Release Notes
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GOLAEM 6.2.1 (2017/11/24)
New global Shader Override attribute in the Maya Crowd Render Proxy
New Additional Excluded Entities attribute in the Maya Crowd Render Proxy
New global Shader Override attribute in the Katana plugin
New Additional Excluded Entities attribute in the Katana plugin
Support of shading assignment in the Katana plugin when using Renderman For Katana (from RfK 21.6)
The Population Tool can populate in 3D (full orientation) in Component Mode
The Simulation Cache Proxy transform is exported in the Katana NodeGraphXML file
Character Shader Attributes can now be fed with predefined Channel values
Character Shader Attributes can now be connected to the Character Node (and are assigned to all meshes)
Improved stopping animation in the Locomotion Behavior
Bug Fixes
Fixed wrong aiming in the AimAt Behavior
Fixed mirror not working properly in the SyncMotion Behavior
Fixed the Locomotion Behavior when used with an AdaptPosition Behavior
Fixed position noise computation in the Population Tool
Fixed Character conversion when using Geometry Tags in the Golaemizator
Full support of MtoA2 / Arnold5 using MtoA translators
Default Linux temp variable is now TMPDIR instead of TMP
KB Attribute renamed Golaem Attribute in the EntityType Node
Alembic Point Cache bake export is not supported when using FBX Character Geometry File
Character Shader Attribute of type "file" is replaced with "string"
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.4.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.6X, 3.5X & 3.40.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
Renderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4
Mental Ray 3.13.X
Redshift 2.5.30
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
Guerilla Render 1.4.4
Katana 2.5 and 2.6 from KtoA, 2.0.4 and RfK 21.6
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
Mtoa 2.0
Redshift 2.0.91-93
GOLAEM 6.2 (2017/10/27)
Important Notice
From this release, Golaem Navigation relies on Golaem Sensors. Thus, all previous scenes using the Navigation Behavior will produce a slightly different result due to an improved perception system
New Features
New Golaem plugin for Katana which allows to preview and render Golaem Caches within Katana, KtoA and RfK
New Geometry Tag mechanism to switch the Geometry Files used in the different steps of the pipeline (simulation cache replay, render and bake)
Introduction of the Golaem Attributes as replacement for the PPAttributes
New Golaem Attribute Spreadsheet Tool to monitor and edit Golaem Attributes
Navigation Behavior now uses Golaem Sensors for its perception. Sensors can be configured
Support of Geometry Tags in the Geometry Behavior
OptionVar glmGeometryTags can be used to define custom Geometry Tag names
All selected items are deleted when clicking on a Simulation Layout Tool Layer delete button
GLM_CROWDUNIT environment variable can also be used for the 3ds Max plugin
Entity Scales are taken into account in the Perception
Orient Pelvis On Ground Normal attribute now works in particle mode within the AdaptGround Behavior
Bug Fixes
Fixed motion blur computation with Arnold 5
Fixed a crash when using the physics Behaviors and some specific collisions
Fixed a crash when using Group EntityTypes
Fixed a crash when using a Translate and a Rotate Expression in the SetBone Behavior
Fixed a crash when displaying the Maya Rigid Bodies in the Character Maker under Linux
Fixed Autocompute Skeleton Mapping not mapping some effectors in the Character Maker
Fixed glmClearChOpEditor and glmRefreshChOpEditor being called in Maya batch
Fixed geometry repartition within the Golaemisator Tool
Fixed Golaemisator not opening with Maya 2017 and Linux
Fixed Reset Shaders button with Renderman shaders
Fixed time offset in the One File Per Entity Alembic Bake Mode
Fixed Trajectory Edit and Trajectory Mode order in the Simulation Layout Tool
Fixed error message about missing Simulation Cache when using Trajectory Layers
Fixed Group Laxness not set correctly when using multiple Navigation Behaviors
Fixed the loading of old Character Files (pre-v6) in the Character Maker
Fixed V-Ray Subdivision
Reorganized icons in the Simulation Layout Tool
Crowd Archiver does not archive Simulation Caches anymore by default
SiToA is not supported anymore
The Character Geometry files are now returned and set per Geometry Tag in the glmCharacterFileTool command
Geometry properties now include the Geometry Tag in the glmCharacterMaker command
Removed glmGetNavMeshDefaultValue command
Removed glmSpatialRequestCmd command
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.4.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.6X, 3.5X & 3.40.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
Renderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4
Mental Ray 3.13.X
Redshift 2.5.30
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
Guerilla Render 1.4.4
Katana 2.5 and 2.6 with KtoA and above, 2.0.4 and above and RfK 21.X 2.0 & 1.4.X
Also supported (but must be manually installed)
Mtoa 2.0
Redshift 2.0.91-93
GOLAEM (2017/10/02)
Bug Fixes
Fixed Trajectory Edit Layer when selecting multiple entities
Fixed Trajectory Vector Field Layer with Maya 2016 and the Legacy Viewport
Fixed deletion of layers in the Simulation Layout Tool
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.4.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.5X & 3.40.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
Renderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4
Mental Ray 3.13.X
Redshift 2.5.30
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
Guerilla Render 1.4.4
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
- Mtoa 2.0
- Redshift 2.0.91-93
GOLAEM 6.1.2 (2017/09/28)
Support of subdivision in 3Delight
Support of subdivision in Redshift
Support of n-edges faces in V-Ray
Support of quad faces in Redshift
Simulation Cache Library now opens library files in separate tabs
Motion Mapping file in the Entity Type Node
Meshes rendered with V-Ray RenderID now uses V-Ray ID generator
Refresh Geometry button of the Simulation Cache Proxy Node also refreshes the rendering geometry cache
New option to replay bone local orientations from the animation posture instead of the skeleton in the Physicalize Behavior
New option to freeze cloth simulation in the ApexCloth Behavior
New option to drive entities towards targets in the MeshPin Behavior
Full component selection within the Population Tool and the Simulation Cache Proxy Node in Maya 2018
Use Shift key to add / remove Entities to the current selection in the Simulation Cache Proxy Node in Maya 2018
Use 'L' to auto layout selected nodes in the Channel Operator Editor
Grouped layers are deleted when the Group is deleted in the Simulation Layout Tool
Selected layers are deleted when selected in the Simulation Layout Tool
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug when using the Time Offset Layer with a SnapTo Layer in the Simulation Layout Tool
Fixed a bug when using the Edit Bone Layer with a SnapTo Layer in the Simulation Layout Tool
Fixed dynamic speedRatioPP in Motion and SyncMotion Behaviors
Fixed Triangle Mesh mode in the Crowd Rigid Body Node
Fixed display of clothes in Simulation Cache Replay
Fixed a crash when autocomputing the Character Skeleton in the Character Maker
Fixed a crash when exporting gcg Geometry File with a joint-scaled bindpose
Fixed vector expression parsing in ChOp nodes
Fixed a layout bug in the Channel Operator Editor
Fixed External Entity Locator undefined position when in collision with the NavMesh
Vector expressions are consistently displayed in the Channel Operator Editor and the Visual Feedback
Updated icon in the Visual Feedback and the Channel Operator Behavior for the Channel Operator Editor
Rendering type can be fetched in the glmSimulationCacheTool command
glmSpatialRequest command is deprecated
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.4.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.5X & 3.40.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
Renderman Studio 21.3 & 21.4
Mental Ray 3.13.X
Redshift 2.5.30
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX & 12.X
Guerilla Render 1.4.4
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Also supported (but must be manually installed):
- Mtoa 2.0
- Redshift 2.0.91-93
GOLAEM 6.1.1 (2017/09/05)
New Features
Added support for Maya 2018
Improved plugin loading time when a firewall is set
Improved performances when using the SnapTo Layer in the Simulation Layout Tool
New Export Animation Alembic Mode in the Simulation Baker (can be opened as a Point Cache within Houdini)
Connections are now selectable and can be deleted using the DEL Key in the the Channel Operator Editor
Scale in and out with the Alt key is not supported in the Channel Operator Editor
Visual Feedback values are now updated correctly when changing the selected Entity in the Channel Operator Editor
Channel Operator Editor is now consistent when opened multiple times (one instance, nodes at the same positions)
Channel Operator Editor is now refreshed correctly when opening or creating a new scene
Conversion to World Angle now returns an angle between -180 and 180 in the Crowd Chop Converter Node
New Channel this.previousDirection
Added a transparency parameter in the Population Tool Locator
Search field also searches within library item tags in the Simulation Cache Library
Bug Fixes
Fixed Physics shapes edition not saved correctly in the Character Maker
Fixed shading assignment in the VrayGolaem 3dsmax plugin
Fixed SetBone Layer not working correctly when editing the same bone on a second entity in the Simulation Layout Tool
Fixed Time Warp Layer not looping correctly with Geometry Behavior in the Simulation Layout Tool
Fixed inactive Geometry Behavior causing Geometry File not found at rendering time
Fixed Destination Terrain browser in the Simulation Cache Proxy node
Fixed a crash when creating a new scene and using the Channel Operator Editor
Fixed a crash when exiting Maya and using the Trajectory Layer in the Simulation Layout Tool
Fixed a crash when using the PerchOn or MeshPin Behavior in multithread
Fixed a crash when using the Kill Behavior and using callbacks
Fixed a crash when using the Emit Behavior in VP2.0
Fixed Perception not working properly with the External Entity Locator
Fixed missing material and wrong UV when baking FBX Animation and using the Golaem Character Geometry File
Fixed renaming the Simulation Cache Proxy which disabled Layout operations
Fixed a bug when using the Paint Tool when computing tangents and bitangents
Fixed the output directory refresh in the Golaemisator
Fixed Channel this.direction return value
New Shelf icon for the Channel Operator Editor
VrayGolaem 3dsmax plugin now comes along the Maya plugin install directory (in procedurals/3dsmax/)
Removed Channel this.previousOrientation (not used)
- Added a -release flag in the glmCheckLicense command
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 2.0 & 1.4.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.5X & 3.40.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
Renderman Studio 21.3 and 21.4
Mental Ray 3.13.X
Redshift 2.0.91-93 / 2.5.13
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4.4
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
GOLAEM 6.1 (2017/08/01)
Important notice
From this release, Golaem switches to Personal Learning Edition license if no commercial license is found.This behavior can be disabled by setting the GLMCROWD_NO_PLE environment variable to 1
More info on
New Features
New Nodal Editor to build and debug ChannelOperation Behavior graphs
New Golaemisator Tool to convert Maya Characters and Animations in one click
Simulation Cache OutPlug now supports per-bone scale (SnS) in the Simulation Cache Proxy
Faster physics simulation thanks to NVidia PhysX 3.4
GPU acceleration for Rigid Body Collisions (only on Windows) (beta)
Deformable meshes are now handled in the Perch Behavior
Added Target Expression in the LookAt and IK Behaviors
Added norm, dist and rand operations to the ChOp Operation Node
Added a modulo conversion mode in the ChOp Converter Node
Added presets buttons in the ChannelOperator Behavior
PostRender Callbacks now get called by PreRender Callbacks (as sanity checks)
Added a Reverse Order option in the Sort By Distance Sensor Filter
Expressions can now be caster explicitely as Double, Vector, PPAttribute, MEL...
Bug Fixes
Fixed node transformation and terrain adaptation in the 3dsMax plugin
Fixed display when playing mirrored animations in the Motion Behaviors
Fixed the one frame lag with animated meshes in the MeshPin Behavior
Fixed out of frustum computation of Entities in the MeshPin Behavior
Fixed a crash due to multithread access in the MeshPin Behavior
Fixed a crash when setting an up vector almost equal to current up vector in the MeshPin Behavior
Fixed a crash with the AimAt Attributes in the MasterSlave Behavior
Fixed a crash when using the -selection and -transformId flags with an invalid transform Id in the glmHistory command
Fixed Duplicate Layer on duplicated Entities in the Simulation Layout Tool
Fixed Arnold Ass file bake export
Fixed Entities not being simulated when some particles have a 0 lifespan
Fixed Simulation Cache Bake when using Time Offset and Time Warp Layers in the Simulation Layout Tool
Fixed MEL Expression not evaluated correctly in the ChOp Input Node
Fixed MEL Expression not evaluated on first frame in the ChOp Input Node
Fixed Local position and local orientation offsets unit conversion in the Emit Behavior
Fixed Max Distance unit conversion in the PolygonZone Trigger
Fixed PPAttribute Trigger not taking changes into account
Fixed restart of the IK Behavior
Fixed Target Expression initialization in the IK, LookAt, Steer and GoTo Behaviors
Fixed Collision ID not working as expected in the Collision Trigger
Golaem Minidump is now disabled by default for new installations of Golaem
PyQt dependency has been updated to 1.0
New icon for the Replacer Shader Layer in the Simulation Layout Tool
glmExportCharacter and glmExportCharacterGeometry commands now return the path of the exported file
Flags -firstFrame and -lastFrame replaced by -startFrame and -endFrame in glmMayaToSimulationCache command
Flags -entityIds and -duplicate can be used together in the glmHistory command
Flag -entityId set to -1 now returns the list of all Entity Ids in the Simulation Cache in the glmHistory command
New functions glmCreateEntityExclusionList and glmDestroyEntityExclusionList in glm_crowd.h
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 2.0 & 1.4.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.5X & 3.40.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX
Renderman Studio 21.3 and 21.4
Mental Ray 3.13.X
Redshift 2.0.91-93 / 2.5.13
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4.4
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Golaem 6.0.2 (2017/07/10)
New Features
New Override Shader Layer in the Layout Tool
New Channels for Body Orientation axes and Entity Up Vector as input / output
Added mirror operations in the Skeleton Tab of the Character Maker
Traffic Lights status in the Traffic Crossing Locator
Desired Speed and Move Orientation is now updated by the Flock Behavior
Added Body Orientation axes and Entity Up Vector helpers in the viewport
Bug Fixes
Fixed the Time Warp Layer
Fixed Local Servo Physics Mode with Joint Limits not centered in the Physicalize Behavior
Fixed wrong initialization when using emitters in the Channel Operator Behavior
Fixed Roll Bones Mapping in the Character Maker
Fixed ground adaptation in the Traffic Behavior
Fixed mesh transform management in the PerchOn Behavior
Fixed dynamic mesh transform management in the PerchOn Behavior
Fixed a multithreading issue in the Attribute Behavior
Fixed a crash when having overlapping crossings in the Traffic Locator
Fixed a crash when starting a Physicalize Behavior with Entity Emitters
Fixed a crash when using Entity Emitters and the Attribute Behavior
Fixed a crash when rendering Entities with cloth simulation
Fixed a crash in the Alembic Bake Export Per Entity mode
Fixed a crash when using the Visual Feedback and a wrongly configured SetBone Behavior
Fixed Locomotion Behavior not working anymore with Maya Particle Fields
Fixed Create Vector Field button in the GoTo Behavior
Fixed Paint Density button in the Population Tool
Fixed Alembic and FBX Bake Export with prefixed mesh names
Fixed vector evaluation in a MEL function of a Channel
Fixed the World Direction To Body Angle Converter operation
Fixed the World Direction To Move Angle Converter operation
Fixed disabled 'Lock Posture on Stop' in the Physicalize Behavior
Refactored error messages when converting motions in the Character Maker (now display the name of all bones)
Import Motion Options are now in a collapsed menu in the Character Maker
glmMayaToSimulationCacheCmd command has been renamed to glmMayaToSimulationCache
Added a cancel button on progress bars in glmMayaToSimulationCache
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 2.0 & 1.4.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.5X.XX & 3.4X.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.50.XX
Renderman Studio 21.X
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
Redshift 2.0.91-93 / 2.5.13
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4.4
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Golaem 6.0.1 (2017/06/28)
New Features
Added a Freeze On Collided mode in the MasterSlave Behavior (eg sticky arrows)
Added collision support of Apex Cloth Behavior and Crowd Rigid Bodies (max 32 spheres and 32 planes)
Support of non-triangulated geometry in the Character Geometry File (gcg)
Simulation Cache file quantization format attribute in the CrowdManager Node
Improved performances when using a MEL expression in an Input Channel Operator
Conversion Factor can be set for Spine / Limbs / Effector nodes in the Character Maker
New Export Animation In One File Per Entity FBX Mode in the Simulation Exporter
New Export Animation In One File FBX Mode in the Simulation Exporter
Added Expression as Target Mode in the Steer and GoTo Behaviors
Added a Use Kinematic Target option in the Physicalize Behavior
Added a Use Kinematic Target option in the Crowd Rigid Body node
Added multiple Entity Types in the MasterSlave Behavior
Added an AimAt mechanism in the MasterSlave Behavior
Added a XYZ option to constraint position in the MasterSlave Behavior
Added Object ID Pass support for EntityType and Character File
Added Place on Connex Zones parameter in the Population Tool
Added objectCount, objectPos, objectDist, objectId Channels for the ActivateSensor Behavior
Added new target modes in the Steer Behavior
Channels can be used within a MEL expression when using ##channelName##
Population Tool Locators now get a unique ID
Fixed ground adaptation when using "Direct Mode Controlled by Animation" in the Locomotion Behavior
Particles emitted from Population Tool Locators get assigned the Population Tool ID as a PPAttribute (glmPopToolId)
Added statistics parameter in the Terrain Locator (displays navmesh information)
Added drawConnexZones parameter in the TerrainLocator
Ground adaptation can now be disabled for an Entity Type (advanced attributes)
Emit Behavior can now emit particles without Entity Types
Added a vertex limit parameter for Convex Hulls in Crowd Rigid Body
Bug Fixes
Fixed blendshape deformation computation when controlled by a distant bone
Fixed mirror animations looks awkward in some specific cases
Fixed wrong ground adaptation when playing mirror animations
Fixed a crash when baking sparse Simulation Caches in FBX or Alembic
Fixed a crash when using the Emit and Perception Behaviors
Fixed a crash when UVs were not set for all the faces of the face when exporting a Character Geometry file
Fixed a crash when rendering Simulation Caches with Layout operations on missing Entities
Fixed a crash when setting slot count to 0 in the circle Population Tool
Fixed a crash when having two or more CrowdFields and using the Perception
Fixed headAttBank Channel (was not returning the correct heading)
Fixed multiple crashes when using the SnapTo Layer in the Simulation Layout Tool
Fixed precision issue when using the Population Tool and Painted Vector Fields
Fixed jittering and frame lag in the MeshPin Behavior
Fixed limbFootprintPosition channel when ground adaptation is disabled
Fixed load / save PNG buttons in the Paint Tool
Fixed ground adaptation and Layout when using the Renderman plugin
Fixed Behavior Visual Feedback coloring when the Behavior is stopped
Fixed the Force Behavior display
Fixed Rotate Layer flag in the glmHistory command
Fixed Bake Simulation Cache export when Simulation Cache name begins with numbers
Fixed Terrain Locator assignment when using the Paint Tool to paint Population Tool density
New glmMayaToSimulationCacheCmd command to convert maya keyframe animations as Simulation Caches
New glmExportCharacter command to export a CharacterFile
New glmExportCharacterGeometry command to export a Character Geometry File (.gcg)
Added ppVectorAttrValue support in the glmSimulationCacheTool command
Added support for rotation pivot in the Rotate Layer flag of the glmHistory command
Flag conversionFactor of the glmExportMotion command is now of type double 3
glmCrowdSimulationCacheReaderPlugin has been updated to better reflect rendering plugins process
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.4.0 & 1.3.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.40.XX & 3.30.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
Renderman Studio 21.0 & 21.1
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
Redshift 2.0.91-93 / 2.5.13
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4.4
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Golaem 6 (2017/05/02)
New Features
New ChannelOperator Behavior to build your own fuzzy logic mechanism
New Perception system to perceive obstacles and entities
New Traffic Simulation Behaviors
New Emit Behavior
New Kill Behavior
New Accumulator Trigger
New Trajectory Edit layers in the Layout Tool (smoothing, avoidance, vector field...)
Component based edition of slot of the PopulationTool
Render Previz display mode now supports up to 16 shadowing lights (spot, omni, ambient, point or directional)
Render Previz display mode can now be extended via its .GLSL shader
PopulationTool can now be used as an emitter
Added grouping options in the SnapTo Layer of the Layout Tool
Added an option to copy physics properties from a Character File to another in the Character Maker
Added support of Render Stats within the Redshift Render Proxy
Added a MotionID PPAttribute control to the Motion and the SyncMotion Behaviors
Improved interaction between Navigation and Locomotion Behaviors
Improved undo / redo in the Layout Tool
rgbPP PPAttribute is now used as the diffuse color of the displayed Entities
Arnold opaque attribute can now be set per mesh in the Character Maker
GLMCROWD_UNIT environment variable can now be used to set the Crowd Unit within the Manager Node and the NavMesh Tool
Starting duration allows to spread the transform change on time or animation's translation in the SyncMotion Behavior
Syncing a SyncMotion Behavior on another now shares the transform information
Syncing a SyncMotion Behavior on another now makes one owning the animation time information
Max Raycast Distance attribute in the Polygon Zone Trigger
Wind attribute can now be keyframed in the ApexCloth Behavior
Simulation Cache export can be interrupted from the PreCallback (if an error status is returned)
Bug Fixes
Fixed a reproducibility issue when having multiple CrowdFields within Viewport 2.0
Fixed ground adaptation for tunnels, bridges and trenches in the Layout Tool
Fixed a crash when rendering a cache with BlindData and Blendshapes
Fixed a crash when using the Time Offset layer in the Layout Tool
Fixed a crash when using the ApexCloth Behavior with multiple CrowdFields
Fixed a crash when using Goto Behavior with GroupEntityTypes
Fixed a crash when loading a Layout file containing non existing Entity Types references
Fixed a crash when batch exporting motion files using the glmExportMotion command
Fixed a crash when exporting a simulation with an External Entity Locator
Fixed a crash when sharing a SetBone Behavior amongst several EntityTypes
Fixed a crash when syncing a SyncMotion Behavior on a Motion Behavior
Fixed a crash when some nodes where not related to the pelvis node in the Character Maker
Fixed Animation Transition match score and display with cropped Motion Clips
Fixed stopping duration computation in the Flock Behavior
Fixed blending computation in the Steering Behavior
Fixed Apex colliders orientation when created
Fixed invalid placement of slots on a NavMesh within the PopulationTool Locator
Fixed sourcing of Python modules within Maya 2017
Fixed the creation of the SimulationCacheProxy when using the Simulation Baker
Fixed rendering when using the Renderman Render Proxy with Render.exe
Fixed the ObjectId pass within the Redshift Render Proxy
Fixed a bug that disabled ApexCloth simulation on a mesh
Fixed sync duration not taken into account in the SyncMotion Behavior
Fixed a bug allowing multiple connections between two nodes in the Character Maker
Fixed a ghost window appearing in the Character Maker in Maya 2017
Fixed the Connect tool in the Swiss Knife Tool
Most Golaem nodes now get sorted in groups in the Outliner
Most Golaem nodes now get colored in the Outliner
Maya2016 styled flat icons in the Golaem Shelf
Icons in the Golaem Menus
Target icon is back again in the Golaem Shelf
PopulationTools now have a color within the viewport
Consistent units within the plugin (NavMesh Tool and Visual Feedback)
Refactored attributes within the Flock Behavior
Removed Kill Painting mode
Removed Layout Name and Layout Dir from the Simulation Cache Proxy and the Render Proxy
Renamed filters in the Collision Trigger
- Added a glmParticleHandleConnections function to handle connections when a particle system is generated via the PopulationTool
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.4.0 & 1.3.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.40.XX & 3.30.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
Renderman Studio 21.0 & 21.1
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
Redshift 2.0.77-80
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4.4
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)
Golaem (2017/06/09)
New Features
- Added a Freeze On Collided mode in the MasterSlave Behavior (eg sticky arrows)
Added Object ID Pass support for EntityType and Character File
Simulation Cache file quantization format attribute in the CrowdManager Node
Conversion Factor can be set for Spine / Limbs / Effector nodes in the Character Maker
Bug Fixes
Fixed blendshape deformation computation when controlled by a distant bone
Fixed a crash when batch exporting motion files using the glmExportMotion command
Fixed a crash when exporting a simulation with an External Entity Locator
Fixed a crash when rendering Simulation Caches with Layout operations on missing Entities
- Golaem is now compiled with gcc 4.8
- Flag conversionFactor of the glmExportMotion command is now of type double 3
Supported Rendering Engines
Mtoa 1.4.0 & 1.3.X / Arnold Core 4.2.X
V-Ray For Maya 3.50.XX, 3.40.XX & 3.30.XX
V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.30.XX
Renderman Studio 21.0 & 21.1
Mental Ray For Maya (any version)
Redshift 2.0.77-80
3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX
Guerilla Render 1.4.4
Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)