Release Notes

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GOLAEM 6.2 (2017/10/27)

Important Notice

From this release, Golaem Navigation relies on Golaem Sensors. Thus, all previous scenes using the Navigation Behavior will produce a slightly different result due to an improved perception system

New Features

  • New Golaem plugin for Katana which allows to preview and render Golaem Caches within Katana, KtoA and RfK
  • New Geometry Tag mechanism to switch the Geometry Files used in the different steps of the pipeline (simulation cache replay, render and bake)
  • Introduction of the Golaem Attributes as replacement for the PPAttributes
  • New Golaem Attribute Spreadsheet Tool to monitor and edit Golaem Attributes


  • Navigation Behavior now uses Golaem Sensors for its perception. Sensors can be configured
  • Support of Geometry Tags in the Geometry Behavior
  • OptionVar glmGeometryTags can be used to define custom Geometry Tag names
  • All selected items are deleted when clicking on a Simulation Layout Tool Layer delete button
  • GLM_CROWDUNIT environment variable can also be used for the 3ds Max plugin
  • Entity Scales are taken into account in the Perception
  • Orient Pelvis On Ground Normal attribute now works in particle mode within the AdaptGround Behavior

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed motion blur computation with Arnold 5
  • Fixed a crash when using the physics Behaviors and some specific collisions
  • Fixed a crash when using Group EntityTypes
  • Fixed a crash when using a Translate and a Rotate Expression in the SetBone Behavior
  • Fixed a crash when displaying the Maya Rigid Bodies in the Character Maker under Linux
  • Fixed Autocompute Skeleton Mapping not mapping some effectors in the Character Maker
  • Fixed glmClearChOpEditor and glmRefreshChOpEditor being called in Maya batch
  • Fixed geometry repartition within the Golaemisator Tool
  • Fixed Golaemisator not opening with Maya 2017 and Linux
  • Fixed Reset Shaders button with Renderman shaders
  • Fixed time offset in the One File Per Entity Alembic Bake Mode
  • Fixed Trajectory Edit and Trajectory Mode order in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Fixed error message about missing Simulation Cache when using Trajectory Layers
  • Fixed Group Laxness not set correctly when using multiple Navigation Behaviors
  • Fixed the loading of old Character Files (pre-v6) in the Character Maker
  • Fixed V-Ray Subdivision 


  • Reorganized icons in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Crowd Archiver does not archive Simulation Caches anymore by default
  • SiToA is not supported anymore


  • The Character Geometry files are now returned and set per Geometry Tag in the glmCharacterFileTool command
  • Geometry properties now include the Geometry Tag in the glmCharacterMaker command
  • Removed glmGetNavMeshDefaultValue command
  • Removed glmSpatialRequestCmd command

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.4.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.6X, 3.5X & 3.40.XX
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4
  • Mental Ray 3.13.X
  • Redshift 2.5.30
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.5 and 2.6 with KtoA and above, 2.0.4 and above and RfK 21.X 2.0 & 1.4.X

Also supported (but must be manually installed)

  • Mtoa 2.0
  • Redshift 2.0.91-93


GOLAEM (2017/10/02)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Trajectory Edit Layer when selecting multiple entities
  • Fixed Trajectory Vector Field Layer with Maya 2016 and the Legacy Viewport
  • Fixed deletion of layers in the Simulation Layout Tool

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.4.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.5X & 3.40.XX
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4
  • Mental Ray 3.13.X
  • Redshift 2.5.30
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
  • Mtoa 2.0
  • Redshift 2.0.91-93

GOLAEM 6.1.2 (2017/09/28)


  • Support of subdivision in 3Delight
  • Support of subdivision in Redshift
  • Support of n-edges faces in V-Ray
  • Support of quad faces in Redshift
  • Simulation Cache Library now opens library files in separate tabs
  • Motion Mapping file in the Entity Type Node
  • Meshes rendered with V-Ray RenderID now uses V-Ray ID generator
  • Refresh Geometry button of the Simulation Cache Proxy Node also refreshes the rendering geometry cache
  • New option to replay bone local orientations from the animation posture instead of the skeleton in the Physicalize Behavior
  • New option to freeze cloth simulation in the ApexCloth Behavior
  • New option to drive entities towards targets in the MeshPin Behavior
  • Full component selection within the Population Tool and the Simulation Cache Proxy Node in Maya 2018
  • Use Shift key to add / remove Entities to the current selection in the Simulation Cache Proxy Node in Maya 2018
  • Use 'L' to auto layout selected nodes in the Channel Operator Editor
  • Grouped layers are deleted when the Group is deleted in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Selected layers are deleted when selected in the Simulation Layout Tool

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug when using the Time Offset Layer with a SnapTo Layer in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Fixed a bug when using the Edit Bone Layer with a SnapTo Layer in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Fixed dynamic speedRatioPP in Motion and SyncMotion Behaviors
  • Fixed Triangle Mesh mode in the Crowd Rigid Body Node
  • Fixed display of clothes in Simulation Cache Replay
  • Fixed a crash when autocomputing the Character Skeleton in the Character Maker
  • Fixed a crash when exporting gcg Geometry File with a joint-scaled bindpose
  • Fixed vector expression parsing in ChOp nodes
  • Fixed a layout bug in the Channel Operator Editor
  • Fixed External Entity Locator undefined position when in collision with the NavMesh


  • Vector expressions are consistently displayed in the Channel Operator Editor and the Visual Feedback
  • Updated icon in the Visual Feedback and the Channel Operator Behavior for the Channel Operator Editor


  • Rendering type can be fetched in the glmSimulationCacheTool command
  • glmSpatialRequest command is deprecated

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.4.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.5X & 3.40.XX
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4
  • Mental Ray 3.13.X
  • Redshift 2.5.30
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
  • Mtoa 2.0
  • Redshift 2.0.91-93


GOLAEM 6.1.1 (2017/09/05)

New Features

  • Added support for Maya 2018


  • Improved plugin loading time when a firewall is set
  • Improved performances when using the SnapTo Layer in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • New Export Animation Alembic Mode in the Simulation Baker (can be opened as a Point Cache within Houdini)
  • Connections are now selectable and can be deleted using the DEL Key in the the Channel Operator Editor
  • Scale in and out with the Alt key is not supported in the Channel Operator Editor
  • Visual Feedback values are now updated correctly when changing the selected Entity in the Channel Operator Editor
  • Channel Operator Editor is now consistent when opened multiple times (one instance, nodes at the same positions)
  • Channel Operator Editor is now refreshed correctly when opening or creating a new scene
  • Conversion to World Angle now returns an angle between -180 and 180 in the Crowd Chop Converter Node
  • New Channel this.previousDirection
  • Added a transparency parameter in the Population Tool Locator
  • Search field also searches within library item tags in the Simulation Cache Library

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Physics shapes edition not saved correctly in the Character Maker
  • Fixed shading assignment in the VrayGolaem 3dsmax plugin
  • Fixed SetBone Layer not working correctly when editing the same bone on a second entity in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Fixed Time Warp Layer not looping correctly with Geometry Behavior in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Fixed inactive Geometry Behavior causing Geometry File not found at rendering time
  • Fixed Destination Terrain browser in the Simulation Cache Proxy node
  • Fixed a crash when creating a new scene and using the Channel Operator Editor
  • Fixed a crash when exiting Maya and using the Trajectory Layer in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Fixed a crash when using the PerchOn or MeshPin Behavior in multithread
  • Fixed a crash when using the Kill Behavior and using callbacks
  • Fixed a crash when using the Emit Behavior in VP2.0
  • Fixed Perception not working properly with the External Entity Locator
  • Fixed missing material and wrong UV when baking FBX Animation and using the Golaem Character Geometry File
  • Fixed renaming the Simulation Cache Proxy which disabled Layout operations
  • Fixed a bug when using the Paint Tool when computing tangents and bitangents
  • Fixed the output directory refresh in the Golaemisator
  • Fixed Channel this.direction return value


  • New Shelf icon for the Channel Operator Editor
  • VrayGolaem 3dsmax plugin now comes along the Maya plugin install directory (in procedurals/3dsmax/)
  • Removed Channel this.previousOrientation (not used)


  • Added a -release flag in the glmCheckLicense command

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 2.0 & 1.4.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.5X & 3.40.XX
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.3 and 21.4
  • Mental Ray 3.13.X
  • Redshift 2.0.91-93 / 2.5.13
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)

GOLAEM 6.1 (2017/08/01)

Important notice

From this release, Golaem switches to Personal Learning Edition license if no commercial license is found.
This behavior can be disabled by setting the GLMCROWD_NO_PLE environment variable to 1
More info on

New Features

  • New Nodal Editor to build and debug ChannelOperation Behavior graphs
  • New Golaemisator Tool to convert Maya Characters and Animations in one click


  • Simulation Cache OutPlug now supports per-bone scale (SnS) in the Simulation Cache Proxy
  • Faster physics simulation thanks to NVidia PhysX 3.4
  • GPU acceleration for Rigid Body Collisions (only on Windows) (beta)
  • Deformable meshes are now handled in the Perch Behavior
  • Added Target Expression in the LookAt and IK Behaviors
  • Added norm, dist and rand operations to the ChOp Operation Node
  • Added a modulo conversion mode in the ChOp Converter Node
  • Added presets buttons in the ChannelOperator Behavior
  • PostRender Callbacks now get called by PreRender Callbacks (as sanity checks)
  • Added a Reverse Order option in the Sort By Distance Sensor Filter
  • Expressions can now be caster explicitely as Double, Vector, PPAttribute, MEL... 

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed node transformation and terrain adaptation in the 3dsMax plugin
  • Fixed display when playing mirrored animations in the Motion Behaviors
  • Fixed the one frame lag with animated meshes in the MeshPin Behavior
  • Fixed out of frustum computation of Entities in the MeshPin Behavior
  • Fixed a crash due to multithread access in the MeshPin Behavior
  • Fixed a crash when setting an up vector almost equal to current up vector in the MeshPin Behavior
  • Fixed a crash with the AimAt Attributes in the MasterSlave Behavior
  • Fixed a crash when using the -selection and -transformId flags with an invalid transform Id in the glmHistory command
  • Fixed Duplicate Layer on duplicated Entities in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Fixed Arnold Ass file bake export
  • Fixed Entities not being simulated when some particles have a 0 lifespan
  • Fixed Simulation Cache Bake when using Time Offset and Time Warp Layers in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Fixed MEL Expression not evaluated correctly in the ChOp Input Node
  • Fixed MEL Expression not evaluated on first frame in the ChOp Input Node
  • Fixed Local position and local orientation offsets unit conversion in the Emit Behavior
  • Fixed Max Distance unit conversion in the PolygonZone Trigger
  • Fixed PPAttribute Trigger not taking changes into account
  • Fixed restart of the IK Behavior
  • Fixed Target Expression initialization in the IK, LookAt, Steer and GoTo Behaviors
  • Fixed Collision ID not working as expected in the Collision Trigger


  • Golaem Minidump is now disabled by default for new installations of Golaem
  • PyQt dependency has been updated to 1.0
  • New icon for the Replacer Shader Layer in the Simulation Layout Tool


  • glmExportCharacter and glmExportCharacterGeometry commands now return the path of the exported file
  • Flags -firstFrame and -lastFrame replaced by -startFrame and -endFrame in glmMayaToSimulationCache command
  • Flags -entityIds and -duplicate can be used together in the glmHistory command
  • Flag -entityId set to -1 now returns the list of all Entity Ids in the Simulation Cache in the glmHistory command
  • New functions glmCreateEntityExclusionList and glmDestroyEntityExclusionList in glm_crowd.h

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 2.0 & 1.4.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.5X & 3.40.XX
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.3 and 21.4
  • Mental Ray 3.13.X
  • Redshift 2.0.91-93 / 2.5.13
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)

Golaem 6.0.2 (2017/07/10)

New Features

  • New Override Shader Layer in the Layout Tool
  • New Channels for Body Orientation axes and Entity Up Vector as input / output


  • Added mirror operations in the Skeleton Tab of the Character Maker
  • Traffic Lights status in the Traffic Crossing Locator
  • Desired Speed and Move Orientation is now updated by the Flock Behavior
  • Added Body Orientation axes and Entity Up Vector helpers in the viewport

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the Time Warp Layer
  • Fixed Local Servo Physics Mode with Joint Limits not centered in the Physicalize Behavior
  • Fixed wrong initialization when using emitters in the Channel Operator Behavior
  • Fixed Roll Bones Mapping in the Character Maker
  • Fixed ground adaptation in the Traffic Behavior
  • Fixed mesh transform management in the PerchOn Behavior
  • Fixed dynamic mesh transform management in the PerchOn Behavior
  • Fixed a multithreading issue in the Attribute Behavior
  • Fixed a crash when having overlapping crossings in the Traffic Locator
  • Fixed a crash when starting a Physicalize Behavior with Entity Emitters
  • Fixed a crash when using Entity Emitters and the Attribute Behavior
  • Fixed a crash when rendering Entities with cloth simulation
  • Fixed a crash in the Alembic Bake Export Per Entity mode
  • Fixed a crash when using the Visual Feedback and a wrongly configured SetBone Behavior
  • Fixed Locomotion Behavior not working anymore with Maya Particle Fields
  • Fixed Create Vector Field button in the GoTo Behavior
  • Fixed Paint Density button in the Population Tool
  • Fixed Alembic and FBX Bake Export with prefixed mesh names
  • Fixed vector evaluation in a MEL function of a Channel
  • Fixed the World Direction To Body Angle Converter operation
  • Fixed the World Direction To Move Angle Converter operation
  • Fixed disabled 'Lock Posture on Stop' in the Physicalize Behavior 


  • Refactored error messages when converting motions in the Character Maker (now display the name of all bones)
  • Import Motion Options are now in a collapsed menu in the Character Maker


  • glmMayaToSimulationCacheCmd command has been renamed to glmMayaToSimulationCache
  • Added a cancel button on progress bars in glmMayaToSimulationCache

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 2.0 & 1.4.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.5X.XX & 3.4X.XX
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.50.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.X
  • Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
  • Redshift 2.0.91-93 / 2.5.13
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)


Golaem 6.0.1 (2017/06/28)

New Features

  • Added a Freeze On Collided mode in the MasterSlave Behavior (eg sticky arrows)
  • Added collision support of Apex Cloth Behavior and Crowd Rigid Bodies (max 32 spheres and 32 planes)


  • Support of non-triangulated geometry in the Character Geometry File (gcg)
  • Simulation Cache file quantization format attribute in the CrowdManager Node
  • Improved performances when using a MEL expression in an Input Channel Operator
  • Conversion Factor can be set for Spine / Limbs / Effector nodes in the Character Maker
  • New Export Animation In One File Per Entity FBX Mode in the Simulation Exporter
  • New Export Animation In One File FBX Mode in the Simulation Exporter
  • Added Expression as Target Mode in the Steer and GoTo Behaviors
  • Added a Use Kinematic Target option in the Physicalize Behavior
  • Added a Use Kinematic Target option in the Crowd Rigid Body node
  • Added multiple Entity Types in the MasterSlave Behavior
  • Added an AimAt mechanism in the MasterSlave Behavior
  • Added a XYZ option to constraint position in the MasterSlave Behavior
  • Added Object ID Pass support for EntityType and Character File
  • Added Place on Connex Zones parameter in the Population Tool
  • Added objectCount, objectPos, objectDist, objectId Channels for the ActivateSensor Behavior
  • Added new target modes in the Steer Behavior
  • Channels can be used within a MEL expression when using ##channelName##
  • Population Tool Locators now get a unique ID
  • Fixed ground adaptation when using "Direct Mode Controlled by Animation" in the Locomotion Behavior
  • Particles emitted from Population Tool Locators get assigned the Population Tool ID as a PPAttribute (glmPopToolId)
  • Added statistics parameter in the Terrain Locator (displays navmesh information)
  • Added drawConnexZones parameter in the TerrainLocator
  • Ground adaptation can now be disabled for an Entity Type (advanced attributes)
  • Emit Behavior can now emit particles without Entity Types
  • Added a vertex limit parameter for Convex Hulls in Crowd Rigid Body

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed blendshape deformation computation when controlled by a distant bone
  • Fixed mirror animations looks awkward in some specific cases
  • Fixed wrong ground adaptation when playing mirror animations
  • Fixed a crash when baking sparse Simulation Caches in FBX or Alembic
  • Fixed a crash when using the Emit and Perception Behaviors
  • Fixed a crash when UVs were not set for all the faces of the face when exporting a Character Geometry file
  • Fixed a crash when rendering Simulation Caches with Layout operations on missing Entities
  • Fixed a crash when setting slot count to 0 in the circle Population Tool
  • Fixed a crash when having two or more CrowdFields and using the Perception
  • Fixed headAttBank Channel (was not returning the correct heading)
  • Fixed multiple crashes when using the SnapTo Layer in the Simulation Layout Tool
  • Fixed precision issue when using the Population Tool and Painted Vector Fields
  • Fixed jittering and frame lag in the MeshPin Behavior
  • Fixed limbFootprintPosition channel when ground adaptation is disabled
  • Fixed load / save PNG buttons in the Paint Tool
  • Fixed ground adaptation and Layout when using the Renderman plugin
  • Fixed Behavior Visual Feedback coloring when the Behavior is stopped
  • Fixed the Force Behavior display
  • Fixed Rotate Layer flag in the glmHistory command
  • Fixed Bake Simulation Cache export when Simulation Cache name begins with numbers
  • Fixed Terrain Locator assignment when using the Paint Tool to paint Population Tool density


  • New glmMayaToSimulationCacheCmd command to convert maya keyframe animations as Simulation Caches
  • New glmExportCharacter command to export a CharacterFile
  • New glmExportCharacterGeometry command to export a Character Geometry File (.gcg)
  • Added ppVectorAttrValue support in the glmSimulationCacheTool command
  • Added support for rotation pivot in the Rotate Layer flag of the glmHistory command
  • Flag conversionFactor of the glmExportMotion command is now of type double 3
  • glmCrowdSimulationCacheReaderPlugin has been updated to better reflect rendering plugins process

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.4.0 & 1.3.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.40.XX & 3.30.XX
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.0 & 21.1
  • Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
  • Redshift 2.0.91-93 / 2.5.13
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)

Golaem 6 (2017/05/02)

New Features

  • New ChannelOperator Behavior to build your own fuzzy logic mechanism
  • New Perception system to perceive obstacles and entities
  • New Traffic Simulation Behaviors
  • New Emit Behavior
  • New Kill Behavior
  • New Accumulator Trigger
  • New Trajectory Edit layers in the Layout Tool (smoothing, avoidance, vector field...)
  • Component based edition of slot of the PopulationTool
  • Render Previz display mode now supports up to 16 shadowing lights (spot, omni, ambient, point or directional)
  • Render Previz display mode can now be extended via its .GLSL shader


  • PopulationTool can now be used as an emitter
  • Added grouping options in the SnapTo Layer of the Layout Tool
  • Added an option to copy physics properties from a Character File to another in the Character Maker
  • Added support of Render Stats within the Redshift Render Proxy
  • Added a MotionID PPAttribute control to the Motion and the SyncMotion Behaviors
  • Improved interaction between Navigation and Locomotion Behaviors
  • Improved undo / redo in the Layout Tool
  • rgbPP PPAttribute is now used as the diffuse color of the displayed Entities
  • Arnold opaque attribute can now be set per mesh in the Character Maker
  • GLMCROWD_UNIT environment variable can now be used to set the Crowd Unit within the Manager Node and the NavMesh Tool
  • Starting duration allows to spread the transform change on time or animation's translation in the SyncMotion Behavior
  • Syncing a SyncMotion Behavior on another now shares the transform information
  • Syncing a SyncMotion Behavior on another now makes one owning the animation time information
  • Max Raycast Distance attribute in the Polygon Zone Trigger
  • Wind attribute can now be keyframed in the ApexCloth Behavior
  • Simulation Cache export can be interrupted from the PreCallback (if an error status is returned)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a reproducibility issue when having multiple CrowdFields within Viewport 2.0
  • Fixed ground adaptation for tunnels, bridges and trenches in the Layout Tool
  • Fixed a crash when rendering a cache with BlindData and Blendshapes
  • Fixed a crash when using the Time Offset layer in the Layout Tool
  • Fixed a crash when using the ApexCloth Behavior with multiple CrowdFields
  • Fixed a crash when using Goto Behavior with GroupEntityTypes
  • Fixed a crash when loading a Layout file containing non existing Entity Types references
  • Fixed a crash when batch exporting motion files using the glmExportMotion command
  • Fixed a crash when exporting a simulation with an External Entity Locator
  • Fixed a crash when sharing a SetBone Behavior amongst several EntityTypes
  • Fixed a crash when syncing a SyncMotion Behavior on a Motion Behavior
  • Fixed a crash when some nodes where not related to the pelvis node in the Character Maker
  • Fixed Animation Transition match score and display with cropped Motion Clips
  • Fixed stopping duration computation in the Flock Behavior
  • Fixed blending computation in the Steering Behavior
  • Fixed Apex colliders orientation when created
  • Fixed invalid placement of slots on a NavMesh within the PopulationTool Locator
  • Fixed sourcing of Python modules within Maya 2017
  • Fixed the creation of the SimulationCacheProxy when using the Simulation Baker
  • Fixed rendering when using the Renderman Render Proxy with Render.exe
  • Fixed the ObjectId pass within the Redshift Render Proxy
  • Fixed a bug that disabled ApexCloth simulation on a mesh
  • Fixed sync duration not taken into account in the SyncMotion Behavior
  • Fixed a bug allowing multiple connections between two nodes in the Character Maker
  • Fixed a ghost window appearing in the Character Maker in Maya 2017
  • Fixed the Connect tool in the Swiss Knife Tool


  • Most Golaem nodes now get sorted in groups in the Outliner
  • Most Golaem nodes now get colored in the Outliner 
  • Maya2016 styled flat icons in the Golaem Shelf
  • Icons in the Golaem Menus
  • Target icon is back again in the Golaem Shelf
  • PopulationTools now have a color within the viewport
  • Consistent units within the plugin (NavMesh Tool and Visual Feedback)
  • Refactored attributes within the Flock Behavior
  • Removed Kill Painting mode
  • Removed Layout Name and Layout Dir from the Simulation Cache Proxy and the  Render Proxy
  • Renamed filters in the Collision Trigger


  • Added a glmParticleHandleConnections function to handle connections when a particle system is generated via the PopulationTool

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.4.0 & 1.3.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.40.XX & 3.30.XX
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.0 & 21.1
  • Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
  • Redshift 2.0.77-80
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)


Golaem (2017/06/09)

New Features

  • Added a Freeze On Collided mode in the MasterSlave Behavior (eg sticky arrows)


  • Added Object ID Pass support for EntityType and Character File
  • Simulation Cache file quantization format attribute in the CrowdManager Node
  • Conversion Factor can be set for Spine / Limbs / Effector nodes in the Character Maker

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed blendshape deformation computation when controlled by a distant bone
  • Fixed a crash when batch exporting motion files using the glmExportMotion command
  • Fixed a crash when exporting a simulation with an External Entity Locator
  • Fixed a crash when rendering Simulation Caches with Layout operations on missing Entities


  • Golaem is now compiled with gcc 4.8


  • Flag conversionFactor of the glmExportMotion command is now of type double 3

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.4.0 & 1.3.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.50.XX, 3.40.XX & 3.30.XX
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.0 & 21.1
  • Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
  • Redshift 2.0.77-80
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)


Golaem (2017/03/15)

New Features

  • Added an option to export to an expanded vrscene file when rendering with v-ray in the Crowd Render Proxy


  • Display message/popup for unsaved Simulation Cache Layouts when baking
  • Added a second curve with more precision in the Animation Transition node
  • Added shallow_color in supported plugs for previz for RedShift

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed ObjectID management with Redshfit
  • Fixed a reproducibility issue when stopping a Navigation Behavior in multithread
  • Fixed a crash and rendering glitches when using cloth + GCG + Multi Materials
  • Fixed a crash and glitches when having multiple cloth meshes
  • Fixed a crash when no shader is detected in mayaToGCG (mono material)
  • Fixed Geometry baking not using selected entity ids properly
  • Fixed Golaem Python modules loading within Maya 2017
  • Fixed VRay IPR rendering
  • Fixed Nucleus index for duplicated cloth connection to solver
  • Fixed a potential crash after removing Entity Types nodes
  • Fixed dirmap & wrong message when importing a gcg file from the Character Maker
  • Fixed error message about skeleton bindpose scale not matching - the real bone name will be displayed
  • Fixed the Enable Layout checkbox not taken into account in the Simulation Cache Library
  • Fixed posture import for multiple characters in Layout

Supported Rendering Engines

  • Mtoa 1.4.0 & 1.3.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
  • V-Ray For Maya 3.40.XX & 3.30.XX
  • V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
  • Renderman Studio 21.X
  • Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
  • Redshift 2.0.77-80
  • 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
  • Guerilla Render 1.4.4
  • Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)

