Release Notes
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Golaem (2017/03/15)
New Features
- Added an option to export to an expanded vrscene file when rendering with v-ray in the Crowd Render Proxy
Display message/popup for unsaved Simulation Cache Layouts when baking
Added a second curve with more precision in the Animation Transition node
Added shallow_color in supported plugs for previz for RedShift
Bug Fixes
Fixed ObjectID management with Redshfit
Fixed a reproducibility issue when stopping a Navigation Behavior in multithread
Fixed a crash and rendering glitches when using cloth + GCG + Multi Materials
Fixed a crash and glitches when having multiple cloth meshes
Fixed a crash when no shader is detected in mayaToGCG (mono material)
Fixed Geometry baking not using selected entity ids properly
Fixed Golaem Python modules loading within Maya 2017
Fixed VRay IPR rendering
Fixed Nucleus index for duplicated cloth connection to solver
Fixed a potential crash after removing Entity Types nodes
Fixed dirmap & wrong message when importing a gcg file from the Character Maker
Fixed error message about skeleton bindpose scale not matching - the real bone name will be displayed
Fixed the Enable Layout checkbox not taken into account in the Simulation Cache Library
Fixed posture import for multiple characters in Layout
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.4.0 & 1.3.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.40.XX & 3.30.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
Renderman Studio 21.X
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
Redshift 2.0.77-80
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4.4
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Golaem 5.3.4 (2017/01/23)
New Features
- Golaem can now store animation of non mapped bones in its Golaem Motion file (.gmo)
New Alembic Export mode, one file per entity
Entity Id based Export in the Simulation Bake Tool
Disable collisions option in the Physics Locator
Hierarchical Shader Attributes range is now read from Maya shading graph in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
New height offset parameter in the MeshPin Behavior
Bug Fixes
Fixed blendshape export and naming in the gcg file format
Fixed joint limits display in the Character Maker
Fixed destination terrain adaptation in the Simulation Cache Proxy
Fixed Layout File in the Simulation Cache Proxy saving when using Maya save
Fixed scale and terrain adaptation in the Simulation Cache Proxy
Fixed terrain display not using the proxy transform in the Layout Tool
Fixed Shader Attributes range with Redshift shaders
Fixed a crash when duplicating Entities with nCloth in the Layout Tool
Fixed a crash when using Locomotion channels in the Locomotion Behavior
Fixed a crash when creating a Population Tool with no slot
Fixed a crash in the Perch Behavior when raycast distance was less than entity radius
Fixed ground adaptation when using SnS animations with a leg length ratio > 1
Fixed ground adaptation when the limb direction was upward
Fixed baked geometry export not taking Layout into account
Fixed Kill / Unkill Layout when rendering with Redshift
Fixed Kill / Unkill Layout with entities with nCloth
Fixed slot placement when distance was null but noise wasn't in the Population Tool
Fixed archiving Layout file (.gscl)
Fixed Python conflict between mToA and Golaem
Fixed Flock Locator update when using VP2.0
CrowdTargetLocator has ben replaced by the Population Tool Locator
Motion Clips are now sequenced and not randomized anymore in the Motion and SyncMotion Behaviors
More robust bone mapping in the Plug Output of the Simulation Cache Proxy
New icon for the MeshPin Behavior
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.4.0 & 1.3.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.40.XX & 3.30.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
Renderman Studio 21.X
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
Redshift 2.0.77 to 2.0.80
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4.4
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Golaem 5.3.3 (2016/12/19)
New Features
New MeshPin Behavior to remap simulations on a specific Mesh Space
Collision detection between slots of different Population Tool Locators
Distance X & Z in the Population Tool Locator
Noise X & Z in the Population Tool Locator
Mesh Object Id Mode in the Render Proxy
New flags characterFileId, meshIds, shaderAttributeValue in glmSimulationCacheTool command
Redshift shading variation is taking into account when importing geometry in the Character Maker
Redshift rendering proxy takes Render Proxy time into account
A default Rendering Type is created when a new Character is initialized in the Character Maker
Raycast distance for Polygon Triggers can be configured
Contextual menu to remove the tip on Effectors in the Character Maker
Added displacement information to the vrscene exporter for 3ds Max
SyncMotion Behavior can be used without any transform
New option to keep the original animation orientation in the SyncMotion Behavior
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash when using multiple VrayGolaem nodes in 3ds Max
Fixed a crash when exiting Maya with External Entities
Fixed a crash when doing a Play Backward next to the simulation start frame
Fixed shaderAttribute flag in glmCharacterFileTool command
Fixed Cache Proxy Library Item creation when in Component Mode
Fixed transform parameter when rendering with Renderman
Fixed FBX To GCG Conversion ignoring some meshes (based on wrong material assertion)
Fixed FBX Export (Animation Mode) when using Rigid Meshes
Fixed PLE license when using instanced in Redshift
Switched viewport 2 rendering to subscene override to be compliant with Maya 2016.5 and 2017
Forced coronal and transverse IK Planes when detecting a biped in the Character Maker
Shader Importer triggers every time a Character File is loaded
"Add all" button in WeightList controllers
Contextual select in TextScrollListMapping controllers
Layout files are now per Simulation Cache Proxy (instead of per CrowdField)
- New glmSceneLicenseCheck command
Supported Rendering Engines
- Mtoa 1.4.0 & 1.3.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
- V-Ray For Maya 3.40.XX & 3.30.XX
- V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
- Renderman Studio 21.X
- Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
- Redshift 2.0.76
- 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
- Guerilla Render 1.4.4
- Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Golaem (2016/11/18)
Important Notice
From this release, Evaluation licenses have been replaced by Personal Learning Edition licenses.Personal Learning Edition licenses are not time limited anymore but all files generated will be "waterwarked" at rendering time.
More info on
New Features
- Shading diversity in the Redshift render plugin
- Values of Time Offset / Time Warp layers can now be set or added
- Improved Bind Pose Detection Mode in the Character Maker (now uses skin clusters information)
- Improved performances when using multiple Simulation Cache Proxies in a scene
- Added support of instances in the Redshift render plugin
- Added support of Vector Shader Attributes exports in the Alembic Baker
- Added selection information in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
- Added default material support in 3delight and Renderman render plugins
- Added Up axis check in the Maya Scene Settings Checker
- Support of scaling in the Character Geometry GCG file
- Support of Blendshape / Blind Data animations in glmExportMotion
- Added evaluation mode in the Ramp Node
Bug Fixes
- Fixed node transform not taken into account by instanced geometries at render time
- Fixed simulation display frustum culling when using huge values for the far clipping plane
- Fixed creation of Stop Triggers when duplicating behaviors
- Fixed mapping of Motion Clips when duplicating Motion, SyncMotion and Locomotion behaviors
- Fixed mirror animation in specific situations
- Fixed a crash when rendering more than 8 Crowd Render Proxies
- Fixed a crash when rendering time offset characters
- Fixed a crash after picking an entity with a start frame different than the simulation start frame
- Fixed a crash when exporting an empty mesh as Character Geometry GCG file
- Fixed a crash when refreshing Simulation Cache Proxy when in Simulation Mode
- Fixed a crash when using ragdoll with zero-mass or zero-density
- Fixed a crash when a ApexCloth behavior is started
- Fixed a crash with uninitialized entities in VP2
- Fixed a crash hen rendering a mesh without a shading group in the Redshift render plugin
- Fixed normals when using Render Previz on some Character Geometry GCG file
- Fixed multi material handling in the Character Geometry GCG file
- Fixed ground adaptation when the entire motion had footprints
- Fixed ground adaptation when blending with non ground-adapted animations
- Fixed material export when baking a simulation as FBX
- Fixed namespaces creation when baking a simulation as FBX
- Fixed display of Box Crowd Rigid Bodies with VP2
- Fixed parameters not correctly taken into account when having multiple Flock Behaviors
- Fixed Sync Mode based on Body Mask in the Motion Behavior
- Fixed non reproducible simulations when using more than one particle system
- Fixed disconnected roadmaps in the NavMesh Creator
- Fixed no Cache Replay display on CentOS7
- Replaced User Properties with Arbitrary Geometry Parameters in the Alembic Baker
- Bake Simulation Cache Layout as a Simulation Cache has been moved to the Simulation Exporter Tool (Baker tab)
- Decreased limit for warning message when computing a NavMesh for a huge environment
- Target reachability is checked even when there are multiple zones in a NavMesh
- Removed Layout operations on a CrowdManager Node (Kill, Set Mesh Assets)
- Render Previz geometries get refreshed when shaders are imported
- NavMesh Creator now ignores hidden geometry
- Added a -personal flag to the glmCheckLicense command
- Added a -savedWithPLE flag to the glmCheckLicense command
- Added a sortedBones attribute flag to the glmCharacterFileTool command
- Added a entityKilled attribute flag to the glmSimulationCacheTool command
- Added a boolean return value to the glmConvertFbxToGcg command
Supported Rendering Engines
- Mtoa 1.4.0 & 1.3.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
- V-Ray For Maya 3.40.XX & 3.30.XX
- V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
- Renderman Studio 21.X
- Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
- Redshift 2.0.70, 2.0.71 & 2.0.72
- 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
- Guerilla Render 1.4b31
- Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
- Renderman Studio 20.X
Golaem 5.3.1 (2016/10/21)
Improved memory usage at rendering time (up to 50%)
Improved Collision Trigger UI
Improved "Open Layout File" in the Simulation Cache Layout (load all relevant gscl at the same time)
Improved UI for the Animation Transition node (max zoom level, transition mode display, snap on maya frames, refresh)
Sampled frames are now logged when rendering with a Info log level
Auto Compute Motion Blur parameters tool in the Crowd Render Proxy
Added new subdivision parameters for Arnold
New "Random Target on Mesh" Target Mode in the GoTo Behavior
Added an option to remove the Motion Clip first frame offset in the SyncMotion Behavior
Bug Fixes
Fixed render failure at second render with Redshift
Fixed motion blur computation in 3Delight
Fixed motion blur computation in Mental Ray
Fixed motion blur computation in Renderman
Fixed render percent in Redshift
Fixed V-Ray render layer support
Fixed bbox clamping in Redshift
Fixed Simulation Cache corruption when using blend shapes with additive blending
Fixed Limbs computation when using additive blending
Fixed a crash when using the SetMeshAsset layer in a non existing mesh in the Simulation Cache Layout
Fixed a crash when selecting an entity by entering its id in the Visual Feedback
Fixed a crash when rendering an empty Crowd Render Proxy
Fixed a crash when viewing cloth in the Simulation Cache Proxy
Fixed Enable Layout checkbox in the Simulation Cache Proxy
Fixed Terrain adaptation in Maya 2017
Fixed multiple skeleton connected to the OutPlug Attribute of the Simulation Cache Proxy
Fixed Layout File not saving when closing a scene without saving it
Fixed consistency between Simulation Render Percent and Simulation Display percent
Fixed normal computation in footprint display
Fixed collision with Yeti render callbacks
Fixed dynamic target / dynamic target update period in the GoTo Behavior
Fixed update of percentage when setting Entity Types percents from the text field in the Population Tool
Fixed Entity Types percents in the Group Entity Type Node in VP2.0
Fixed bad offset for one bone constrained Character in the Render Previz display mode
Shader importer when a Character File is loaded via the Entity Type Interactive Menu
Instancing is disabled in the Redshift Render plugin
Instancing is now enabled in the V-Ray Render plugin
Automatic triangulation is now disabled in the Arnold Render plugin (faster and more precise geometry)
NavMesh Creator now ignores hidden geometry
Update automatic skeleton flags in the glmCharacterMaker command to take detection mode and auto compute parameters into account
Support of layout and terrain files in SimulationCacheToolCmd
Simulation Exporter Tool updates the Simulation Export optionVar when a simulation is exported
New optionVar for Simulation Bake files
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.3.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.40.XX & 3.30.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
Renderman Studio 21.X
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
Redshift 2.0.66
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4b31
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
- Renderman Studio 20.0
Golaem (2016/09/28)
Important Notice
From this release, Renderman 19 and V-Ray 2.4 are not supported anymore
New Features
New multithreaded Geometry File Format (.gcg) to store Character skinning! Up to 50x faster geometry generation at rendering time!
New Transition Editor to control precisely between two Animation Behaviors
Support of Redshift 2.0.52 Beta (shading variation is not supported yet)
Support of Mtoa 1.3
Support of Renderman Studio 21.0
Support of Maya 2017 (only Legacy Viewport for now)
New Simulation Cache Proxy Manager to handle Simulation Cache Proxy Nodes
Geometry assignment Channels
EntityType Node creator interactive menu
Added option to set a namespace on Mesh Assets or Shaders in the Character Maker
Automatic Character bounding box computation in the Character Maker
Asset Groups having only Asset Groups children are weighted by default in the Character Maker
New Locomotion mode (direct mode controlled by animation) in the Locomotion Behavior
Evaluation of the Random Trigger can now be constant
Better performances for the Texture trigger
New VRay displacement strategy (now reads attribute from the scene)
Bug Fixes
Fixed Ass Bake Export (wrong syntax)
Fixed FBX Bake Export with Point Cache when using ':' prefixed names
Fixed Bake frames when using a scene made before Golaem 5.2.2
Fixed huge memory leaks when rendering with Mental Ray
Fixed item creation in the Simulation Cache Library
Fixed referencing a Crowd Manager Node in a Cache Replay scene
Fixed World Servo Mode velocity computation in the Physicalize Behavior
Fixed MotionBehavior.currentFrame & currentRatio Channels (renamed as motionFrame and motionRatio)
Fixed support of multiple displacement attributes with the same name in the Character Maker
Fixed a crash when hiding particle systems
Fixed a crash when exporting Simulation Caches in a read-only folder
Fixed a crash at rendering time when using the SnapTo Layer in the Simulation Layout Tool
Fixed a crash when bake exporting some simulations
Fixed ground adaptation at rendering time when using a Time Offset / Time Warp layer in the Simulation Layout Tool
Fixed Set Mesh layer when dealing with cloth Mesh Assets in the Simulation Layout Tool
Fixed Simulation Cache Layout Tool refresh when creating a Simulation Cache Proxy in a blank scene
Fixed terrain assignment when baking a Simulation Cache Proxy
Fixed scaling of Arnold bounding boxes
Fixed ground adaptation set to Particle and no NavMesh
Fixed bone window list in the Simulation Cache Proxy
Fixed displacement keyword in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
Fixed multiple opening of the Simulation Cache Library
Fixed golaemCrowdCleanPre52 error when batch rendering
Geometry File exporter helper (gcg or fbx) in the Character Maker
Subdivision Type panel has been removed in the NavMesh Creator (not used anymore)
Added shelf icon for the Import Shaders Tool
Added a message in the status bar when saving a file succesfully in the Character Maker
Crop Motion / Edit Motion / Footprint panels can now be hidden in the Character Maker
Render instancing has been disabled for Mental Ray due to major leaks that cannot be handled yet
New automatic skeleton and geometry import flags in the glmCharacterMaker command
glmExportMotion now returns conversion quality values (mean position, orientation and scale errors)
Reorganization of the Python code as package
Reorganization of the Devkit
Devkit samples now come with their compiled version
Removed OptionVar for Simulation Layout Files (used the same one than Simulation Caches)
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.3.X & 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.40.XX & 3.30.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
Renderman Studio 21.X
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
Redshift 2.0.52
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4b31
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
- Renderman Studio 20.0
Golaem 5.2.2 (2016/08/10)
New Features
- Shader Attribute Layer in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
SnapTo and Duplicate Layer in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
Vertex cache instancing mechanism
Enable / Disable Layout in the Simulation Cache and Crowd Render Proxy Nodes
Layout File can now be changed in the Simulation and Crowd Render Proxy Nodes
Layout Terrain can now be changed in the Simulation and Crowd Render Proxy Nodes
New Texture Trigger to read the color from Maya Texture Nodes (either 2d or 3d textures)
Simulation Exporter Window now has a Simulation Baker tab to export Alembic, Fbx files for Crowd Render Proxy Nodes
Support of colliders in the Automatic Apex Generation
Support of skinning weight to determine the max distance on each vertex in the Automatic Apex Generation
Geometry generation for Arnold is now multithreaded
Improved Social Force Avoidance in the Navigation Behavior
New parameters to control Social Force Avoidance in the Navigation Behavior
Improved Bake Layout in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
SaveAs option in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
Color threshold Attribute in the Painted Zone Trigger
Layout Terrain is now saved in the Simulation Cache Library
Layout Terrain is now saved in the Simulation Cache Library
All Simulation Cache Proxies are imported in the the Simulation Cache Library if none are selected
Better navigation when using VectorField nodes with high velocity Entities
Bug Fixes
Fixed ApexCloth Behavior not working with the Detach Behavior
Fixed a crash when using a Motion Blur Window Size smaller than 1
Fixed a crash when rendering cloth with motion blur
Fixed a crash when using Apex files with a long path
Fixed a crash when trying to export to an unreachable folder with the Simulation Exporter
Fixed a crash when opening a scene with a non existing NavMesh file
Fixed a crash when deleting Trajectory layer transform in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
Fixed selection of the Simulation Cache Proxy node
Fixed export terrain when directory was not existing
Fixed invalid character file load in the Character Maker
Fixed ground adaptation when using a Flock Locator
Fixed assets not editable when having multiple Simulation Cache Proxy Nodes and using the Assets Palette Tool
Fixed selection of entities after duplication in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
Fixed ground adaptation when using the Trajectory Layer in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
Fixed operations not being applied to every duplicated entities in the Simulation Cache Layout Tool
Fixed "AEVectorFieldLocatorTemplate.mel line 61" error when selecting a VectorField Node
Fixed simulation cache dim screenshot when not found in Simulation Cache Library
Fixed screenshot generation in the Simulation Cache Library
- Removed Export Terrain Item from the Golaem Menu (now in the Simulation Cache Proxy)
- Frame Attribute in the Simulation Cache Proxy Node
- Simulation Cache Library File is now saved on Maya exit
New layout and terrain flags in glmCrowdSimulationExporter
New glmCrowdSimulationBaker command
New OptionVar for Simulation Cache Library Files
New OptionVar for Simulation Layout Files
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.40.XX, 3.30.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
Renderman Studio 20.X
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4b31
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
- V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Renderman Studio 19.0
Golaem 5.2.1 (2016/07/13)
New Features
Support of Maya 2016 Ext 2 (only Legacy Viewport for now)
Automatic mesh instancing mechanism with Mental Ray & V-Ray (without motion blur)
Improved import geometry time on huge environments in the NavMesh Creator
Improved NavMesh creation time in the NavMesh Creator (support of shared edges)
Improved interaction between Crowd Rigid Bodies and Entities Rigid Bodies
Offset parameter in the LookAt Behavior
Support of Render Layers in the Simulation Cache Render Node
Support of Batch Export in the Apex Cloth Behavior
Support of ground adaptation when scaling a Simulation Cache Proxy node
New Export Geometry In One File Per Entity Fbx Mode in the Simulation Exporter
New option to export Ascii Fbx files in the Simulation Exporter
Added an option box for duplicating behaviors (triggers can be either new or shared)
New Blend to Animation parameter when switching to Kinematic Rigid Body in the Physicalize Behavior
New optionVar for Shader files
Bug Fixes
Fixed drag and drop of Containers and Operators from the Behavior Outliner in the Behavior Editor
Fixed duplicating triggers when duplicating behaviors
Fixed wrong scaling when exporting FBX Geometry
Fixed Geometry Behavior when exporting FBX Geometry
Fixed a crash at the plugin unload
Fixed a crash when automapping biped characters in the Character Maker
Fixed a crash when using the Physicalize or the Force Behaviors
Fixed a crash when using motion blur and instancing rigid meshes in the Arnold Render plugin
Fixed a crash when the Character File is missing in Simulation Cache Replay mode
Fixed a crash when multithreading the start of a Force Behavior
Fixed a crash when having more than 16 Blend shapes displayed in the Render Previz display mode
Fixed a crash when the vertex cache is not coherent with mesh control points in the Render Previz display mode
Fixed a freeze when importing geometry in the Geometry Tab of the Character Maker
Fixed the Check Shaders tool when a simulation has not been exported
Fixed automatic Apex creation with in the Apex Cloth Behavior
Fixed automatic Apex creation when several assets have the same name but from different character files in the Apex Cloth Behavior
Fixed automatic Apex creation when no bones are configured in the Apex Cloth Behavior
Fixed ground adaptation with in Simulation Cache Replay mode
Fixed bad orientation of 1-bone characters with SnS in Simulation Cache Replay mode
Fixed terrain draw in the Simulation Cache Proxy node
Fixed Windows batch export when using glmBatchCrowdSimulationExporter
Fixed save window in the Character Maker
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.2.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.40.XX, 3.30.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
Renderman Studio 20.X
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4b31
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
- V-Ray For Maya 2.4
Renderman Studio 19.0
Golaem (2016/06/27)
Bug Fix
- Fixed a crash when displaying the simulation cache in Viewport 2.0