improved command glmSpatialRequest
- Added some ppattr setter mel function (setPPAttributeFloat & setPPAttributeVector)
- Display an error if crowd files do not exist at init (gsk, gskm, gsks...)
- Invalid license causes Maya to show the appropriate error message
Bug fixes
- Fixed crash on Linux if license was not found
- Fixed a crash under linux when license is invalid
- Fixed crash on Linux at load/unload of the plugin
- Fixed Batch Render for 3delight, Arnold & Vray (WARNING: existing proxies must be re-created and pre-mel emptied)
- Fixed multiple proxies support for Mental Ray and Arnold
- Fixed directionPP attribute in the crowdField
- Last exported frame is now renderable with Arnold when motion blur is off
- Fixed error message when cache file is not found with Arnold
- Fixed several crowdFields export support with Arnold
- Fixed slider entityRadius in the crowdField
- Fixed node mapping in the ExternalEntity Locator
- Fixed automatic mapping filter for terrain creation
- Fixed connexion to itself in Alt & Random operators
- Fixed scatter support in GoToBehavior
- Fixed targetIdPP in GoToBehavior
- Fixed crash in the Golaem log after an arnold render
- Fixed Skeleton mapping export crash if skeleton has not been computed correctly
- Fixed crash at Motion export for some specific rigs
- Fixed motion preview crash for some specific rigs
- Fixed performance issue in Arnold rendering when the crowd asset manager file has user attributes
- Fixed crash if fbx source file is invalid in the cam file with Mental Ray
- Fixed crash if simulation cache does not exist with VRay
- Fixed crash when rendering with MRay on Linux
- Fixed crash when loading Arnold shaders and Arnold dso on Linux
- Fixed fail when rendering with vray on Linux
- Fixed random number generator for the first launches (better diversity when only few characters)
- Fixed a wrong error message in GoToTarget idPP name mode
- Fixed wrong argument "Voxels" in navMesh cmd
- Fixed transparency in default orange mental ray shader
- New section "Technical Documentation" in the User Manual with the main command syntaxes & options
- More information about the Locomotion Behavior
- More information about the SurfaceShape display
- More information about the new GotoBehavior and GotoTarget interfaces
Golaem Crowd 2.2 (2013/01/11)
New Features
- Procedural rendering plugin, proxy and shaders for Arnold
- New plugin CrowdRender to handle render proxies in Maya (does not require a license)
- Procedural shaders for VRay
- Multi material support for all renderers
- Added crowd unit in CrowdMangerNode to centralize the scale ratio
- Distance trigger
- nParticles are now taken into account natively with the CrowdField
- New popTool mode able to take any selection component into account (vertices, faces, edges...)
- MEL Command "replaceMaterialType()" to replace a material type with another (for Arnold and Phong not supported)
- Multi selection available between Maya and the Behavior Editor (shift key)
- Poptool per-particle index rendering
- Show/hide poptool annotation
- NavMesh Tool: Voxel Subdivision uses tiles to compute large environments. Added warning when voxel count is huge (> 100 million).
- New display for the Enternal Entity Locator
- Uniformization of the rendering proxies (it is now possible to add different rendering proxies in a same scene)
- Default material in VRay when shaders are missing is now orange
- MentalRay plugin: Small performance increase
- Support RenderMan Studio 4.0 (Maya 2012 & 2013 64-bit only) and RenderMan Pro Server 17.2 (64-bit only)
- FAQ link from CrowdRender plugin
- Load/Save windows uniformisation
- BeNavigation: Default acceleration set to 10
- BeNavigation: No more max speed
Bug fixes
- Correction on arm bones orientation when playing a motion
- PopTool: Mesh scale is taken into account (when linked to it)
- Fixed reparenting behavior problems in the Outliner
- Fixed trigger reevaluation in Alt operator
- Fixed transparency and alpha in MRay shaders
- Fixed randomness in NoOrder operator
- Fixed crash at fbx eport (single file)
- Fixed crash when exporting entities without a skeleton/mapping file
- Fix auto-map between Goto Targets and Goto Behaviors
- Asset Manager: Fix bug when adding a new geometry file
- Rendering: Fix crash when with motion blur samples <= 1
- Mental Ray plugin: Fix the alpha channel
- Information about how to install Windows and Linux packages in silent mode
- Update for Asset Manager
- Documentation for Crowd Unit
- Documentation for Arnold proxy
- Documentation for VRay procedural shaders
Golaem Crowd 2.1 (2012/10/23)
New Features
- Renderman Studio Proxy for Maya Rendering
- V-Ray Proxy for Maya rendering
- Behavior import/export to library
- Single procedural call per frame for Renderman & MentalRay
- Single procedural call per render for VRay
- Renderman & 3delight plugins now thread safe
- Mental Ray rendering is up to 10x faster
- More error/warning messages for MentalRay rendering
- More error/warning messages at FBX export from Asset Manager
- Simulation export: maya scene name has the suffix Crowd (avoids potential name conflicts)
- Reset shaders now works with the current selection
- BehaviorEditor trigger highlighting
- BehaviorEditor new boolean trigger in order to have a true and false trigger in every trigger combo box
- More entries BehaviorEditor contextual menu
- No more "from FBX" character creation
- No bone radius for skeleton shape rendering in previz
Bug fixes
- Fix population tool display bug : all entities were displayed with the same color
- Fix skeleton motion converter display bug : root bone button was not displayed
- Fix entity shape surface : entities were not shaded correctly on some graphic configuration
- CrowdIO: normals are properly computed, sharp angles are no longer smoothed!
- BehaviorEditor trigger sharing
- Asset Manager: Fix random int shader parameter sampling